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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Is there a holiday somewhere in the world centered around fire at years end?

to be fair you have open fires and fireplaces during christmas.

and you can always run a it's cold outside so heat things up event :p

the choices of ice pokemon in the game are very poor. you would need more than just ice... or just call it a lapras event like they had in japan. unless... they include articuno as part of the event then they can do an ice event :p


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I can't seem to get it to work. I tried going to my location and clicking the button on bottom, but it does nothing... hmm

Edit: Oh... I see. This only works for pre-selected cities. Damn. Got excited that a tracker like this was up and running..

Yeah this is only for Belgium, it's a local tracker.

Drove out to finally get a Pinsir. It has shit IV, cp and moves but I don't care.

142/143. Catching my final Kabuto tomorrow and then I'm done, for now.
It's great for Attacking a gym. Worst moveset for defending. For Vape, the more slots for the Special the better for Defense. Aqua Tail is ok/better. Water Pulse is the ideal moveset for Defense due to it being spammed by the AI.

OK thanks, found a wild Amazing IV Vaporeon with Hydro Pump for the first time ever, so this will be my attacker, have plenty of others with the good defending moves. :)
to be fair you have open fires and fireplaces during christmas.

and you can always run a it's cold outside so heat things up event :p

the choices of ice pokemon in the game are very poor. you would need more than just ice... or just call it a lapras event like they had in japan. unless... they include articuno as part of the event then they can do an ice event :p

I was thinking they could do Lapras, Snorlax (as a Santa stand in), Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Seel/Dewgong, Shellder/Cloyster and Staryu/Starmie appear more commonly. You've got some rare Pokemon and a nice assortment of water-y Pokemon that would be useful for those who don't really have that much water around.

New Years could be a separate event where Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Pikachu would be more common, or just have them appear more near the end/beginning of the year in general.

Chinese New Year is Jan 28th, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster and there's not really a Chicken-ish Pokemon available yet.
Not sure exactly what they did with the last update, but it was for the worse. Everything around town was all rats and birds this weekend. Hatching eggs has been my only chance to get halfway interesting pokemon (yay, Lickitung!) lately. Only consolation is that I've been idly killing Rattatas around my house since then in the hopes of one being a Ditto...and one was. :p


Just hatched 95% Lickitung......with Lick/Stomp as movesets.

*sobbing* Dear Almighty RNGsus, if you're going to give me a Lickitung at least give me one with Lick/Hyperbeam.


Any event that makes Lapras easier to catch will be more than welcome for me, that's still the one evading me. Only have a handful of candies left to get an Alakazam, after him it's all on Lapras.


I want a tag give me a tag
My Pokemon Go Plus has just arrived in the mail! I've set it up, and am now gettign that pokestop i can reach from my desk at work allll the time.

I'm off to Japan next month, so I'm keen as to get a Farfetch'd.

the games picked up for me recently with the halloween event, last weeks bonus exp.. and nwo the tracking sort of works! good work niantic


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
new year's eve = fireworks = fire pokemon. boom.

I'm still waiting for the new tracker though, so I'm not even thinking about events or gen 2 yet...


It may be bullcrap, it may be not... it most likely is, but dammit... I hope its true.


I would note... new pokemon could easily just be legendaries even if it is legit.

and starbucks would make sense for legendary events since there are a number of them world wide.

it has been assumed for a while that legendary stuff would need a store base for it such as gamestop as it is supposed to be a unique gym that you have to face in order to get the legendary pokemon.

starbucks would work like gamestop would *shrugs*


I need to figure out where the closest Starbucks is, I never go to that shit.

Should've partnered with Chick Fil A, I'd be there every day.


I've been getting lucky with eggs lately. Hatched Lickitung and Chansey, two Pokémon I've never even seen in Sightings.

I mean, snow dude. Christmas is snowy and stuff. Sure, baby Jesus was born with practically a desert around him but...

There are people on the south hemisphere you know!


Is today a Lickitung day or something? I got another Lickitung but this time in the wild. Good IV, shit movesets (Zen Headbutt / Power Whip). And it looks like many people have got it as well.

Lick it, tongue!






1. I wonder if that Starbucks thing will be international
2. If so, do I have to buy that thing to get a new Pokemon?
I would


1. I wonder if that Starbucks thing will be international
2. If so, do I have to buy that thing to get a new Pokemon?
I would
1. It's quite likely it will eventually be international (perhaps for McDonald's too), but I wouldn't expect it to nearly line up with the Gen 2 launch.
2. No, you don't. Trainers will be guilted into buying something, though, at the discretion of the staff.


Can someone explain why people care about Legendaries over another generation of a hundred Pokemon?

It's like opting for the Seinfeld finale over another new season of Seinfeld.


Can someone explain why people care about Legendaries over another generation of a hundred Pokemon?

It's like opting for the Seinfeld finale over another new season of Seinfeld.

No, it is like opting for the final episodes of Season 1 before watching Season 2 of Seinfeld.

People want to fill the original Pokedex before moving on with the next gen.


Can someone explain why people care about Legendaries over another generation of a hundred Pokemon?

It's like opting for the Seinfeld finale over another new season of Seinfeld.

For me it is simple.
Gen II should be released when the base game is more feature complete(Battling and trading). Gen II is like a revival card and Niantic should play it when the base game is good enough so that the people who do come back have a greater chance of sticking around.


