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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

I went out for a long farming session for the first time in like a month (the attack IV fix was a MUCH bigger deal than the buddy system to me) to try to finally get a good Arcanine.

I was so excited when I caught what I thought was a perfect Growlithe, I evolved it on the spot despite it only being level 9 and FINALLY got Fire Fang/Fire Blast on not only a good IV Arcanine, but a perfect one. Or so I thought.

I soon realized I didn't pay enough attention during the appraisal. I got too excited after being told it was a wonder (Mystic's 82.2%+) and had equal attack, defense, and HP to notice its stats were actually "only" 13-14. I went from one mistake to another by inexplicably thinking 13/13/13 was too low to be 82.2%+ (well, I know why I thought that, but it's dumb), and that I must have had a 14/14/14. I would go on to farm over 100 Growlithe candy and spend over 100,000 stardust to level it to my current max of 29.5 and didn't realize it was actually 13/13/13 until I got home and ran it through a calculator. Yeah, I went overboard, but I had been grinding a LONG time for this guy. He was my THIRTEENTH Arcanine, most of which I evolved from Growlithe I caught in the wild.

In the end, was it worth it? Yes and no. Yes because I'm perfectly happy with 13/13/13 Fire Fang/Fire Blast as my best Arcanine. No because the only reason I evolved him was due to over-excitement leading to a mistake (followed by other mistakes). I actually already had a 13/14/14 level 13 Growlithe and 10/15/15 level 15 Growlithe that I didn't evolve because I felt like I could catch level 20+ with comparable IVs. Powering up was SO expensive. The candy I don't worry about at all, since I've spent like four times as much candy evolving Arcanines with bad moves as I did powering this one up. The dust, however, stings. A lot. Still, I've spent dust on worse things than this guy:

Oh, and as I was leaving, I picked up this:

I may have to send some of their brothers to meat grinder, though:

Any day where two new pokemon crack the top 12 is a good day, I'd say.


New Evolutions

58k from the Lucky Egg spree. Haven't been able to play Pokemon Go for the past week because of gas problems and riots/curfew in Charlotte >_>


I went out for a long farming session for the first time in like a month (the attack IV fix was a MUCH bigger deal than the buddy system to me) to try to finally get a good Arcanine.

I was so excited when I caught what I thought was a perfect Growlithe, I evolved it on the spot despite it only being level 9 and FINALLY got Fire Fang/Fire Blast on not only a good IV Arcanine, but a perfect one. Or so I thought.

I soon realized I didn't pay enough attention during the appraisal. I got too excited after being told it was a wonder (Mystic's 82.2%+) and had equal attack, defense, and HP to notice its stats were actually "only" 13-14. I went from one mistake to another by inexplicably thinking 13/13/13 was too low to be 82.2%+ (well, I know why I thought that, but it's dumb), and that I must have had a 14/14/14. I would go on to farm over 100 Growlithe candy and spend over 100,000 stardust to level it to my current max of 29.5 and didn't realize it was actually 13/13/13 until I got home and ran it through a calculator. Yeah, I went overboard, but I had been grinding a LONG time for this guy. He was my THIRTEENTH Arcanine, most of which I evolved from Growlithe I caught in the wild.

In the end, was it worth it? Yes and no. Yes because I'm perfectly happy with 13/13/13 Fire Fang/Fire Blast as my best Arcanine. No because the only reason I evolved him was due to over-excitement leading to a mistake (followed by other mistakes). I actually already had a 13/14/14 level 13 Growlithe and 10/15/15 level 15 Growlithe that I didn't evolve because I felt like I could catch level 20+ with comparable IVs. Powering up was SO expensive. The candy I don't worry about at all, since I've spent like four times as much candy evolving Arcanines with bad moves as I did powering this one up. The dust, however, stings. A lot. Still, I've spent dust on worse things than this guy:
don't worry man

in a year time every gym will be populated by dragonites and tyranitars just to have a favourable gym position


Right, here are the unofficially documented additions to the game through the patch that have been found so far

Lowered the Settings & Tips icons so they can be pressed when the red error bar is displayed
Altered the animation when powering up a Pokémon
Altered the wait time required between making attacks in gyms (The times when you go to make a charge attack and it doesn't register are gone. It seems it queues them)

You guys notice anything new?

Looks like a little animation after you put an egg into an incubator that I hadn't noticed before.
I still get nada on charged attacks sometimes, where the meter fills and nothing happens. Always on moves that have more than 1 chunk, so it's never happened on Hydro Pump but often happens with flamethrower. Does not queue the attack
I still get nada on charged attacks sometimes, where the meter fills and nothing happens. Always on moves that have more than 1 chunk, so it's never happened on Hydro Pump but often happens with flamethrower. Does not queue the attack

Usually it happens if your pkm has still to complete her/his fast move animation.
Oh wow, I thought my Go Plus wasn't supposed to be out for delivery until next week...but it turns out its out today!


