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Pokémon Go |OT 2| Servers...gotta crash 'em all!

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Went down to Fishermans Wharf today-holy moly. Saw tons of people walking around with cables on their phones attached to batteries in their pocket. Players everywhere! I got so many Magikarps.
I'd love to live in a place like this.


I'm getting more low level pokemon escaping balls. Everyone I've talked to in real life seems to notice the same issue that plays also. They also fixed the trick that let you swipe up at the beginning of the fight to get an easy catch on lower level pokemon. They've changed distances of pokemon, have them attack more, and also changed how curveballs work. They are definitely doing things to make you use more pokeballs, even if you take the escaping out of the equation.

Okay, so aside from more attacks I personally haven't seen any of that. The quick throw thing never worked well for me even for low level pokemon. I'm not catching every pidgey and ratatta I see but I am farming magikarp and nidorans. My catch rates have not changed at all. If anything, I felt like I was catching more stuff with one Pokeball than before.
There's a lot of good about this update. Even the little animations they added to the prestige bar when you win/lose a gym match is much better about giving you feedback on what's actually happening. Presentation-wise, this seems like they wanted to release initially now.

I don't know if it's just my imagination but I feel like the Pokéball has a cleaner design now.

Presentation has very definitely improved, which I feel is being overlooked in all the melee. If this is a hint of the kind of quality-of-life improvements coming with the new features, things will be good.


This game is really, really good at making me invoke the sunk cost fallacy to keep tossing balls at Pokémon I don't need
Well I'm done with this game after getting three balls punched away in a row by a cp100 clefairy. This was after watching it jump up and down three times in quick succession. They're not even gradually killing this game. Most casual players like me will experience that once and nope out.


Had a really great day out for Pokemon. Went out to lunch for my birthday and first Pokemon of the day? Charmander. Only third ever. Was my starting one. So awesome! Then in Bellevue found lots of little things I need for candies. (Like Magikarp.. straight transferred.) But best find of the day was Jynx~ Hadn't seen one of those today so was so stoked when it popped up at one of the many lures around. Was afraid it was going to run like a jerk, but it stuck around through 15 balls and a few berries.

It's fun being excited about all the old Pokemon. And ones that I wouldn't normally care about in-game in Go are exciting and fun. I'm finding I like some different ones than from in-game. Feels awesome.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is anyone else actually happy with the game that Niantic designed and never used 3rd party trackers or the footsteps and is happy the playing field is once again level? I might truly be the only one.
You are Not.

I'd also like to take this moment and thank you for the opportunity to make this pun, I really enjoyed myself.
I'm basically done playing this game "seriously" until they bring the step tracker back in. I'm just not having fun anymore without it. No point hunting Pokemon down. I'll use it on the bus/train, and mercifully there are always lures at my work but I really really miss being able to actually hunt...
I'm basically done playing this game "seriously" until they bring the step tracker back in. I'm just not having fun anymore without it. No point hunting Pokemon down. I'll use it on the bus/train, and mercifully there are always lures at my work but I really really miss being able to actually hunt...

I've temporarily found a way to get
working again.

no guarantees at all, if you start getting issues with errors or "too busy" etc it is just because too many people are using it at one time, and I'll pull it again. (edit: don't trust the E/W bearings I think they are reversed).


I couldn't believe how late I was out tonight and the pokemon tracker I was using was starting to work again. I was chasing after this Bulbasaur and by the time I got there it vanished and only to have this fellow pop up.


I'll say it again but I definitely stumbled upon a Volpix nest



Just hit 22 and about to hit the bed now..
Is anyone else actually happy with the game that Niantic designed and never used 3rd party trackers or the footsteps and is happy the playing field is once again level? I might truly be the only one.

Really, why the hell do you care? Explain it please.

The point of the game is to track Pokémon, not aimlessly wander around until something happens. That's why, from day one, the game had an active tracking feature. Most people are not going to enjoy what's basically a pure RNG with no player interaction other than walking and praying. No on really cares if you don't mind that, because that doesn't suddenly nullify the game literally not working as designed being an issue, nor does it mean people should have to think aimless wandering is a fun gameplay mechanic just because you do.

