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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I evolved my 91% Jiggly today and it got Pound and Hyper Beam :eek: Is Wigglytuff also useful for attacking, or more for defending?

Then I finally had enough candy to make my 93% Gengar. It has sucker punch and sludge bomb. So much buildup, so many gastlys... but it's probably useless I guess? Any battle experts that can chime in?
I evolved my 91% Jiggly today and it got Pound and Hyper Beam :eek: Is Wigglytuff also useful for attacking, or more for defending?

Then I finally had enough candy to make my 93% Gengar. It has sucker punch and sludge bomb. So much buildup, so many gastlys... but it's probably useless I guess? Any battle experts that can chime in?

Don't worry about Gengar, it's useless anyway, but Wigglytuff, oh boy, I got mine with pound/hb too and she's totally a gym destroyer: with proper dodging (read: strong fast moves and charge attacks) she can get through 3 Vaporeon around her CPs before needing to heal w/ 1 hyperpotion/max potion.

She can be a good defender too (altough Play Rough is preferable), but her low CPs won't put her high in the gym hierarchy.


I find my Gengar to be quite handy. Only limiting thing is that it's CP sucks. I take down Executors that are 500+ CP over mine easily.
I still prefer bugs like cheap Parasects or Scythers to bring down Exegguttors, that psychic weakness is scary as hell when facing that freaking palm tree.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Thanks guys. btw, I've been using the Plus a few days now and I don't know if others experienced this, but it seems this thing tracks distance way better than having your phone out.

I know my dog walk is around 1,5 km, but with the phone out it usually only tracks like 1km. With the Plus, I always get the full 1,5 km. I was surpised at first, because I know what to expect when I get home, and with my few Plus walks I've been getting more meters. For distance tracking it seems this thing is very accurate. The other functions I'm not too crazy about, but for walks it's pretty awesome.


2500cp? Hot dayum yes thats good. Mine's also 2500 with lick and hyperbeam + 96% IV but I leveled it from 1700cp. Did you really catch that thing?

Yes, with first try.
berry + ultra + curved nice throw
Yes its good but not that good that I would upgrade it since it doesnt have 80% iv or good both skills.
Thanks guys. btw, I've been using the Plus a few days now and I don't know if others experienced this, but it seems this thing tracks distance way better than having your phone out.

I know my dog walk is around 1,5 km, but with the phone out it usually only tracks like 1km. With the Plus, I always get the full 1,5 km. I was surpised at first, because I know what to expect when I get home, and with my few Plus walks I've been getting more meters. For distance tracking it seems this thing is very accurate. The other functions I'm not too crazy about, but for walks it's pretty awesome.

Yup, that's the general consensus as well.
I honestly don't believe in the "The rumor is CP is somehow tied to Dex number" thing that has been going around lately.

If that was ever the case, then all these Eevees I catch everyday should be high IVs, instead of just random. Same would apply to the 300+ Magikarps I likely caught by now.

I've caught enough Bulbasaurs to evolve almost three Venusaurs, and enough Squirtles to evolve almost two Blastoises. I still haven't gotten a Bulbasaur that is 82+ IV's and the only Squirtle or Charmander I've gotten that is 82% IV's were from egg hatches. If there isn't a bug or poor programming, then I'm a statistical anomaly.

On the other hand, I probably have a dozen 82% IV's Eevee and about that many of its evolutions.


Yeah, I now understand it's tied to Attack. Weird.

Though I like my high IV Eevees & Dratinis, I hope they fix it for the starters.
After hatching just one page of 5km eggs, I already think that my 6,400 coin purchase will be worthwhile. The actual 5km eggs were not all great, but three of them were pretty good. They were Ponyta, Rhyhorn, and Exeggcute.

The Ponyta was my first one ever, so I really appreciate the new Pokedex entry. The Rhyhorn hatch was great because it put me to 40 Candies. The Exeggcute was nice, because the candies helped me boost my Exeggutor from 1620 CP to 1953 CP.

The real news is that one of my seven new eggs is already a 10km one. I still need to hit two more PokeStops to fill my egg inventory. So, there is still a possibility to get even one or two more 10kms before any extra hatchings!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Together with Meowth, Ponyta's probably my most common 5km drop. I've never seen it in the wild and I'm halfway to a second Rapidash. Also been getting fem. Nidorans lately

I keep track of what I hatch (should've tracked dupes as well)


I'd love a Machop and some more exeggcutes
Together with Meowth, Ponyta's probably my most common 5km drop. I've never seen it in the wild and I'm halfway to a second Rapidash. Also been getting fem. Nidorans lately

I keep track of what I hatch (should've tracked dupes as well)

I'd love a Machop and some more exeggcutes

Yo is this an app? It'd be nice to check stuff off like that.


Neo Member
So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...


Just got my first koffing from an egg today. More than doubled my candy.

Only ever encountered 1 grimer.

Decided to take down a level 5 Valor gym solo for the heck of it (still in cool down from collecting). It was next to a level 7 Valor gym. The level 7 is too much to solo and I have no IRL friends to help me. I'm not letting high level gyms dominate my area if I can help it!

Hopefully the level 7 won't get any bigger. The lowest is a 37CP caterpie, lol.
Hopefully the level 7 won't get any bigger. The lowest is a 37CP caterpie, lol.

it wasn't put there to be a defender, it was put there so teammates can level up their gym in order put a much stronger pokemon in...try to knock it out if you want the gym leveled up too easy
So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...

Who is reporting that? I caught a Bulbasaur that is in the worst IV bracket today.


What kind of habitat or area do you find them in if you don't mind me asking? Or do you live near a nest?

Low density urban/commercial. My office is in "mid town alley" which used to be an automobile manufacturing area. There are still some furniture makers, but it's mostly advertising/marketing firms now. The pokestops are all about old car makers though.

