No, it's not just you. My old curve technique doesn't work at all anymore on some Pokemon because of it. I have to almost swipe the screen from bottom to top to throw it far enough.Post patch:
-Maybe it's just me, but they are putting some Pokemon wayyy to fucking far on the field now. I feel like I'm wasting double the balls just trying to reach the damn thing.
Game is making me quit with no report function for suspected botters that are stealing local gyms at night and no functioning tracker, in-app or third party.
Why it doesn't matter. Combat is influenced by latency too much that the maximum miniscule 10% doesn't matter, nevermind attack animation speed is the real decider, and there's no meaning to competitive play. Having one friend help you is infinitely more helpful than grinding for IV to fight alone.
That said I have a perfect IV vaporeon and jolteon.
so with the tracking being removed and the increase in difficulty in catching anything…it's pretty much dead for her.
What are you using to get your IV stats?So my 10km egg just hatched and the IVs are not bad at all.
There were people nearby I heard being kicked from server and being prompted to update app, "what does this mean? Oh.."So text seems worse, Pokemon made even more difficult to catch, GPS issues continue, tracking removed entirely... It's like Niantic decided that the game was too popular and wants to kill it. The new messages about Pokemon breaking free, totally unnecessary. I never should have downloaded this update.
Yeah, pretty much. It's just becoming so blatant that I can't be bothered to play the game anymore. Like I can conquer 3-5 gyms a night in my neighborhood at best, but I'm just getting so suspicious of gyms being lost to no visible or noisy person or car. I even audibly ask if anyone is nearby to quell my suspicions but to no response. Sometimes, it gets so egregious that I would just stand near one gym for ten minutes at a time, and I would constantly clear the same trainer and his Pokemon from the same gym.It should be a priority - these kids having multiple bot accounts taking all 10 spots in gyms are potentially raking in plenty of coins. But I suppose that's less coins earned by us genuine players and more chance we'll pay for them, or ease off the game until it's not a problem :/
What are you using to get your IV stats?
Wow am I glad I just used Pokévision on its last hours to catch new Pokémon. Would be pissed if I had further waited.
rip in peace
They fucked people over with this update. Pokemon escaping multiple balls and fleeing, removing footprints, taking out the trick to catch lower level pokemon with one ball. Really shitty of them to do this. I tried going back to the old version of the app and it seems like they broke something so you can't go back and install the previous version. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the old version and it won't work now.
Is it normal that there's absolutely almost no pokemon around me anymore?
I can only see 1 rattata, in my entire town, wtf
The GO Live map seems to still be working right now
I like how closing loopholes and tricks makes people "fucked over".
They should have fixed their in game tracker before breaking the third party ones.
They should have fixed their in game tracker before breaking the third party ones.
This I would agree with.
True, but now that huge server load is gone from all that tracker site/app scanning (I have no idea what that actually amounts to...), maybe they will be in a position to reimplement their own tracker?
Don't see how things like Pokevision were "ruining" the game, you didn't have to use them. I liked it because it gave you an idea of what was available in your area, and what type of Pokemon typically spawn in certain places.
Don't see how things like Pokevision were "ruining" the game, you didn't have to use them. I liked it because it gave you an idea of what was available in your area, and what type of Pokemon typically spawn in certain places.
Grind is real. Devi probably decided people were leveling up too quickly, getting strong Pokemon too quickly, and getting too many Pokemon quickly.Updated, have only caught a 10cp pidgey since. Wtf.
Never even saw Pokemon like Charizard or Dragonite or Gyrados on Pokevision, still hoping to run into one of them sometime.
Maybe it's just me but curveballs seem way harder to hit now. =(
Okay apparently they broke a bunch of things but at least the game runs a lot smoother on my phone. Like, A LOT. Hopefully the negative stuff won't impact me as much.
I promise you they took battery saver out because half the time the game would be unresponsive once it came back from the black screen. So pretty much the same reason they took away the steps.
What a terrible terrible company, my god. Oh its broken? just take it out!
A) It's broken, let's take it out while we fix it.
B) It's broken, let's leave it broken while we fix it.
You're saying you'd prefer option B? If these features never come back then fair enough, that's pretty shit, but it's a bit early to see that.
Saying that, the battery saver always worked fine for me although I was never particularly convinced it did much to save the battery.