I uh...will probably update the stuff on the front page then. I was kind of hoping to use my own photos and screenshots for stuff .


Rip still no Lapras or Snorlax for me. Nearing level 23 now. >_> Did get a new one, Jinx. Also some more candies for Omanyte, which is very useful. Hope Omastar gets some nice moves. :D


Goal achieved! I now have 6 10k eggs. Still a week left before I leave for Universal studios. So maybe in that time I'll get another.

Also put in a few gyms. So I now have 12. Hopefully by 11 pm tonight I'll still have at least 10 to cash out at the 10 max. That be awesome
I wish I could throw away eggs. Full of 5km's right now. They're long enough to be annoying (2km is gone pretty quickly and may give some Pidgey/Weedle candies for XP evolving) but everything inside them is crap.

I still have no Snorlax and it's making the game really frustrating. I'm walking an Exeggutor right now with the best appraisal response and hoping for a good moveset when I finally get to evolve one.


Any updates, tips, or resources on how to snag a Pokémon Go Plus? I feel as though there are usually threads dedicated to finding them here or on CAG, but it's as if the thing doesn't even exist out of occasional talk in this thread about it.


Since Diglett is pretty rare at my area, I decided to make him my buddy and who knows both my 5km eggs hatched into Digletts.

Niantic please.
I'm in Alexandria outside of DC for work and it's awesome. I've been getting a Grimer every day as well as 4-5 Bulbasaurs a day. Plenty of other rares like Squirtles, Ghastlys, and Tangelas too. Also an infection of Pinsirs. I'm going to go into DC tomorrow and hopefully place Pokemon in cool Gyms like the one at the White House.
Why is Grimer so rare? Ugh I only have 15 candies and getting to 50 will take an eternity. Should have caught that Muk when it appeared near my house.

Red Fire

Right, here are the unofficially documented additions to the game through the patch that have been found so far

Lowered the Settings & Tips icons so they can be pressed when the red error bar is displayed
Altered the animation when powering up a Pokémon
Altered the wait time required between making attacks in gyms (The times when you go to make a charge attack and it doesn't register are gone. It seems it queues them)

You guys notice anything new?

2 things i noticed

- already mentioned by someone else: there is a little animation when you put an egg into an incubator

- when you click on a pokestop, your avatar and other things can still be seen. For example if there is a pokestop right behind the one you clicked on, you will notice it in the background. Or when your avatar is standing right in front of it you will see his head when the camera zooms in on the stop. Sometimes funny to see the derpy face zoomed all the way in, walking slowly in front of the pokestop while you try to spin it.

Anyway i gotta get used to the new gym fights now. For example when i fight with vaporeon, i would tap attack a billion times until he performed 4 water guns and then dodge and repeat. But now when i tap attack a few times the game queues the attacks, so it will then perform like 5 or 6 waterguns, which messes up my dodges. Kinda annoying, it was better before in my opinion.
Got these all in one day.




Not the best movesets for some though. The Nidoqueen is 100%


woah i just hatched a 15/14/15 squirtle

i now have a 14/15/12 bulbasaur, a 14/14/14 charmander, a 15/14/15 squirtle and a 14/15/15 pikachu

please arceus let one of them be good


Since Diglett is pretty rare at my area, I decided to make him my buddy and who knows both my 5km eggs hatched into Digletts.

Niantic please.

Had the same thing happen to me with Drowzee today—just got my sixth candy from the Buddy system and then BAM. 40 candies in two 5k eggs. Wish I'd done Charmander (stuck at 17) or Grimer (at about 26) for all that walking.

But the Hypno puts me at 135, which means there's now only 7—Venusaur, Charmeleon, Charizard, Omastar, Machamp, Kabutops, Muk—remaining? We'll see if I end up hitting 142 or Level 30 first.


Right, here are the unofficially documented additions to the game through the patch that have been found so far

Lowered the Settings & Tips icons so they can be pressed when the red error bar is displayed
Altered the animation when powering up a Pokémon
Altered the wait time required between making attacks in gyms (The times when you go to make a charge attack and it doesn't register are gone. It seems it queues them)

You guys notice anything new?

When I tried to spin a pokestop, I could occasionally get a "Try again later" message and there was no way to spin the pokestop successfully directly after that message. Today (after the update), I got a "Try again later" message, and I was successfully able to spin the pokestop on the 2nd try. For me, that has never been possible before. It might be a bug that has been fixed.
This game is starting to become more trouble than it's worth. I've made statements that mention diminishing returns, but even a tracker can't help me that much in this town.

I found a few interesting spawns, but nothing really amazing. The tough part that is that I have to drive around a lot to get to stuff, and that is taking a toll on my gas. I used to walk a lot more when I played this game, but I need wheels if I want some better Pokemon. The data usage hasn't been much a problem. I think I've been playing this game a lot since July 7, but the total cellular usage says 1 GB.