Furthermore, it doesn't effect you if people are using maps. It's not like it's some instant win button. You still have to rush over to where they are before the time runs out and the practical radius for any map has only ever been so large. It's no different than having a friend in the neighborhood telling you "get over here fast, there's a Dratini!" This nonsense about it making people using the map way more OP than anyone (like showing that Dragonite above) is well, nonsense, because of all this. People have OP Dragonites because they spent a large amount of time at Dratini nests or because they used GPS spoofing, neither of which is relevant here. Especially now that Dratini nests have all been removed (though possibly by accident).

Again of course, you're still free to play however you want.

Look, I get that detailed mapping goes beyond the scope of the game's design and they're not within the spirit. And I'm perfectly fine with mapping sites and apps being blocked. But only when the core functionality they supplant has been restored. It's just 100% wrong to block what many people are using to fix Niantic's own functionality which has gotten progressively more broken since launch, even if the replacement does more. This, more than anything, is why people are upset. If the tracker actually 1) purged despawned and out-of-range Pokémon, 2) reliably found what's in the area, and 3) had functional distance tracking (steps) all as the game was designed to have, you would see a lot less upset people.

Instead of a broken app with the ability for fans to fix it and then some, we now just have a broken app that's missing what is, for the enjoyment of many (if not most gamers), an absolutely crucial feature that is also (by design) a core gameplay mechanic. And of course, all of this with no communication whatsoever from Niantic.

It's awful, and people have a right to be upset right now whether or not you didn't ever use one of the game's most important features. This whole nonsense of "I didn't use it, so fuck you all" is bullshit, and no one really gives a fuck.

Edit: And I know my tone is excessive here in relation to your post, but I'm not referring to you directly, but rather everyone who holds the stance.


I haven't done any battling after the update. Is Vaporean still the meta? I eevolved an 80% Flareon that I hope does well, but his HP is tiny in comparison.


Junior Member
i updated but it still shows foot prints. im perfectly happy btw. never really done the whole ''hunting'' thing. i just walk from lured pokestop to lured pokestop or check it randomly to see of pokemon are around.
Look, I get that detailed mapping goes beyond the scope of the game's design and they're not within the spirit. And I'm perfectly fine with mapping sites and apps being blocked. But only when the core functionality they supplant has been restored. It's just 100% wrong to block what many people are using to fix Niantic's own functionality which has gotten progressively more broken since launch, even if the replacement does more. This, more than anything, is why people are upset. If the tracker actually 1) purged despawned and out-of-range Pokémon, 2) reliably found what's in the area, and 3) had functional distance tracking (steps) all as the game was designed to have, you would see a lot less upset people..

I think with all due respect you and other people upset about them trying to block third party tools are operating in a bit of a perfect universe. We don't actually know what discussions Niantic have had internally nor is it any business as customers, to know them.

The "API" was designed for their app only, not for public use.
The features of the game were clearly not quite thought through in terms of what they could cope with, and they are entirely within their rights to pull any number of features.
Yes this leaves them with egg on their face and a less popular game but it is their business decision to make not the communities decision to make.
They have every right to try to restore the situation they wanted in the first place, which was an API used by their client and by nobody else.

Remember when google maps launched their map API? well it turned out they didn't have any limits to begin with and all kinds of maps were created and sooner or later, google realised they had a problem and they created a new API that had keys, and then limited the keys to a certain number of requests per day, and you had to pay for more requests.

This was pulling a feature - custom maps offered to the public that supported limitless views - and replacing it with on that was very much more restrictive.

I don't see the difference. It is a game. That doesn't mean they owe anyone an explanation or a feature. Especially since the game was/is free to play.

Despite all that, I think Niantic are screwing up. but it is totally within their right to screw up and people shouldn't complain about them screwing up.


Really, why the hell do you care? Explain it please.

The point of the game is to track Pokémon, not aimlessly wander around until something happens. That's why, from day one, the game had an active tracking feature. Most people are not going to enjoy what's basically a pure RNG with no player interaction other than walking and praying. No on really cares if you don't mind that, because that doesn't suddenly nullify the game literally not working as designed being an issue, nor does it mean people should have to think aimless wandering is a fun gameplay mechanic just because you do.

