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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

Level 10 gyms will be the norm now. This also means you need to team up to take one down, and then to make sure to leave your own level 10 gym right there .


Gyms in my town are always in flux. I trained up some 5-6 level gyms to put mine in. Took an hour to do 4 gyms 1 level each. Placed my mons at or near the top of each. Got them back within a few hours...


I am now 3 Dratinis away from my next Dragonite. I don't have any good 80+ Dratinis of course... So might be a little bit before I can actually get my 2nd Dragontite. At least I'll have some extra candy to level him up.

Also, need more Growlithe candies! Even with hatching 2 Growlithes last week and catching maybe 4 more since then, my Arcanine is only CP 1798. Hell, it just barely became a 3 candy needed for power up level and still not even in my top 12. This will take a while to get to the top. lol


Gyms in my town are always in flux. I trained up some 5-6 level gyms to put mine in. Took an hour to do 4 gyms 1 level each. Placed my mons at or near the top of each. Got them back within a few hours...

level 5 or six gyms are like 10,000 prestige - you can wipe it solo in 4 or so rounds...

level 10 is 50,000 to take it solo takes way to long to be worth it.

I really don't see how more level 10 gyms helps new or casual players at all. If the gym is already level 10 how do you get a spot?

My gameplay now is cruising around looking for a lv 10 gym that someone took down to 9 so I can actually get a guy in.

Looking around my office now in a high traffic area where gyms were always flipping they are all maxed now so I pretty much can't play. Awesome!

I don't think this change was to help new people at all, its to frustrate core players and force them to buy coins. Why should I spend an hour taking down a level 10 enemy gym when I can just pay $.99 for 100 coins? hmmm. fuck off. free to play bullshit strikes again.
Yes, but what about a 2000 cp Vaporeon (these are everywhere) and a player doesn't have anything above 1200 cp? I didn't get my good Grass Pokemon (Victreebel, Vileplume, Venusaur) till I was near lv 20. I was stuck trying to use my Electric Pokemon, and Vaporeon will tank through a Jolteon with ease. Many times I'd get fed up back in the early days cause of how unfair it was that a Vaporeon, even same CP would usually destroy me. I can easily do it now of course, as I got good with dodging. But this will only help.

My issue with the "oh no, this will gridlock gyms", is that a lot of gyms for me have been gridlocked already. This doesn't make more of them, those that spent time on making lv 10 gyms were doing so for months already and will be doing so anyways.

This has been the case in my town. High level gyms l still deter people from attacking. I soloed a level 10 Gym that was like 3 minutes from my house, and I never did that again.

There is a small Instinct stronghold in a part of town, and I've held onto 3 of the gyms each for an entire month. I got into a level 9 Gym three days ago, and I expect that one to last for a long time, too.

I'm pretty blessed, because Instinct doesn't last in other parts of town. Mystic is at least being kept in check in more active areas. In the less stable areas, I swoop in to get my bonus as high as possible.

I'm hoping FPM comes back this Saturday. It would be helpful for tracking down more Dratinis.


The simplest solution might be to rebalance what a lv 10 is. Maybe make a lv 10 gym only be 40k instead of 50k. Would make taking down a gym less time consuming.

Caught this lovely fatty on the way home today. He was 2345 and 80% at time of capture. I had just enough candies to max him for now. Made my day.
Sounds a horrible idea to me, unless you just mean rebalancing the game so that weaknesses and strengths actually mean a damn.

Pokemon differences CP-wise shouldn't be as big as they are. The fact that a Pidgey is less than half as strong as a Dragonite is already absurd, but since rarer pokemon are more along the lines of Pidgey, then it's actually useless to train anything different other than the most famous pokemon.


Hatched another Charmander! That's another 8 candies I don't ened to walk for. Now at 99. Crazy that I now only need 25 candies. Just 75 more km!


Pokemon differences CP-wise shouldn't be as big as they are. The fact that a Pidgey is less than half as strong as a Dragonite is already absurd, but since rarer pokemon are more along the lines of Pidgey, then it's actually useless to train anything different other than the most famous pokemon.

I kind of agree, it's really pretty saddening to spend a shit ton of time evolving that Gengar or Alakazam only to find out they're really not all that viable in the game. I also have a big problem with how powerful the Evee evolutions are, especially Vaporeon of course as it doesn't seem to really be cannon...I can't think of another game where Vaporeon is better stat wise than Blastoise, Poliwrath, and Gyrados. Flareon is probably only second to Arcanine, I'm pretty sure it edges out Charizard stat wise which is also insane.

The simplest solution might be to rebalance what a lv 10 is. Maybe make a lv 10 gym only be 40k instead of 50k. Would make taking down a gym less time consuming.

That would be lame, it's seriously already pretty damn easy, people already constantly complain about how easy it is to take town level 10 gyms...Rebalancing CPs, movesets, and strengths/weaknesses sounds much more intriguing to me.


