Are the contents of eggs determined when you receive them or when you hatch them? Just deciding whether it's worth hatching this 5k now or not...
I have 9 5k eggs at the moment and I'm not spending money on more incubators.
Was really hoping to start seeing new Pokemon sometime today. Might be a few more weeks before I can even hatch anything...
determined when you get them.
They about to sell a million incubators this holiday season
You just got fucking played9 10k eggs got! Now to wait to find out what the Christmas event will bring. Hopefully double candy. So I won't be hatching them quite yet.
Looks like Togepi's evolution is in as well:
You just got fucking played
As did I
They about to sell a million incubators this holiday season
I really hope they don't or we'll be seeing more of this bullshit.
it begins!I just bought 5 incubators
Time to clear room for new 5k eggs then![]()
In the video togepi hatches from a 5km egg.Logically, Pichu, Cleffa and Igglybuff should come from 2k eggs. Togepi from 5k eggs and Elekid, Magby and Tyrogue from 10k eggs.
Who wants Togetic tho?What I posted in the Gaming thread
In the video togepi hatches from a 5km egg.
Lets see where pichu comes from
Congrats, Porygon is wicked hard to find. He was my dead last catch for 143, tracked him down to random shady neighborhood on the way home.
Were you late to work?
I ain't buying new incubators.
I'll just walk more. That will show them!
My Jynx and Magmar still use Jynx Candies and Magmar candies. Either their baby forms are not in the game yet, or candy won't get renamed.
I think this is even better than a Holiday Pikachu lol, my first one too!
I caught it in the wild, was quiet surprised when I found it.Wild caught or evolved? Does holiday Pikachua keep his hat when he evolves?
My Jynx and Magmar still use Jynx Candies and Magmar candies. Either their baby forms are not in the game yet, or candy won't get renamed.