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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Are there no lakes, rivers, ponds or any sort of water sources in your city? Cause those spawn Magikarps (as well as Slowpokes, Psyducks and even Dratinis) like no tomorrow.

Yes, that's the worst part! We have a huuuge lake on the city wich is one of the biggest in this state and no magikarp ever spawns from there. Only for a week we had a magikarp nest there during the Halloween event but suddenly changed into a useless Jynx nest. It doesn't make sense they removed them since it's supposed to be their natural habitat :( Dratini is also raaaaare as hell I only have 16 candies and I have never hatched a Dratini from an egg either. Don't know what I'm going to do to evolve those two :(

59 magikarp candy here. my heart races when i see one in the wild.

Sameee omfg. Magikarp should be common worldwide as pidgey considering the amount of candy is needed to evolve it.

If it makes you feel better, I don't have any Gyrados either, and I have nowhere near enough Magikarp candy to evolve anything.

I have a Magikarp as my buddy right now because they're that rare for me, and it honestly feels like animal cruelty because it's just endlessly flopping on the ground beside me lol.

Lol! Siiigh, I think I will have to put it as my buddy to walk till the end of the world I guess that's my only option now. :(

Edit: Damn it, top of the page. *hides*


Magikarp used to be ultra common on the east coast but they seem rare again.

I agree with the people criticizing the new nearby system. I LIVE in a city with lots of pokestops, yet it's still dumb because there are many places (like where I live, and where my girlfriend lives) that don't have pokestops right on top of our apartments, yet pokemon still spawn in the area.

So now we won't have more situations where we see a snorlax in the wild or something and go throwing on clothes and racing for the door. If they had just left both systems it would be fine.
I'll dislike the new system until the day it shows me the exact pokestop I can go to to find a Snorlax...

...assuming I make it there on time.


Do you have to power up the base Pokemon to have the most powerful final version? I have a Nidoran and have enough candy to turn it into Nidorino and then Nidoking



I'm back in hell...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Do you have to power up the base Pokemon to have the most powerful final version? I have a Nidoran and have enough candy to turn it into Nidorino and then Nidoking

Always power up the final version, if the moveset is good. You could waste all your stardust to power up Nidoran, only to end up with a Nidoking that has a crappy moveset. The final form + moveset matters. Once that's good, you can power up.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but the new tracker is horrible. My neighborhood, which is completely devoid of Pokestops, is pretty dull but from time to time a rare Pokemon would spawn and I would go find it. Niantic really is making this game harder to enjoy.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
One thing I like about the new tracker: for the first time ever, I get stuff on nearby at home. I never had anything, but since it picks the nearest stop now, at least I can see what spawns there, even if it's just birds and rats.

Ended up with fury cutter and earthquake. Don't know if that's good lol.

Nope, now you can save your candy :p


The Nidos are inferior to Rhydon no matter what sadly. I really hope I can find a Rhyhorn nest somewhere because I hatched my third 15/14/15 Rhyhorn.


I didn't know that the new tracker would completely replace the old one. I thought it would give you a list of Pokestop sightings AND tell you what is nearby. I really don't like that it only shows Pokestops, and not things in my immediate vicinity.

I presume both versions of the tracker were killed because Niantic is so desperate to child-proof and safety-proof the game. Now nobody will wander off into dangerous areas or trespass. People will only be drawn to public locations.
New tracker kinda sucks for me too, as 4 of the 5 Pokestops near my house are within a graveyard that shuts at 6pm. So very frustrating to see Pokemon I want come up and be out of bounds to me.

On the plus side, I finally hatched a Lickitung! Two more left now, Chansey and Lapras.


The new tracker is 'so so' for me as someone who doesn't use any poké maps: I do see some interesting Pokémon at stops that I don't visit often on my usual rounds, so I'll check those out more often, but the nearby feature will be missed.

Also, I hate seeing the same Pokémon (pidgey or so) on 4 or 5 nearby stops sometimes.

