RIP battery save:
still showing for me with the update lol
RIP battery save:
still showing for me with the update lol
Yeah, shit throws fail on purposePretty sure they made some throws fail on purpose. Happened to me tons of times.
Nearby is all relative.They removed the steps sure, but does it at least acurately reflect what Pokemon are nearby? I mean, before the thing showed Pokemon that were blocks and blocks away.
RIP battery save:
Battery saver was flaky as fuck anyway, it would randomly freeze your screen sometimes when you undimmed. I'm sure they removed it until it could be fixed.
Unrelated, but what is this "IV" some of you are talking about?
Nearby is all relative.
The radar has always been broken in that sense for me. You need to restart the app anytime you see something you might be interested in to make sure it actually is nearby.No, I know that. But I meant that they were way beyond the scope of what Nearby used to mean. Like once I drove through downtown and encountered a Charmeleon then I went home and it was still on my radar.
Another broken feature they removed instead of fixing?
Game would regularly freeze for me if it was on.
The radar has always been broken in that sense for me. You need to restart the app anytime you see something you might be interested in to make sure it actually is nearby.
what the..
why :/
I feel like they changed the physics of the curve ball. My 100% curve-ball technique no longer hits and I'm finding I have to lower the angle a bit more for it to land correctly.
That's less Niantic and more 'random is random' to be honest. Heck, I caught Yvetal in Pokemon Y with a normal pokeball (that's a 5.9% chance for those wonderingI get the feeling that the strength of the Pokeball doesn't matter much these days. Niantic has fucked the capture chance so much that you can actually catch the high level ones using normal pokeball (I guess that's their way to get you to buy more pokeballs). It's just a matter of using enough of it and having luck that the pokemon doesn't run off before you catch it. I've had 500cp pokemon breaks out immediately out of a Greatball only ended being captured by normal pokeball since I ran out of the former.![]()
RIP all my Vaporeon gym fighting kings
Whats good still? Snorlax?
Also they really messed up the font on pokemon names on gyms. They're so Pixelated now.
Damn a 744cp Growlith appeared in my house and escaped. I used a berry and masterballs but the curve ball I just kept missing.
Yeah, shit throws fail on purpose
Curveballs help negate wind.
Except after this update my curveballs seem weird, super spinny.
You wishes.
I feel like they changed the physics of the curve ball. My 100% curve-ball technique no longer hits and I'm finding I have to lower the angle a bit more for it to land correctly.
Yeah, shit throws fail on purpose
Curveballs help negate wind.
Except after this update my curveballs seem weird, super spinny.
So Pokemon tracking sites are dead now?
Or just the ones that don't use several accounts to scan?
PTC login is down or something so Pokevision isn't working.
That desktop app still works though.
PTC login is down or something so Pokevision isn't working.
That desktop app still works though.
I don't really know all the battle moves but I've wrecked stone gyms with snorlaxWhat battle nerfs were there? Is Snorlax still a broken piece of shit?
What battle nerfs were there? Is Snorlax still a broken piece of shit?
So Pokemon tracking sites are dead now?
Or just the ones that don't use several accounts to scan?
Literally just 20 minutes ago I scanned to catch a new Pokemon down the block and then scanned again 6 minutes after and got the dreaded "It was fun while it lasted!" message.The nearby one that was created by a poster in this thread is down for goodIt was so useful
So my 10km egg just hatched and the IVs are not bad at all.
The PoGo desktop live map is still working, fortunately, but I feel it's starting to find fewer and fewer Pokemon.
i'm sure he means broken like OP. Snorlax is fine, not that I've ever seen one![]()
Do you mean the second screenshot? I used app called Go Analyzer that OCRs screenshots and calculates the IV efficiency for your mon.How did you get those stats at the bottom if you don't mind me asking?
Also, I don't think the steps were ever accurate for me. It was always showing three steps away even if pokes were popping up next to me.