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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Gen 2 is referenced in the game's code, but they haven't been given any moves yet.

edit - the Starbucks rumor should be taken with a grain of salt, but you never know. I can see kinda see it happening.


I'd love for Gen 2 to get here already.

Also, I'm now randomly checking the pond at work to see if any Dratinis are there. Really sucks that I'm just out of range from knowing if there are any Dratinis around me. I do have 2 Dragonites, so I'm not in much need for more of them quite yet.

Red Fire

Only need 10 more pokemon for my regional gen 1 dex (including missing amount of candies):

Venusaur 86
Charizard 101
Blastoise 30
Sandslash 20
Dugtrio 32
Alakazam 12
Machamp 75
Dodrio 28
Muk 12
Dragonite 52


Unleashing gen 2 before finishing gen 1?

Although I would probably rather have the new wild mons than whatever contrivance they will have come up with to get a Zapdos.
Unleashing gen 2 before finishing gen 1?

Although I would probably rather have the new wild mons than whatever contrivance they will have come up with to get a Zapdos.
It is entirely possible they're not planning in releasing Legendaries at all or maybe they could just release them in the future.

Mewtwo would throw the entire meta out the window.


Thanks for that level increase explanation on the last page, guys! I didn't know any of that. Too bad I reached panic mode and I'm starting to evolve everything I have in hand to complete the Pokédex. Not caring if the Pokémon I'm evolving is weak af. I evolved a shitty Horsea I catched randomly from the time there was a Horsea nest on a park near here the other day. This is my current army to take down gyms:

I have a Victrebeel and a few high IV Vaporeons and Arcanines below that so I'm satisfied with them and I can easily take most gyms with them so I don't have the need to have stronger Pokémon anymore since I'm not obsessed into gyms, that's why I'm evolving everything I have in hand now, hah. I'm still at 122 catch though :( Still a long way to go (and walk...)

I'm sitting too fucking fast to use pokestops again. Why do I do this to myself? I've grown to hate this app but it's such a habit that I keep going.

This game drives me crazy with those things as well I want to throw the phone and delete the app forever but here I am, planning my poke-route for today once I got out of the office.


Ha! My idea of randomly walking by my pond at work paid off. Found a Dratini there. A 91% IV Dratini (13/14/14). It's actually better then my 2 other Dragonites. So I now have a Dratini ready for whenever I have enough to get a new Dragonite.


The Nearby is useful for seeing which things you don't want to catch.

'Oh, that Dratini is on the opposite bank of the river, F-that'.


Neo Member
So basically they want you to play the game where there are lots of Pokestops and pot luck as to what you catch anywhere else. I guess it is a safety implementation.

Niantic have seemed to kill trackers again with captcha bombardments.
Niantic have seemed to kill trackers again with captcha bombardments.

Yup, I was using the desktop map again a few weeks ago when it made a comeback, but the captcha rate went from once every 4 or 5 hours to every 15 to 20 mins. I gave up, it's not worth it.

I have mixed feelings on the new nearby. I'm lucky enough to live within viewing distance of about 8 pokestops, but 7 of the 8 are in a cemetary down the street that doesn't spawn anything better than a Bulbasaur. Nothing good ever spawns at the other spot. So its alerted me to a few ok catches, but I've had Snorlaxes and Dragonites spawn in the opposite direction and would be visible on my sightings list. Now I'll never know what's out there.

For the player base as a whole, it's a net loss if you don't live near a ton of pokestops. Why can't we have both? Show the current system on 1 page, swipe and see the 9 closest sightings on another page like before.
logging in to get the dailies...the fuck is going on.

nothing is loading

great way to celebrate your Game Award Niantic

there better be some fuckin consolation for ruining people's dailies


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
iOS? Relaunch the app again. And again. And again. Eventually it'll work.