The special spawns were not even that good today. I caught a 2124 CP Arcanine...with Bad IVs, Bite and Bulldoze! My primary Arcanine is awesome, though. I found a Dragonair. It's pretty bad, but it's a new Pokedex entry for me!

I tracked down a wild Blastoise with 1500ish CP, and it fled after two great Ultra curveballs. I was disappointed, but he probably would have been crap. I have more than enough candy to get it through evolution, but I have still not found a good Squirtle.

Most of the evolved Pokemon I've seen on the Nearby list are Water types that I already have.

What makes today hilarious is that my 5km egg hatches were probably the highlight of the day. I got Abra, Voltorb, Grimer, Tentacool, and my second Ponyta. The Ponyta has perfect IVs! I'm up to three 10km eggs, and I still have 8 out 24 uses among my first set of Incubators. I have 5490 Coins, so I can buy 36 more Incubators with 690 Coins left. Coins will definitely be spent on Lucky Egg after I use my last one. I'm also considering a bag upgrade. My bag size is still 350, and I think I'll be good with 450. I'm a bit tired of having to drop items all the time. I still have no need to hold more than 250 Pokemon. Lure Modules and Incense are worthless.

I'll hit level 28 after I evolve another 70+ batch of Pokemon. I don't spend much time with gyms anymore, but I still try to get 40 or 50 Coins when I'm out. I've held 2 Gyms for three days now, which is nice. There's still too many Mystic gyms, so I probably won't beat my record of 6 Gyms. When I get a few more top tier Pokemon, I will dismantle a few Blue Gyms for fun. I just don't want to use excessive time and resources now.
Man, Snorlax are coming out of the woodwork today (screenshot is of the last 24 hours of data, but they all spawned in a four hour period). It's just too bad this is coming after the IV fix.

yeah it's sad seeing a bunch of snorlax and Dragonites below 10%...glad I got so many of them and eevee before the change. I may go for starter pokemon now though!
Caught a Dratini in my neighborhood today. It's a very rare find considering I've only seen a few downtown. Only 8 more candies until Dragonair!
The location on Pokemon's page sure is weird >__>

I caught a Shellder this morning while jogging around my house, like 3-4km away. And then i checked and it states i caught him in a location 50km from my city :v
Why is Grimer so rare? Ugh I only have 15 candies and getting to 50 will take an eternity. Should have caught that Muk when it appeared near my house.

I just saw my first Grimer around 300CP yesterday and panic and tried to catch it at all mean.
After a berry and an ultraball, the monster gave me a smirk and ran away ;_;

Niantic should really give me the choice to throw rock at Pokemon so they faint to ease my poor soul ;_;


Man, Snorlax are coming out of the woodwork today (screenshot is of the last 24 hours of data, but they all spawned in a four hour period). It's just too bad this is coming after the IV fix.

What app is this? I could use it to see if more Snorlax spawn in the place I found the only one I've seen so far.
What app is this? I could use it to see if more Snorlax spawn in the place I found the only one I've seen so far.

It's the desktop map. - https://github.com/mchristopher/PokemonGo-DesktopMap/releases

It's amazing for scouting nests and also great for setting up a large scan radius at home since you can set notifications for any pokemon. Something good spawns in and you can run out to grab it.

I also use it to check gyms in the area. Drop the marker near a gym and wait for a scan. It will tell you the team that holds it, the level, and exact amount of prestige.
I wonder if Pokemon in gyms should be ordered by when they were placed. That way, it would lessen people just putting their highest CP Pokemon in a gym without thought of if its a good defender or if it's the most effective Pokemon they could put in the gym.

Granted, they also need to balance Pokemon's Attack and Defense values proportional to their stats in the mainline games, as well as figure out a way for speed to be more useful in combat and more of a factor for CP.
Right, here are the unofficially documented additions to the game through the patch that have been found so far

Lowered the Settings & Tips icons so they can be pressed when the red error bar is displayed
Altered the animation when powering up a Pokémon
Altered the wait time required between making attacks in gyms (The times when you go to make a charge attack and it doesn't register are gone. It seems it queues them)

You guys notice anything new?

There's a new animation for putting Pokémon into incubators.
Ugggh, just narrowly missed a Grimer in my neighborhood. When I saw him on the scanner I thought he was at the intersection near the front, but when I got there and re-scanned it turns out he was slightly more north in a wooded area outside the neighborhood. I would have had to walk through someone's yard to get to him so I walked back home empty handed :(

Well almost. I hatched a 10k egg on the way back !

It was Electabuzz. Low kick for his quick move and meh IVs :(
It's like Niantic wants less people to play. Lowering the IVs on hatched Pokemon and the ones in the wild is a stupid decision.


Did that actually happen? I thought all that happened was that they fixed the attack stat of wild Pokémon being partially determined by Dex placement (meaning most wild Pokémon got higher IVs). Did I miss something else?
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