We are expecting a nest change tomorrow, right?
Do you have an apple watch? Because ever since I started using that, this same thing started happening to me. Basically I'll get the notification on the watched that an egg hatched. I'll go into the app on my phone and the egg shows '5km/5km', for example, but I have the hatched 'mon in my inventory, and I can get an egg from a stop. Really confusing.
Do you have an apple watch? Because ever since I started using that, this same thing started happening to me. Basically I'll get the notification on the watched that an egg hatched. I'll go into the app on my phone and the egg shows '5km/5km', for example, but I have the hatched 'mon in my inventory, and I can get an egg from a stop. Really confusing.
Go + actually.
I was sick the whole time this starter event was going. The first day where I finally feel better to go out and play is the day the starter event ends.
I like to try not to think about it.
Does Niantic even take a look at their ticket? It feels pointless to keep reporting sometimes.
In a slightly better news, I evolved a Togepi into a Togetic:
Dat movesets though....... it's like a prettier version of Pidgey. :/
I'm in vacation, literally on the ocean, and there are no water Pokémon anywhere. Magnemites everywhere, though, which seems odd
Kind of bored now. Common spawns as far as the eye can see...
I still haven't hatched an Eevee out of a 5km! It's ridiculous.So many Eevees on the nearby.
So many Eevees on the nearby.
I still haven't hatched an Eevee out of a 5km! It's ridiculous.
Yeah I just use my potions to fight obvious (read: mystic) spoofers now.Man, spoofers have overrun this city. I lost 9 gyms yesterday between 0200 and 0600, three of those in enclosed areas. When I went this morning to check them out, they were already high level too, with a lot of shared names out there,
I've spent so many potions I'm halfway through my 1000 item maximum. It doesn't help that apparently most of my teammates are also spoofing and sniping gyms from their couch.
Probably not a good idea to take a swim!
Man, spoofers have overrun this city. I lost 9 gyms yesterday between 0200 and 0600, three of those in enclosed areas. When I went this morning to check them out, they were already high level too, with a lot of shared names out there,
People who get banned don't suddenly get erased from gyms. They just can't interact with gyms or claim coins anymore.
I'm in vacation, literally on the ocean, and there are no water Pokémon anywhere. Magnemites everywhere, though, which seems odd
Really? I thought they'd be. Well, I don't have any other explanations then. It's just weird that they suddenly disappeared like that yesterday.
EDIT: I think Niantic should do that though. Otherwise, what a waste of space and no one else will know. It'll also serves as a deterrent for spoofers.
Use incense
Oh my god
I was training my own pokemon who was alone and when i beat it a valor pokemon showed up. I run from the battle and apparently i trained the valor gym
Oh my god
I was training my own pokemon who was alone and when i beat it a valor pokemon showed up. I run from the battle and apparently i trained the valor gym
Went for a late night hunt last night after meeting some friends and after playing this game since day 1 I finally found my first ever wild Porygon, I was almost shaking when I saw it just sitting there. Used 4 Ultra Balls and it attacked every time I threw the ball. On my last Ultra Ball it calmed down and was captured in one (had used a Razz Berry though).
The grind is real.Road to 40 hit a wall on 34 because I'm out of candies. I hope somewhere turns into a pidgey nest because I really need more fuel.
Went for a late night hunt last night after meeting some friends and after playing this game since day 1 I finally found my first ever wild Porygon, I was almost shaking when I saw it just sitting there. Used 4 Ultra Balls and it attacked every time I threw the ball. On my last Ultra Ball it calmed down and was captured in one (had used a Razz Berry though).
I then made my way home and as I walked through the door I hatched 3 eggs - my second ever Lickitung (I got my first literally a few days ago also from an egg), a 1200 CP Perfect IV Tangela with Solar Beam (Tangrowth when?) and my first Cleffa!
That puts me at 146 caught, just need 8 more buddy candy for Machamp and whole lotta luck for Hitmonlee, Pichu, Elekid and few more Togepi hatches for Togetic! The end is in sight!