Thankfully I only play on iOS device when my Android phone battery runs out. Otherwise, it'd be very annoying.
iOS here, but servers were flat out not responding a little while ago and giving login errors. seems to be back to normal now.


Apart from the obvious Pidgey/Ratata/Zubats/Spearow/Weedle, which Pokemon you are sick of?

So sick of these:

* Goldeen
* Venonat
* Nidoran F
* Polywag
* Staryu
* Magnemite
* Kangaskhan
* Voltorb

Need to see more of:

* Grimer
* Charmander
* Squirtle
* Pikachu
* Diglett
* Omanyte
* Kabuto
* Snorlax
* Lapras
* Abra
* Koffing
* Machop
* Growlithe


At the start of the Thanksgiving event, my girlfriend and I both caught 2 dittos within about an hour.

For the rest of the event, we caught tons of Pokemon including whatever random pidgeys and rattatas we ran across, yet found ZERO additional dittos. Were we just extremely lucky to find them at the start?
At the start of the Thanksgiving event, my girlfriend and I both caught 2 dittos within about an hour.

For the rest of the event, we caught tons of Pokemon including whatever random pidgeys and rattatas we ran across, yet found ZERO additional dittos. Were we just extremely lucky to find them at the start?


Took me about two weeks to find one. I play on average about 5 hours a week of solid PoGo with nothing else to distract me while at the park.


I wonder if Ditto has built in drop rate protection. Like if you catch stuff but don't get it in a while, it'll drop eventually


At the start of the Thanksgiving event, my girlfriend and I both caught 2 dittos within about an hour.

For the rest of the event, we caught tons of Pokemon including whatever random pidgeys and rattatas we ran across, yet found ZERO additional dittos. Were we just extremely lucky to find them at the start?

Yup... I finally got my first yesterday after endless tries....


It's always nice to open your egg inventory and scratch your head because all of a sudden you get one extra 10k egg. It's like "Where did that come from? How come I didn't notice it sooner?"



NOOOOOO :( I was fine with the prestiging method they were using :((( That way gyms rotated several times through the day by the different teams and you always had a chance to take them down by yourself since they were always at lvl 4 max. Now all gyms will saturate to being lvl 10 again and I would not be able to take them down by myself unless I spend all of my revives and potions... only to be kicked out of it in a minute. Sighh...


You can still take down gyms easy too. I'm glad they finally made it better. That and having full sightings and nearby depending on if pokestop nearby.

Also, I keep dreaming that gen 2 was released. Lol
NOOOOOO :( I was fine with the prestiging method they were using :((( That way gyms rotated several times through the day by the different teams and you always had a chance to take them down by yourself since they were always at lvl 4 max. Now all gyms will saturate to being lvl 10 again and I would not be able to take them down by myself unless I spend all of my revives and potions... only to be kicked out of it in a minute. Sighh...
Gyms definitely shouldn't have been rotating several times a day though, and maxing out at 4 means basically no one was leveling gyms, which defeats the point of the entire system. If it's impossible to hold longer than a few hours, it's by definition a broken system.


I hate it! i know there is a Dratini near but i cant track it because the stupid game decides to show me that spearow 1km away :( Also its -15 and im wearing no gloves.
I know how you feel. My work is next to a pond that spawns Dratinis. So unless I randomly walk outside to it, I won't know if there is any or not since there are 5 pokestops quarter mile away.

I did catch one Friday by doing that actually. 91% too!

Makarov Cubone

Neo Member
NOOOOOO :( I was fine with the prestiging method they were using :((( That way gyms rotated several times through the day by the different teams and you always had a chance to take them down by yourself since they were always at lvl 4 max. Now all gyms will saturate to being lvl 10 again and I would not be able to take them down by myself unless I spend all of my revives and potions... only to be kicked out of it in a minute. Sighh...