OK so I finally got a chance to train some gyms at lunch. New system is OK I guess, going to just grind up all my fun low level trainers ;_;

Seems like no point anymore to keeping a good bubble team or a bunch of low level pokemon that can kill a magickarp. Sorry bulbasaur! you are useless now.

I don't quite get the level adjustment? I tried sending a low level team against a vaporeon and he stayed at his CP. Is it based on trainer level?

I also noticed when catching now it displays the pokemon type at the top of the screen briefly, not sure why you need that, would be more useful to see when battling/picking your team.

TLDR: I guess I'm grinding up my low level guys, it was fun to be able to battle with oddball pokemon and not just my attack team but whatever. I just feel like they removed what little skill/fun that was training gyms, now you can use 6 mid tier pokemon and still get 1000 prestige...


That would be lame, it's seriously already pretty damn easy, people already constantly complain about how easy it is to take town level 10 gyms...Rebalancing CPs, movesets, and strengths/weaknesses sounds much more intriguing to me.

They are? Most on here seem to be complaining on how hard it it to take down a lv 10 gym.

I agree though, I'd really like to see a rebalance. Really sick of seeing the same top 5 Pokemon in gyms.


Its not really "hard" it just takes forever by yourself. Fighting the same guys 15 times in a row is mind numbing. If you can get a group together it can be enjoyable but I can only really play on my way to work, at lunch and on the way home.


I am now 3 Dratinis away from my next Dragonite. I don't have any good 80+ Dratinis of course... So might be a little bit before I can actually get my 2nd Dragontite. At least I'll have some extra candy to level him up.

Also, need more Growlithe candies! Even with hatching 2 Growlithes last week and catching maybe 4 more since then, my Arcanine is only CP 1798. Hell, it just barely became a 3 candy needed for power up level and still not even in my top 12. This will take a while to get to the top. lol
How? A lvl. 20 Arcanine is already 1700cp or so.


Its not really "hard" it just takes forever by yourself. Fighting the same guys 15 times in a row is mind numbing. If you can get a group together it can be enjoyable but I can only really play on my way to work, at lunch and on the way home.

Oh yeah. I agree. That's my main issue and why I want a better way for handling opponent gyms. When I say I want it "easier", I'm usually talking about the time aspect of it.

I feel like maybe the Bonus of 1500 you get for defeating every Pokemon should maybe be based on how many Pokemon are there. Like, maybe for a Gym with 10 Pokemon, the bonus should be like 3000 instead of 1500, maybe even more (since defeating all 10 with 6 Pokemon might be hard in of itself.)

So like a 10 Pokemon Gym should be 3000, 7 Pokemon 2500, 5 Pokemon 2000, 3 Pokemon 1500, & 1 or 2 = 1000 bonus.

Something along that line.

How? A lvl. 20 Arcanine is already 1700cp or so.
Mine started at Cp 500ish. lol. Was a very low CP Growlithe (like mid 100s) but 90+ IV. My 3rd evolution, kinda didn't want to wait to see if I got anything better, so I tried that one. Downside is now I got a good one and will take a lot of candy to get it up.

I'm also lv 27, that is why it's not even in my top 12. Soon though.


It's more satisfying to have to pick 6 Pokemon to counter the entire gym than just pick one over and over again though. And that glorious prestige gain of 3000+. Feels good man. Sometimes I overshoot and gain almost two levels. :lol


Do 10k eggs still exist?

I don't believe you if the answer is yes.

I've hatched 12 in the last 2 weeks.

I should note that I was holding onto 7 before that period, and when I began my mass egg hatching, I had all eggs constantly in egg incubators for a week while on Vacation, so was easy to get more 10k eggs
that feeling when a Pokestop 5 houses down evolves into a gym o(^_^)o

the new gym training makes bubblestrat take longer but it's still viable. it's an extra 10 seconds per +950 prestige. opening a slot in a level 8 or 9 gym is a pain though, you're having to make all these crazy calculations and matchups to maximize prestige... I've gotten 4k+ a few times but it tends to get so resource heavy it's dumb


I just want spawns in the College where I work at. No spawns, but a good number of Pokestops...

Niantic, hear my cries. /tears

edit - here's a decent snapshot of the college's Pokestops.



I have a 1000 item bag now. Feels weird to me that I once had and dealt with only 250 limit. Heck, I currently have 444 Great Balls and over 100 Ultra Balls. (My Universal trip doubled both of those instantly basically)
yeah, so the fact that even I start to feel the pinch in the wallet should say something about the training. going on pokestop spinning sprees ain't that fun

I have the same, and Agreed. lol

I have a 1000 item bag now. Feels weird to me that I once had and dealt with only 250 limit. Heck, I currently have 444 Great Balls and over 100 Ultra Balls. (My Universal trip doubled both of those instantly basically)

I had nearly 500 great balls myself until I realized that was crazy and could use the extra spots for more revives and hyper/full potions for Gyms xD


I have to wonder if Niantic ever wanted the game to get as big as it did. They still haven't fixed the searching functionality which should be a priority.
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