Had some great eggs today, can't complain:
2km: Geodude & Squirtle
5km: Rhyhorn (enough for Rhydon), Nidoran F (not special, but had a bunch of candy, very close to Queen) and Abra (keep trucking for that Kazam)
10km: Scyther (meh) and... Snorlax! Seems like the opposite of the one I already had: meh IV (71), but has CP 1700. Zen headbutt & Body Slam.
I don't know what to do with my 17 candies now. My 95% IV Snorlax only has 1000 cp, so it seems like a waste to start powering that one up. Other one has meh IV. I'll just keep them for now.
Used my Dragonite in battles already and I noticed that even with 73 IV that beast packs quite a punch. Dragon breath hits so fast, the life of most mon drains pretty fast.
Ugh, that's the worst, but I think that's happened to most of us. Of course with a Snorlax it hits harder