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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Neo Member
Did it always show the name of the person who put a lure on a pokestop? Can't remember.


Ma Buddy

yup, it's just one candy...ad they just go "your Pokémon found a candy" then it resets...lame

Well the buddy system was never meant to replace the normal way of getting candy. Also, you have to consider Dragonite is one of the most powerful pokemon on the 1st gen so yeah.

I wonder what other pokemon require de 5km for one candy.


Just got back from a 10km walk, another 10km egg into a Magmar and when I was doing some clean up I accidentally evolved a bellsprout and then my top tier Eevee evolved into my third Vape. Can't seem to get them to evolve to Jolteon or Flareon anymore.

Getting so hard to track down/evolve these last Pokemon. Some of the 10km rare egg ones and starters I'm not holding out much hope for :/

Ooh wow didn't know update was out. Would have used it. Those are some stingy requirements for candy though. May just just it to get more Lapras candy to beef my homeboy up.


Just got back from a 10km walk, another 10km egg into a Magmar and when I was doing some clean up I accidentally evolved a bellsprout and then my top tier Eevee evolved into my third Vape. Can't seem to get them to evolve to Jolteon or Flareon anymore.

Go for opposite naming, so if you want a Jolteon, name it Pyro or Rainer.

Once the naming trick stops working thats what I do. As if I'm trying for a Jolteon and go with Sparky, the game will almost never give me one, so I name it what I don't want and it seems 50/50 to get the one I do.
Well the buddy system was never meant to replace the normal way of getting candy. Also, you have to consider Dragonite is one of the most powerful pokemon on the 1st gen so yeah.

I wonder what other pokemon require de 5km for one candy.
Replace outright, no, of course not. But that's damn near worthless even as a supplement. I'm level 24 and since day one I've tracked 215.9 km. So best case scenario that's a little over 50 candy a month for me, and that would be mean only buddying up with 2km Pokémon, most of which I would never need to buddy up with. I guess it's nice for rural folks who never get anything, but this might as well not exist for me, and I don't even live in a super dense area with tons of spawns.

Hopefully they at least make distance tracking not total shit at some point. I've walked several times the tracked distance. :|

Edit: Wait, it's 3 km for most stuff? Yeah, this is totally useless lol. Oh well.


Gold Member
Did it always show the name of the person who put a lure on a pokestop? Can't remember.
Yes. Only way to confirm whose turn was for the next lure. And to know which pokestops were in range of player's home/work

Hopefully they at least make distance tracking not total shit at some point. I've walked several times the tracked distance. :|
Considering you can get 3-5km per day just leaving the phone open, with the natural GPS drifting, it's not that bad. I've over 7000km at Ingress, and that's probably 60% of all I've walked with it.


Replace outright, no, of course not. But that's damn near worthless even as a supplement. I'm level 24 and since day one I've tracked 215.9 km. So best case scenario that's a little over 50 candy a month for me, and that would be mean only buddying up with 2km Pokémon, most of which I would never need to buddy up with. I guess it's nice for rural folks who never get anything, but this might as well not exist for me, and I don't even live in a super dense area with tons of spawns.

Hopefully they at least make distance tracking not total shit at some point. I've walked several times the tracked distance. :|

Yeah... it should be 1 candy per KM.

Thats super reasonable.

1 Candy for 3KM? HAH!
out of this many eggs ive only gotten 1 grimer and not a single koffing(found 1 in the wild) so i dont care how long it takes but grinding out the candy is better then nothing at all

So how much would you say you've spent on the game thus far?

I've only just started buying the Google Play Cards recently for the incubators.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
So how much would you say you've spent on the game thus far?

I've only just started buying the Google Play Cards recently for the incubators.

dont do what i have done i am a goddamn maniac ive bought 3 of the $99 packs and a few of the $10 and $20 packs but i always have lures incense and eggs active with every egg in a incubator
dont do what i have done i am a goddamn maniac ive bought 3 of the $99 packs and a few of the $10 and $20 packs but i always have lures incense and eggs active with every egg in a incubator

yeah I've bought three 20 dollar packs already and sorta regret not buying the 40, or just even waiting for 100. lol

I may even trade some old stuff in that I don't use so I don't feel as bad about spending that much xD

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
yeah was why i stopped buying the $10 and $20 packs if i was already willing to spend that might as well go all in and get the $99 packs youll end up saving money in the end


Think it only gave me 1 candy for my buddy Abra. I put my charmander in as my buddy now. Though requires 3k.