Lastly, because of the relatively big images of the locations themselves on the nearby screen, it's a little harder to see which Pokémon are nearby. The icons are less clear to me when glancing.
There is a fearow right outside my front door. All I have in my tracker is "nearby" listings of two pidgey, a ratatta, and a goldeen, at pokestops about a half mile away.
I'll dislike the new system until the day it shows me the exact pokestop I can go to to find a Snorlax...

...assuming I make it there on time.

it happens


just gotta keep in mind they are rare spawns...I play quite a bit or at least check on areas pretty often and have friends in chat rooms that also play that tip me off on certain spawns.


Neo Member
There could be a Lapras around the corner from me at home but I won't know about it as the tracker is only showing Pidgey's and Rats at Pokestops.

At work, decent Pokemon spawn but there's no pokestops around the area, really don't want it showing Pokemon at the closest poke stop which is miles away.


Is there any interesting or useful way to use Ditto? Everybody's celebrating getting one, but I'm not sure what the point is.


I LOVE the new tracker!

I no longer know what's a few hundred feet down my street and only a couple of what's at a pokestop a few streets over. And only a few since it is next to a shopping center that is filled with stuff but none are on my scanner around that stop from my house.

Makarov Cubone

Neo Member
Caught a Dratini yesterday off of a very lucky GPS drift in a concrete building that Nearby wouldn't have even told me was near, but at least it lets me know I'm always surrounded by Rattatas.

I honestly think at this point the game would be a lot better if they completely replaced pre-determined server spawns with a guaranteed random encounter for every 100-200m or so walked, or at least to supplement the current system, and current biome and nest spawntables could still work as long as they're applied; basically make incense a constant passive, and you could keep the monetary value of incenses themselves by making them directly cut down on the distance needed for an encounter. At least that way people would be upset with their RNG luck rather than Niantic's inability to make a tracker that isn't jank.

Hell, if they wanted to improve Nearby they could make it better by reverting the Nearby tab to the Sightings tab so you at least have a chance to triangulate something that isn't spoonfed to you at a Pokestop with Nearby, and just show you a list of what's currently spawned around a Pokestop when you tap on it which would solve two of the problems Nearby currently has, the first being that you can't control what you're shown, and second being that multiple Pokemon at the same Pokestop occupy multiple spots in the Nearby tab. Add some filter options for what does and doesn't show up, and priority tracking so that Sightings is only interrupted whenever something you're actively looking for has shown up at a Pokestop somewhere in your vicinity. But I'm sure they had plenty of ideas to make Nearby better during its months in unaltered beta despite deciding not to implement any before global rollout.

As it stands the game's current encounter design fosters the feeling that you're being cheated for attempting to go it legit instead of joining the rampant cheater horde. Not the best thing to have in your core gameplay loop if you want to keep player retention and engagement high.


Local nest rotated to Kabuto which will boring me to 140/143, yay. Only 12 Dratini candies, a single darn Hitmonlee and a Ditto (100+ pidgeys/rattatas caught and nothing yet...) and I'm done with Gen I :)


It is funny how Ditto at first was said to be so hard to catch, but I'm at a third Ditto caught on the first Pokéball. Pidgey are harder to catch.


SAME! Told everyone at the park about it lol.
Apologies for the off topic, but I have to say I love when people like you share their enthusiasm, pogo related or otherwise.
It just feel great having someone share a moment of excitement and joy with you, without caring what others think.

I need to go to the city to get me some BALLS.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Blank map glitch happened sooo much this week. Had to restart the app more than once in a few occasions.


I found an omanyte nest by my friends' house. When I get out of work today I will go back there and hope I can find a decent omanyte to evolve so I can get an Omastar.

edit - It was actually kinda crazy yesterday, six of them in an hour.


Getting stronger? Does this mean I shouldn't power up pokemon until I hit 30?