Furthermore, it doesn't effect you if people are using maps. It's not like it's some instant win button. You still have to rush over to where they are before the time runs out and the practical radius for any map has only ever been so large. It's no different than having a friend in the neighborhood telling you "get over here fast, there's a Dratini!" This nonsense about it making people using the map way more OP than anyone (like showing that Dragonite above) is well, nonsense, because of all this. People have OP Dragonites because they spent a large amount of time at Dratini nests or because they used GPS spoofing, neither of which is relevant here. Especially now that Dratini nests have all been removed (though possibly by accident).

Again of course, you're still free to play however you want.

Look, I get that detailed mapping goes beyond the scope of the game's design and they're not within the spirit. And I'm perfectly fine with mapping sites and apps being blocked. But only when the core functionality they supplant has been restored. It's just 100% wrong to block what many people are using to fix Niantic's own functionality which has gotten progressively more broken since launch, even if the replacement does more. This, more than anything, is why people are upset. If the tracker actually 1) purged despawned and out-of-range Pokémon, 2) reliably found what's in the area, and 3) had functional distance tracking (steps) all as the game was designed to have, you would see a lot less upset people.

Instead of a broken app with the ability for fans to fix it and then some, we now just have a broken app that's missing what is, for the enjoyment of many (if not most gamers), an absolutely crucial feature that is also (by design) a core gameplay mechanic. And of course, all of this with no communication whatsoever from Niantic.

It's awful, and people have a right to be upset right now whether or not you didn't ever use one of the game's most important features. This whole nonsense of "I didn't use it, so fuck you all" is bullshit, and no one really gives a fuck.

Edit: And I know my tone is excessive here in relation to your post, but I'm not referring to you directly, but rather everyone who holds the stance.


No one fucking cared about the websites until tracking went to shit. I never used a scanner, website or anything for that matter until they borked the tracking. It basically turned a fun chase down to fuck this game and fuck Niantic's incompetence.


I'm finally jumping into this. I can't get passed the name portion. I'd never thought anyone else in a million years would choose Romancedawn! I even tried DawnofRomance! I must have been through 50 names between yesterday and today and I'm just exhausted. Anyone else new trying to just get a user name?


I'm finally jumping into this. I can't get passed the name portion. I'd never thought anyone else in a million years would choose Romancedawn! I even tried DawnofRomance! I must have been through 50 names between yesterday and today and I'm just exhausted. Anyone else new trying to just get a user name?

Yeah all four of my usual usernames were taken. Had to tack on a number
Heck, even "Steps have been temporarily removed" in the patch notes instead of "removed" could have avoided this hysteria.

There's no reason to believe it's ever coming back, even though it could.

The update to the TOS indicates it's never coming back.

Wait, what?

Please explain.

What part?



remember me
Even when the stops was working it was shit. If they want people to keep playing without pokevision they need something that tells you not only the relative distance, but if you're even heading in the right direction.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Even when the stops was working it was shit. If they want people to keep playing without pokevision they need something that tells you not only the relative distance, but if you're even heading in the right direction.

well it used to tell you if you were going in the right direction by the positioning of the nearby list


Even after the update, I am still constantly getting the no-touch-input bug with power saver on.

With Android 6, any time I:
  • Turn the screen off and back on
  • Bring the phone out of power saver by rotating it
  • Particularly if there is a level up, new pokemon appearing with vibrate, etc. happening

Then there's something like a 70% chance touch input will stop working. The game animates, but you cannot use the menus, you cannot drag, etc. Bizarrely, if I read correctly this bug also happens on the iPhone version. What sort of wrapper are they using that causes the same behavior in both cases?

Also, what sort of weird UI system are they using that causes the pokemon list / pokemon info page to be so laggy? It feels like 15 fps for a mostly text page, and other apps scroll super smoothly with lots of art.


So guys, is there any form of tracking software that still works? PC, mobile, I'll take anything at this point.


Even after the update, I am still constantly getting the no-touch-input bug with power saver on.

Yeah, this happens to me on Android as well. I also occasionally get a bug under similar circumstances where the game will be interactive but fail to load (infinite spinning in the top left).
I'm finally jumping into this. I can't get passed the name portion. I'd never thought anyone else in a million years would choose Romancedawn! I even tried DawnofRomance! I must have been through 50 names between yesterday and today and I'm just exhausted. Anyone else new trying to just get a user name?

Yeah even at launch every crazy stupid name I came up with was already taken apparently. I had to tack on stupid numbers.
Even when the stops was working it was shit. If they want people to keep playing without pokevision they need something that tells you not only the relative distance, but if you're even heading in the right direction.