Honestly, if it were up to me, I'd have them implement the later gen evolution of the pokemon chains that start in earlier gens anyway. Like, mukrow and sneasel are going to be pretty worthless as it is, but they might be a bit closer to the margin if they implement the gen 4 honchkrow and weavile at the same time. Or, like, onix this gen
Watch them add Gen 2 into the game but not upgrade the players Pokemon inventory. I fear they might even do this. Or only upgrade it like by 100 or so.
Getting a legendary Pokemon by going to Starbucks feels a bit cheap. That's not exactly what I had in mind from that debut trailer with Mewtwo.

I can't imagine they'd just drop Gen 2 out of nowhere, they'll hype it. Or the new Pokemon you can get is a Togapi egg or something.
Getting a legendary Pokemon by going to Starbucks feels a bit cheap. That's not exactly what I had in mind from that debut trailer with Mewtwo.

I can't imagine they'd just drop Gen 2 out of nowhere, they'll hype it. Or the new Pokemon you can get is a Togapi egg or something.
Everything Niantic was doing so far was out of nowhere so I wouldn't be surprised


Has anybody considered maybe they might drop, say, Mr Mime in US Starbucks with this? A limited time promo to get another country's exclusive Pokemon? That makes more sense than a legendary to me, if it really is just 'one' Pokemon, not inside knowledge of a whole new gen release.

EDIT: Wait, I've reread it and it definitely seems more like gen 2 dropping and Starbucks riding the coattails, rather than something exclusive to Starbucks only. But I'd rather be pessimistic.


Has anybody considered maybe they might drop, say, Mr Mime in US Starbucks with this? A limited time promo to get another country's exclusive Pokemon? That makes more sense than a legendary to me, if it really is just 'one' Pokemon, not inside knowledge of a whole new gen release.

This is like the worst case scenario :p


Watch them add Gen 2 into the game but not upgrade the players Pokemon inventory. I fear they might even do this. Or only upgrade it like by 100 or so.

I don't see any reason for them to upgrade a player's pokemon inventory. There is already enough space for you to have a single pokemon of every pokemon from gen 1 and 2. If someone wants more slots they can buy inventory upgrades o.o

I mean it would be nice, but they have absolutely no reason to do so.
For me it is simple.
Gen II should be released when the base game is more feature complete(Battling and trading). Gen II is like a revival card and Niantic should play it when the base game is good enough so that the people who do come back have a greater chance of sticking around.

That logic makes sense to me.

I guess the one thing in favour of releasing more Pokemon soon though is that I (anecdote time) tend to think there's two types of players still: those who care about gyms, and those who don't. And if you're not a gym player, just collector, chances are you'll be past the 100, maybe 120 point - and getting those missing ones are just drying up because they'll almost never be nearby or you need to walk all 100 candies. And at some point you just go 'nah, got as close as I could, that's me done'.

Obviously that could be mitigated by another event/migration that gives you a lot more variety, or increased chance of rarer ones, rather than needing to release another hundred just yet.
I don't see any reason for them to upgrade a player's pokemon inventory. There is already enough space for you to have a single pokemon of every pokemon from gen 1 and 2. If someone wants more slots they can buy inventory upgrades o.o

I mean it would be nice, but they have absolutely no reason to do so.

People would be furious, believe me.


People would be furious, believe me.

they can be furious all they want.
heck people will be furious if gen 2 comes out during winter.
they will be furious if it takes gen 2 until next year to come out.
they will be furious if naintic tells them to have a happy holiday.

people like to be furious and then they quickly get over it when there isn't a real reason to be furious. (most of the time)

if you are one such person who will be furious you might as well get it out of the way now.
they were already quite generous with item and pokemon inventory slots compared to other free to play games. As I said they have no reason to give people more free slots, and will want people to just buy more slots if they really want them.

there really isn't any need for more slots with merely gen 2 anyways. Anyone who wants to have every pokemon rostered likely bought more slots anyways so they could have a competitive roster too, and if they don't care about competitive there is already enough room for all of gen 2 with the stuff they originally gave.
There are people on the south hemisphere you know!

Christmas is in the middle of summer.

I live in Colombia. It never snows here, and I still equate Christmas with snow because westernculture.jpg.

Watch them add Gen 2 into the game but not upgrade the players Pokemon inventory. I fear they might even do this. Or only upgrade it like by 100 or so.
There're 100 extra pokemon in Gen 2.


How can they launch Gen 2 already when they haven't released the legendaries and those damn promised features we've been looking forward since the game was announced: Battling with friends and trading???? Also, I'm still at 122 catched now, if they launch gen 2 it's going to be a mess if they mix gen 1 and gen 2 pokémon... or maybe gen 1 will be totally replaced and since my main goal was to complete the pokédex, then there's no point to me to continue playing if I'm going to have an incomplete pokédex and that sucks because I've been playing literally non-stop since july to achieve just that only so that gen 1 suddenly gets replaced just because.

Maybe if they pull some sort of "non-common pokémon week event" before gen 2 arrives where all of those rare af pokémon of each city starts spawning like crazy just so we can complete the damn gen 1 pokédex... It's nice to dream things :(

Edit: Congrats Creamium! Damn my luck with eggs sucks beyond words. Haven't hatched a new one for the pokédex there in more than a month! :'(


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Made it:

I'm happy because my local situation is pretty dire, so I actually had to hunt quite a bit for the full Pokédex. But hatching eggs helped. Just in time for gen 2 if the rumours are true.
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