I prefer a 1:1 ratio like we've got now since it should ultimately favour the team more determined to hold a gym, although there is still some advantage to attacking since you don't have to spend lots of time finetuning a team of attackers at half-CP, and still get a bonus 1000 off the gym for defeating all defenders. The only gyms I've seen above Lv.3 lately have been ones that are positioned on apartment buildings.

Mainly playing in a really competitive area I understand the struggle to get into gyms. What level are you at? If you're close to at least mid-twenties you should be able to start being competitive. I'd recommend finding gyms that are solidly your team's colour and focus on building them up, and hoping that if they're held well enough your team will start to slowly expand in the area. Focus your stardust on building up one good defender with good moves and stats at a time until it's at your level cap. Whenever you level up focus your stardust on levelup maintenance on your previously capped defenders before starting on raising up a new defender or continuing raising up a halfway defender; the goal for your stardust is to avoid spreading it too thin, but to not let it sit useless in a big idle pile. The main goal is to slowly but surely get well positioned in one more, and one more high level gym at a time, rather than at the bottom rung of a lot of low level gyms.

Using this strategy got me to almost 10 daily gyms despite starting out like a month after everybody else in my country, before prestige was capped at 500 per, only shortage being lack of enough strong defenders at the time to reliably round that out. There hasn't really been enough time to tell if this strategy is still as viable at a 1:1 defender prestige ratio as it was with the 2:1 defender prestige ratio, but it probably still should be.
NOOOOOO :( I was fine with the prestiging method they were using :((( That way gyms rotated several times through the day by the different teams and you always had a chance to take them down by yourself since they were always at lvl 4 max. Now all gyms will saturate to being lvl 10 again and I would not be able to take them down by myself unless I spend all of my revives and potions... only to be kicked out of it in a minute. Sighh...

if you're low level it should be hard to take down a level 10 gym. a level 30 guy with at least 6 strong pokemon from powering can easily take them out though. I plow through them and sometimes I have a partner and it gets ridiculously easy nowadays since they made it so easy to take them down. being able to prestige the gyms like how it was a few patches ago ups the team game again. rise and fall of level 10s are fun.


Yeah it depends on the commitment of players. Like, there are a number of nearby gyms that, no matter how high level they get, they always get taken down by the same players. Because they're like: "You're on my turf!" You know? On the other hand, in areas without any high level players, it's rather easy to hold gyms since a lot of casual players get turned off beating a gym full of 2500+ Pokemon. This gym meta is rather interesting to me. As long as I can beat those cheating Mystic bastards...


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
As long as there are spoofers and cheaters I'll always feel lukewarm about gyms. Regardless of prestige changes I'll always try to beat at least one daily for the sake of it though.


the gym changes won't matter to me... even with the last system aside from a little bit at launch the gyms just all moved back to level 10 blue aside from the library which is level 1 red because some asshat is botting it (asshat because of botting, if it wasn't a bot I would be happy it was red)


My habit lately has been get 2 gyms M-F and that gives me 100 coins. And add 100 coins of my own money so I can increase my backpack. For the many faults the game has, I still like it and play it often, and giving a dollar every week (or about 9 bucks to get 8 egg incubators) I think is worth it.

I understand Niantic wants a certain way for people to play (not looking at their phone all the time, look at the 'nearby' and head to a Pokestop, take in the environment) but I still do hope that Sightings will eventually be fixed (as in it has its own seperate tab and we have a decent way to determiner where the Pokemon is and not through triangulation =p)...

Speaking of nearby, this is my experience with it today... a mile away from me a Squirtle was at a park on a Pokestop. I go there with my car and wait for it to spawn... there was also a Staryu and a Venonat, I think. I got those two but the Squirtle never spawned even though the game says he was on that Pokestop. Not to far from there was a Jigglypuff inside a furniture store, but I went there prior to trying to get Squirtle to get another Pokemon (I think it was Poliway), and then a minute later the Jigglypuff spawned there... I didn't want to go there again since I feel like I'm burdening the people who work there. Fak. =p
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