We're hiking at Kennesaw mountain and bulbasours everywhere! I now have enough for my Venosaur!


Gold Member
Highlights today were a 1500 Magmar and a 1500 Blastoise (first time I find a third evolution stage pokemon in the wild). Also, gym leader of a L9 one, still 6 alive around. Since they killed most of the cheaters (especially Instinct ones) Valor gyms stay up for longer. Today I trained my 600 squirtle vs a 1100 flareon getting 900 prestige per battle.
Now have my Venosaur! 1709 CP after leveling it up. Caught like 13 bulbasours today.

Grats. There's 'some' Bulbasaurs here, but they're a bit a ways away, so will take me a while.

With Magikarps only being 1km a candy, I may do that for the extra 100 candies I need for Gyrados for my Pokedex.
I saw three new Pokemon on the radar today. Diglett showed up outside of my house, but I didn't walk outside to get him in time. Grimer and Omanyte showed up in another part of town, and I caught both of them.

These are not amazing Pokemon at all, but they are at least new Pokedex entries. I'm at 108 seen/caught, but I'm putting this game down as soon as all of my Lucky Eggs and Incubators are gone. I haven't put any money in, but it's getting to the point where playing for free is not worthwhile.

I will need to be in a city if I want to be able to reliable catch stuff. I'll only be able to get several evolutions by finding them in the wild, because the base forms are extremely hard to find here.


While it's better than nothing maybe it should have been 1km = 1 candy. Or follow the eggs and give a random amount of candy.

Maybe if i knew the tracking wasn't ass I'd be fine with it.


While it's better than nothing maybe it should have been 1km = 1 candy. Or follow the eggs and give a random amount of candy.

Maybe if i knew the tracking wasn't ass I'd be fine with it.

That would have seemed reasonable to me. Or every 1km chance at a candy, ultra, or razz. 3km is a lot for just one candy. I've done 160km since the game started and I consider that a pretty hefty amount. So I would barely have had enough to evolve a Dratini (5km per candy). They clearly don't want people using it for evolutions. I'd be OK using it just to get Snorlax or Lapras candy if it came with some stardust too, but I'm short on that as it is too.


While it's better than nothing maybe it should have been 1km = 1 candy. Or follow the eggs and give a random amount of candy.

Maybe if i knew the tracking wasn't ass I'd be fine with it.


Huge problem is the tracking, I can walk 5K or 10K but good luck getting the game to recognize that.

Nothing worse than going on a long walk and after realizing the game apparently wasn't paying attention. Given the enormous amount of fitness apps and easiness of step counters... this is inexcusable for a game built around walking.
Well they ruined the chance of me ever going back to this game by blocking rooted users. I was planning on going back once battles were in.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Did it always show the name of the person who put a lure on a pokestop? Can't remember.
you could previously see the name of who put it if you tapped on the lure, but outright showing the name like that is new.


I would be cool with 1 candy every 3/5km if they increased the speed limit so I could at least get some while riding my bike to work and back home. That's still exercise (which is what they care about) and I'm not going anywhere nearly as fast as a car, train or whatever. The current limit speed and how bad it is sometimes at registering the distances makes for a bad app even for that kind of stuff :(


A guy on reddit was showing how on a pidgey walk instead of getting just one candy, he got 2.

So perhaps sometimes you will get more than the standard. Would be nice. Also get experience for it?

Anybody here have the updated and tested it out?

Still not live here... (this is what my life has been reduced to, anxiously waiting for game updates? really?)
Probably unlikely, but what if the more you walk with your Pokemon in a row, the better results are over time.

The original update that mentioned the buddy system implied that you might get other rewards besides candy; it would make sense for that to be based on total distance traveled or some other measure of how tight a relationship you have with your buddy (ex. how long that pokemon has been your buddy). It's even possible the current update already has this stuff in it, and we just don't know yet because the update's only been out for a few hours.


Neo Member
A guy on reddit was showing how on a pidgey walk instead of getting just one candy, he got 2.

So perhaps sometimes you will get more than the standard. Would be nice. Also get experience for it?

Anybody here have the updated and tested it out?

Still not live here... (this is what my life has been reduced to, anxiously waiting for game updates? really?)

A guy on reddit was showing how on a magikarp walk he was getting 500xp ;)

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