You could figure out if you were going in the right direction when the steps were working.


Man after the update, the game drains your pokeballs like crazy. You miss completely for no reason all the time, pokemon break free far more often even a shitty 10cp Pidgey, and running went from rare and only by uncommon pokemon to on the reg.

I was down to 50 pokeballs left and decided to walk over to a place nearby with two pokestops side by side and stock up while listening to a podcast and well someone set lures on both of them an an hour later I had zero pokeballs:lol

Caught a Jigglypuff which I needed so not a total waste.

I've also noticed that pokestops give me 3 items 90% of the time and 4 10% instead of anywhere from 2 to like 8.

Making balls useless and harder to comeby won't make me buy them(since they don't fucking work. Why am I gonna pay for something that fails for no damn reason all the time?), It'll make me play less.

I'll just have to make sure to never go below 30 great balls unless I see something I don't have yet.

While the 2 lures were active at the Community centre near by house about 12 cars pulled into the parking lot and only one person got out of the car and sat at the picnic table where myself and a couple other walkers were sitting. Everyone else just sat in their car. Who are these lazy asses driving to pokestops?
I think one of the biggest issues is that Niantic are not communicating at all. If they just told people they were working on fixing the tracker or what was happening, I think most people would cut them some slack. But the complete unwillingness from a company designing a social experience, to actually communicate with their player base is baffling. I think that is probably the main cause of the current backlash.

It's the not knowing if or when footprints and proper in game tracking is coming back that's leaving people frustrated.
(as a personal note, it did make the game more fun too, to know that when a specific pokèmon showed up on the nearby list, you were able to track it down as it was indeed near you.)

L Thammy

Finally got a Pokemon with a CP over 900, and it's a Vaporeon! CP 1200 or so.

Went with a buddy to take down a gym. Someone else kept putting their own Pokemon in after we had defeated it (I don't know how gym botting works, is that what happens?) but we eventually managed it. Some of the most fun I've had with this game so far, wish I could do it more often.


You don't understand how to use it or you don't understand how it finds pokemons? What don't you get exactly?

The first one. Each time I visit the website I get overwhelmed at all the text content and download links that I don't know where to start. And it's pretty clearly not an in-browser tracker - or at least, it doesn't strike me as one.
OK so after having spent a lot of the day figuring out how this dumb patch works, I've come to this conclusion: there is no "placebo effect" the pokemon are definitely escaping like crazy and you will lose a bunch of pokeballs if you just think all pokemon are the same.

but they changed it do there is some new strategy to it. they really want you to pay attention to the color of the circle now, rather than trying to make your ball fall into the circle (which is why I tbink they removed the "nice" bonus). I won't even try to cap a pokemon that won't go below the yellow/green color unless there is something special about said pokemon.

first of try holding a regular pokeballs, if it's a green circle the capture rate is pretty damn easy. if it's yellow, I give a razzberry, and if the circle is still too dark I switch up to the appropriate pokeball. if the circle is still too dark for my taste I won't waste my time and pokeballs I just run away. it's made my day pretty frustration free.

L Thammy

This game is really, really good at making me invoke the sunk cost fallacy to keep tossing balls at Pokémon I don't need

If a Pokemon break my ball once, I always assume it's going to do it again. So I tend to resort to Razz Berries after the first toss.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
i just go the only using 2 balls max on common not needed pokemon route if they dont catch in 2 balls then they can fuck off and i walk away


Niantic really dropped the ball with this one, it'll be interesting to see the affect it has in the long run as far as sustainability of Pokemon Go goes. Reddit are going crazy and the backlash is pretty apparent there, but that's such a small portion of total users that it's hard to tell.


The first one. Each time I visit the website I get overwhelmed at all the text content and download links that I don't know where to start. And it's pretty clearly not an in-browser tracker - or at least, it doesn't strike me as one.

Yeah, that tracker uses Python programming to generate a map. You'll need some understanding of python and/or some time and patience to get it running, as well as having Python 2.7 downloaded. There's a reddit comment that gives a bit more of a step-by-step guide to setting it up: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongod...go_map_visualization_google_maps_view/d5feu2f
It's a better tracker than any online or app-based stuff that I've seen so far, but it might not be worth the time you need to get it working.
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