Still a pretty rare spawn 6/2134.


So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...

May be truth, today I caught my first ever bulbasaur with an attack IV over 0


So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...

Hope so, I hate that all my Tentacool/Sandshrew suck.


Gold Member
A tenth of my pokemon are L1, and finally found a couple that can bubblestrap together, a poliwag with bubble and high HP as defender, and another poliwag with mud shot and high attack. The defender is much stronger, but the attacker is able to attack five times until bubble executes, so they both end up dying but since the fifth mud shot is resolved just a tad faster, it counts as a flawless victory. It's only 500 prestige, though.

For the most part, no potions needed, and revives only when messing up (mostly when hit by lag).


Lots of grimers here, I even caught a wild muk.
Talk about the devil, one just spawned at home. Second I catch, the other was while on the bus some time ago.


It annoys me that Pinsir and Magmar are part of the 10k elites. Worthless trash not worth the eggs they came from. I'd swap them with Porygon and Lickitung. At least they are rarer.


Not sure what kind of voodoo the Pokemon Go plus uses to track while the game is in the background but i like it. Trying to use the game at work is useless as it never seems to track me correctly indoors but using the Plus it works somehow. I Hatched 4 2km eggs while just using the Plus, it also seems to find Pokemon i cant normally see if i open up the game. Highest Pokemon caught so far with plus is a 1009cp Golbat.
I have 13 out of 24 uses left among my eight incubators, and I already have two 10km eggs after the 11 hatchings. It will be a while before I use the rest of them, because I need to hatch four 2km eggs one by one.

I'm continuing on Saturday.
So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...

That would explain the Dratini I just caught with sub-50% IVs and HP as its highest in the 8-12 range. Unfortunate that that gravy train has ended. Good thing I'm well stocked:

Looks like I'm going starter hunting this weekend. That took WAY too long.
So people are reporting that the bug that tied wild/lured pokemon's IVs with their Dex rating has been fixed! This is awesome news. I've got a bulbasaur and squirtle spawner near me, maybe now I can finally get a decent starter. Also, now I wish I went looking for more eevees...
God I hope so. I'm ready to evolve all the way to Charizard bur I'm waiting for a Chaander hatch.


Update to Pokemon Go just popped up on apkmirrors v.39

- Capture location: The location where a Pokémon was caught will now be displayed on their information screen.
- Pokémon GO Plus and Incense: Trainers can attempt to capture Pokémon they encounter from using Incense with the Pokémon GO Plus accessory.
- Minor bug fixes
Now that people are finally going to evolve their starters, I looked at the moves in anticipation of people trying to rationalize their inevitably bad move rolls, and woof, they are going to be BAD.

(Note: I did the comparisons based on move DPS plus STAB if applicable. True DPS, which accounts for the base attack stat of the Pokemon will vary slightly. I also took snips from Silph Road for the moves, which can be misleading in a few ways. I don't think Charizard can actually get Dragon Breath and Blastoise doesn't have multiple Water Guns or Hyrdo Pumps it can possibly roll into)


Charizard is a nightmare, with two quick moves (three according to Silph Road, but I don't think that's actually the case), three charge moves, and one clearly superior set (Wing Attack/Fire Blast). Usually I would argue that it's better for your moves to match type and something like Ember isn't that much (if at all) worse than an off-type move like Wing Attack in practice, but Wing Attack is so much better (over 25%, which itself negates type advantage) and covers so many of the same types that there is no argument to be made, unless you really want to bring up steel or electric types as if they're actually relevant right now.


Blastoise is arguably worse, with its two non-Hydro Pump charge moves dealing only 50-60% of the damage of Hydro Pump. The gap between Bite and Water Gun is also the same as the difference between Wing Attack and Ember (though they have the same attack speed, so it doesn't suffer additionally due to dodge timings).


Venusaur is very forgiving on paper, with relatively minor DPS drops for sub-optimal moves, but in practice, can be just as bad. Razor Leaf's 1450ms animation time means you can only get one attack in between dodges, whereas the already superior Vine Whip can get three. That means in practice, Razor Leaf deals 15 damage per attack volley versus Vine Whip's 21, which equates to a much bigger difference (nearly 30%) than on paper (12.9 DPS vs. 13.5 DPS when spammed without dodging, or a 4.5% difference). On the plus side, if you lag or can only manage 2 Vine Whips between dodges, Razor Leaf is actually better (without factoring in energy generation, because shrugs). Also, while Sludge Bomb has the second highest DPS of Venusaur's three charge moves, it is a Poison move, which means it will usually deal 25% less damage than Petal Blizzard. That said, at least Petal Blizzard isn't quite the drop off from Solar Beam that the other starters' second/third best charge moves are.

Obviously, all of this only pertains to attacking, but the way the game's combat is currently balanced, I honestly don't think the efficacy of defensive moves is worth the discussion other than for discussion's sake. Then again, starters are mostly for aesthetics anyway, since there are pokemon that outperform them that are much easier to obtain, so really, maybe none of it was worth discussing. Oh well. It's going to be asked regardless.
huh charizard has three quick moves? rip

catching great iv dratinis will be annoying now

Silph Road has Dragon Breath as one. I'm not sure if that's actually true, though, since no one else has it listed. That's what I get for only using Silph Road when writing that post (especially since the whole reason I took the deep dive into starter moves is because I was checking Charizard on Silph Road and saw Dragon Breath and thought how awful it was going to be to get a good one).


It is true though that ember is an awful move because of the slow attack animation. I have Lapras with Frost Breath and Ice Shard and it's so much easier to dodge with Frost Breath it's ridiculous. I want all my attacking Pokemon to have quick quick moves now.
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