I'm about to buy my first Pokemon Go Currency. I'm planning on getting the smaller box like 20x times and stock up on incubators. I already spent most of the coins I had on the Ultra one since I really wanted some incense.
I believe I now have the most self indulgent, waste of time, energy, stardust as possible pokemon...just one more power up.
Have fun with that Pinsir
I believe I now have the most self indulgent, waste of time, energy, stardust as possible pokemon...just one more power up.
I believe I now have the most self indulgent, waste of time, energy, stardust as possible pokemon...just one more power up.
3 damn Goldeens hatched in the last 24 hours. Increased chances of baby Pokemon from eggs huh?
Watch it have the worst moveset. 😏This thing will be a beast once you'll be able to level it up.
I have an empty egg-sack now, so I'll be pretty bummed if the eggs from here on out are still garbage.
I have never seen a Chansey in the wild or at any gym, the most rare Pokemon. I believe I've seen them all except the exclusives and Chansey.
Eggs are set when you get them though. Doesn't matter where you are when they hatch.
Is it proven in the data mined info?
I'm skeptical since there's been too many times where what I hatch is on my nearby, rare or common pokemon for the area.
Gen 2 > gen 1. Greatest sequel of all timeAbsolutely no desire for Gen 2 Pokemon.
Wondering how long it's gonna take for Gen 1 Birds, Regionals, and Mews to come out. =/
Personally gen 1 is my least favourite so i'm itching for some new mons, at least with gen 2 I can get bellossomAbsolutely no desire for Gen 2 Pokemon.
Wondering how long it's gonna take for Gen 1 Birds, Regionals, and Mews to come out. =/
Personally gen 1 is my least favourite so i'm itching for some new mons, at least with gen 2 I can get bellossom
I'm gonna be waiting a long time for Lilligant and Mawile amn't I? ¬.¬
I just want one as I've never seen it in a gym, wild or on trackers when they worked.Unless it's a lv 40 Chansey, it's a REALLY dumb idea to place it in a gym. So you will unlikely see a Chansey in a gym ever. Cause, it more likely screws over your own team. Since it's low CP (though not as low as it once was), it's a pain of the but to prestiege against.
I've seen it in a gym once (pre-puff), was impossible to presteige against effectively. thus dooming the gym lol
Blissey you will likely see in plenty of gyms though... lol
Eggs are set when you get them though. Doesn't matter where you are when they hatch.
Is Ditto still in this game?
Has anyone caught one recently?
I caught one from a Magikarp on Christmas Eve.
Is Ditto still in this game?
Has anyone caught one recently?
Got my first 10km egg in months! Are babies hatching from 10kms? Would hate to good a Smoochum when I could get a Snorlax.
Also hatched my first Charmander and it's 80%+ IVs. Yay now I can finally get a good Charizard with all the candies I'm gonna get with this event.
Smoochum, Elekid, and Magby replaced their evolved counterparts in 10km eggs. And right now babies are weighted more heavily than normal in eggs obtained through the 3rd.
I caught one today, actually. I wouldn't actively search for it, but don't ignore Rattata and Pidgey. All of my dittos have been from them.
Also I went to the park to get the last 15 or so Squirtle I need to get my Blastoise and no Squirtles spawned in the hour and a half I was there.
Niantic pls.
I hatch a krabby and 2 seconds later, a wild krabby pops up.
2 seconds after that, my sis hatches an igglypuff and there's a jigglypuff on her nearby.
On the way home, I hatch a gastly and there's one on my nearby.
Before setting out, there was a male nidoran down my road. Hatched a male nidoran on the way home. Got my 3ed nidoking with fury cutter...
Eggs are set when you get them... Yeah right.
I hatched my porygon when I was mostly in the middle of nowhere.
Do you guys remember if you hatched your good stuff in a spawn rich area that doesn't normally have that good pokemon or did you hatch them in a spawn scarce area?
Probably saw them in gyms.Is it possible unhatched eggs mark pokemon as seen?
Because I just noticed Cleffa and Elekid are both seen in my dex.
Let's see what my eggs hatch into and find out.
Means my 10km isn't a Snorlax if so![]()
Is it possible unhatched eggs mark pokemon as seen?
Because I just noticed Cleffa and Elekid are both seen in my dex.
Let's see what my eggs hatch into and find out.
Means my 10km isn't a Snorlax if so![]()