I'm hatching far too many Sandshrews. Something is wrong.
Hatched 2 Ponyta in a row after I caught about 30 of them in the last weeks due to the nest at University. Sigh
I just want a Togepi
I'm hatching far too many Sandshrews. Something is wrong.
I'm hatching far too many Sandshrews. Something is wrong.
If you're Level 31 (cause you yourself can't be 31.5 lol) your Pokemon can be 32.5.
Your Pokemon can always be 1.5 level higher than you (until Level 38 or 39 or so since 40 is the maximum).
I usually don't level anything above 30. Maybe If I got all leveled up to 30 I will start doing that.
Yeah got one too. Already got all 10km egg babys so I know what it will be *sigh*Oh mystery time. I picked up a 10 km egg. Wondering what it will become.
So no sites that pull your data and immediately show IVs and everything from your Pokémon?I need to make some room now that I'm playing again.
Though be warned, it's a breach of the ToS. I don't think anyone has ever been banned for it, but you technically still could be.
Yeah got one too. Already got all 10km egg babys so I know what it will be *sigh*
I am also having trouble hatching a Togepi. I hear there's a 0.5% chance of getting one from an egg, so one in every 200![]()
Ah OK, cool. Technically I am level 31.5, as I'm halfway to level 32.
I am also having trouble hatching a Togepi. I hear there's a 0.5% chance of getting one from an egg, so one in every 200
Hatched a ton of Tangelas this week, so decided I'd power up my strongest one to hopefully use as a good attacker.
That is definitely not correct. Some Pokemon are rarer than others. Chansey for example is the rarest of the 10km egg group last time I checked.Where did you hear that?
I think the chance of hatching one is the same for every Pokemon. So if I'm not wrong there are 42 Pokemon that can be hatched from 5km eggs which should make the chance of hatching a Togepi around 2.4%
Where did you hear that?
I think the chance of hatching one is the same for every Pokemon. So if I'm not wrong there are 42 Pokemon that can be hatched from 5km eggs which should make the chance of hatching a Togepi around 2.4%
Same.Latest client update crashes whenever I tap to view the trainer info. :/
Up to 190 Ultra Balls, 95 Great Balls. I'm ready if they ever release interesting Pokémon again.
Do a Combat Pollution event! Bring Grimer and Muk in heaps.
They desperately need to do something with Grimer/Muk. Their rarity is absolutely inexplicable. I said it before, but the only thing I can think of is that Niantic dropped their spawn numbers through the floor back when they were crashing certain Android devices and never gave enough shits to raise the numbers back up. Still not a good reason, but I can't think of why else something as fundamentally uninteresting as Grimer/Muk would be so rare worldwide, or why it would be the only non-Dratini/Togepi evolutionary family to not have nests.
It's bad enough that I'll probably never get an Aerodactyl and won't get a Dragonite for another several months of walking without being taunted by fucking Grimer.
Someone is either trolling instinct gyms with throwaway bot accounts or he's gps spoofing to farm potions nonstop. About 10 lvl. 10 instinct gyms are gone in the span of a single day. :lol
I was around and either he leaves it white or at lvl. 1. Glad he got his life priorities straight. I'm guessing it's mystink.
Please don't forget to increase Koffings appearance too!
God, I really hate them. They've been taking our gyms too here. It'd be fine if they do it legitly by going on their own but noooo, they spoof like the scums that they are. >:[
So I am not alone in this.Latest client update crashes whenever I tap to view the trainer info. :/
Latest client update crashes whenever I tap to view the trainer info. :/
When did the price of coins go up? God dang it.
When did the price of coins go up? God dang it.
All App Store prices went up in the U.K. a short bit ago when Apple altered the store's internal currency conversion for the Pound. Blame the Brexit.When did the price of coins go up? God dang it.
All App Store prices went up in the U.K. a short bit ago when Apple altered the store's internal currency conversion for the Pound. Blame the Brexit.
Yeah, looks like Google followed suit shortly after.This is on the Google Play Store. I guess they had to keep parity.
I was just about to ask what people's worst catch fails were, but this might be the winner. Did you travel by car or such when you attempted this? Great throws or excellent throws?Just wasted about 20 pokeballs, 7 super balls, 13 ultra balls and maybe 6 berries on a 220cp rattatat until it fled. How is this even possible? I think my chances of winning the lottery are higher than not catching that fucker.
Just wasted about 20 pokeballs, 7 super balls, 13 ultra balls and maybe 6 berries on a 220cp rattatat until it fled. How is this even possible? I think my chances of winning the lottery are higher than not catching that fucker.
I'm getting higher catch rate for sure. If I get excellent I usually catch it.I'm convinced that I get a lower catch rate with Excellent throws than I do with Great throws. Every time I get an excellent throw they escape.
Anyways... My best guess it was likely a Ditto. Those have a low catch rate (at least feels like it). Really bad luck there.
I'm convinced that I get a lower catch rate with Excellent throws than I do with Great throws. Every time I get an excellent throw they escape.
Just wasted about 20 pokeballs, 7 super balls, 13 ultra balls and maybe 6 berries on a 220cp rattatat until it fled. How is this even possible? I think my chances of winning the lottery are higher than not catching that fucker.