What he means is that once you hit level 30, you hit the hard cap for Pokemon levels ups. For example, if a Dragonite got 50cp per level up before lv 30, it now only get 25 after/etc. So essentially it's only really worth it to level up pokemon to lv 30 as the cost is great for little gain. Only really worth going above for the big CP Pokemons, like Dragonite, Rhydon, etc.

The costs grow a lot past lv 30. My Dragonite at lv 31.5 (I'm lv 30). And once I reach lv 31, it will cost 6000 stardust and 6 Dratini candies just to level up once. When it was lv 30.5, it only required 5000 and 4 Dratinis. so it grows big.


Looking for meaning in GAF
What he means is that once you hit level 30, you hit the hard cap for Pokemon levels ups. For example, if a Dragonite got 50cp per level up before lv 30, it now only get 25 after/etc. So essentially it's only really worth it to level up pokemon to lv 30 as the cost is great for little gain. Only really worth going above for the big CP Pokemons, like Dragonite, Rhydon, etc.

The costs grow a lot past lv 30. My Dragonite at lv 31.5 (I'm lv 30). And once I reach lv 31, it will cost 6000 stardust and 6 Dratini candies just to level up once. When it was lv 30.5, it only required 5000 and 4 Dratinis. so it grows big.
So when you say level 30, you mean a pokemon hitting level 30, right? Not your character hitting level 30?
So when you say level 30, you mean a pokemon hitting level 30, right? Not your character hitting level 30?

Yes when the Pokemon are lvl 30. So after you reach level 30 it doesn't really matter if you level up your own character more since it's rather useless to level up your Pokemon beyond 30. At least I leveled up my best ones to 30 and I won't bother going any further with them.
Holy shit, Niantic finally released their SanFran beta tracking system. It's something, I guess...
Although the footprints seem to be a bit deceiving.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Holy shit, Niantic finally released their SanFran beta tracking system. It's something, I guess...
Although the footprints seem to be a bit deceiving.
still in beta technically since some regions still don't have it.

really hope they don't release gen 2 before finishing the rollout.
I'm sitting too fucking fast to use pokestops again. Why do I do this to myself? I've grown to hate this app but it's such a habit that I keep going.


I'm now at 135 caught and 141 seen... while I can walk hundreds of KM for Seel, Shellder and Kabuto, I'm still unlucky to not get Chansey, Aerodatcyl, Lapras and Hitmonlee.

Funny how I got Hitmonchan on the very first day the moment the game is available in my region.

Still I played like an hour of PokeGo daily and I should start farming for Onix candies since there is a nearby nest...
still in beta technically since some regions still don't have it.

really hope they don't release gen 2 before finishing the rollout.

Hopefully they'll finish releasing in other regions, but I doubt Niantic will prioritise the tracking system over gen 2 rollout.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
which regions are still missing?
South America (lol). I think Hawaii doesn't have it yet either, but I'm not sure about everywhere else.

Hopefully they'll finish releasing in other regions, but I doubt Niantic will prioritise the tracking system over gen 2 rollout.
Yeah, it's wishful thinking on my part. I'm mostly resigned to the fact that my region will continue to be an afterthought. Won't even be surprised if we're left out of region exclusives again in gen 2.


Getting stronger? Does this mean I shouldn't power up pokemon until I hit 30?

What he means is that once you hit level 30, you hit the hard cap for Pokemon levels ups.

So when you say level 30, you mean a pokemon hitting level 30, right? Not your character hitting level 30?

Yes when the Pokemon are lvl 30. So after you reach level 30 it doesn't really matter if you level up your own character more since it's rather useless to level up your Pokemon beyond 30. At least I leveled up my best ones to 30 and I won't bother going any further with them.

No, wild Pokémon just have a max level of 30. So once I can encounter level 30 Pokémon, I will never encounter more powerful Pokémon than that in the wild. Which means those are the Pokémon I can really invest in for long evolutions.


My wife caught a lapras randomly while we were driving, her first one. Now she is a pretty happy camper even though it was pretty booty.
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