Did the update do anything for Android Plus users?
Through some datamining, people found a new icon and what looks to be text indicating you'll be able to transfer Pokemon from GO over to the main games.
Somehow I don't think this will ever happen. Would be amazing though.
Just saw that they changed the "Eh" from the hatching screen back to "Oh". Was fun while it lasted.
Check it's IV too.How do you know which Magikarp is good to evolve? Just the one with the highest CP?
How do you know which Magikarp is good to evolve? Just the one with the highest CP?
Is there a Ditto event on or something? Never got one before, suddenly four in an hour.
I can't believe no one here but me is talking about the OSM stuff. That's the most interesting/worthwhile PoGo related development in a long time!
I checked Dewgong's stats just in case and it's kind of a bad Cloyster. Dewgong's attacking animation is adorable though. Don't make me choose!Are you saying your sad cause you now have a Seel nest? or that you lost a Seel nest?
Looked around, I don't see any credible path for the remaining 13 Pokemon I need right now. So I think I will just keep the daily bonus going and that is it. Even walking isn't worth it when I need so many candy for each one and when all eggs will hatch stuff that I already have. They really need to help people Complete their Dex.
Looked around, I don't see any credible path for the remaining 13 Pokemon I need right now. So I think I will just keep the daily bonus going and that is it. Even walking isn't worth it when I need so many candy for each one and when all eggs will hatch stuff that I already have. They really need to help people Complete their Dex.
What? They were everywhere.Yep, it's getting stale for me too. Starters event didn't even help me much haha, I got like 1 Charmander and 2 Bulbasaur from it.
Dragonite, Machamp, Muk, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Gyriados, Snorlax, Chansey, Farfetched, Kanghaskan, Tauros, Magby and Togetic. And yes, they need to bring out trading or really change the balance of spawns.Which ones do you still need? They should really introduce trading soon. Would help out.
That one at least worked for me . I have two Venosaur, and enough candy for a second Blastoise/Charizard if I find a good base Pokemon.Yep, it's getting stale for me too. Starters event didn't even help me much haha, I got like 1 Charmander and 2 Bulbasaur from it.
What? They were everywhere.
Uhhh. I ended up getting several Charizards, Venusaur and Blastoise. Not to mention 150+ candy each for both. They were everywhere! How you miss out? Lol. :/Yep, it's getting stale for me too. Starters event didn't even help me much haha, I got like 1 Charmander and 2 Bulbasaur from it.
Is it confirmed that OSM is the source of the biome spawns?
It was always a theory that it had something to do with spawns, but it wasn't ever much more than just a hunch until recently. Last month I put up a thread on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/5jv1c4/i_think_i_figured_out_why_pokemon_never_spawned/ talking about how I thought I figured out why no Pokemon ever spawned at my college. On OSM it was marked as a grade school and not a college, and grade schools are supposed to be deadzones. So I updated the tag to "College Grounds". A lot of other people in that thread checked OSM in their area and saw that weird listings their explained weird spawn trends that happened in their area.
Ever since the Korea update, this thread was posted of people reporting that updates they made to OSM made changed in game. Also, we also got the first official confirmation that OSM is being used in some way. They use it in Korea because they can't use Korea's government mapping or whatever. It's not official confirmation that it's being used anywhere outside of Korea, but I think the evidence is pretty heavy that it's being used to some extent in other places.
I think changes will only been seen in game when they update spawn points.
I have an almost 1300CP dragonaire. What will be the CP if I evolve it into a dragonite?
Should be almost 2900CP then
Great, thanks for the info/confirmation. I'm sad I missed this before the nest update yesterday! I'm looking forward to checking the new locations I added locally when the next rotation hits.
i need 3 more for gen 1.
what do i dooo
i feel like just using one of those maps but do they even exist anymore?
By the way, when I say updating spawn points, I'm not referring to nest migrations. I'm talking about when Niantic actually add or remove places where Pokemon can spawn (or alter their spawn algorithm, or whatever they do). There have been a few updates where they've done that and people notice how there are new or removed spawn points in their area. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/search?q=new+spawn+points&restrict_sr=on (Just in case you didn't get that already. I couldn't tell for sure if you were referring to nest "rotation" or not)
i need 3 more for gen 1.
what do i dooo
i feel like just using one of those maps but do they even exist anymore?
I found another 10km egg. Hoarding 5 now.
Must resist the temptation to hatch one of them.
Can be fun to hatch a lot at a time. I have 7 on me currently. Hatching 9 at a time in excitingWhy not just hatch them now?