Pokémon Gold & Pokemon Silver Virtual Console |OT| The Nostalgia Is Crystal Clear

Yeah I know. I mentioned that in my post.

No one on the team I'm making can learn any sleep moves or moves that cause freeze unfortunately.

Freeze isn't very useful for capturing in gen 1/2 since it's rate is so low and freezing moves are fairly powerful. So its only really useful for legends (freezing Mewtwo is great).

Sleep is definitely the way to go, especially if you can get Spore and False Swipe.


Somewhat off-topic but I received an e-mail from Nintendo weeks after purchasing a code from Amazon:

Thank you for your recent purchase of Pokémon Gold Version or Pokémon Silver Version.

Your purchase comes with a Nintendo 3DS HOME Menu theme and qualified you to unlock the Mythical Pokémon Celebi in the Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun, or Pokémon Ultra Moon games. To access this bonus content, please follow the steps below:

Log in to your device and visit Nintendo eShop.
Select Settings/Other from the left side of the screen.
Under History, select Account Activity. The bonus codes are located on the game receipt.

Thank you for your purchase. We hope you enjoy playing Pokémon Gold Version or Pokémon Silver Version

So it seems you should receive a Celebii code even if you purchased Gold/Silver through Amazon rather than the eShop.
Out of curiosity, what did you do for the Espeon and Umbreon? Did you clone the Eevee from Bill or did you breed new ones?

I bred new ones for that initial friendship boost. Breeding is such a hassle in this game that I wonder if it was even worth it though. But I also wanted to evolve it as early as possible, so it meant raising friendship was difficult. I did make high-friendship clones along the way though in case I messed up. And I did once I found out Shadow Ball, being Ghost, is Physical for some reason and Bite really is actually better on Espeon. Man, this game.
I bred new ones for that initial friendship boost. Breeding is such a hassle in this game that I wonder if it was even worth it though. But I also wanted to evolve it as early as possible, so it meant raising friendship was difficult. I did make high-friendship clones along the way though in case I messed up. And I did once I found out Shadow Ball, being Ghost, is Physical for some reason and Bite really is actually better on Espeon. Man, this game.

Ghost is Phys because the only Gen 1 Ghost type move that used stats was Lick.

But a lot of the early gen type Atk / Sp Atk splits are just arbitrary (Dark moves as special is fairly nonsense given how rare special seeking Dark moves and Special Atk focuses Dark Pokemon were)..
Man, I've been on a roll tonight. Getting my dream team mid game slowed by progress, but afterwards, I was able to just mow through everything. Beat Price and saved the radio tower yesterday. Tonight, I went through Ice Path, beat Clair, Victory Road, Pokemon League, now I'm in Vermillion in Surge's gym.

It's no longer just nostalgia carrying this for me, this game just flows well.

Unfortunately, I after I got rid of Lantern (weak as fuck), I did have to fill in that 6th slot and of course got the Dratini from the game corner, so leveling that up is slowing me down a bit, but it hasn't been too bad yet, level 10 to 24 in one night. Dragonair is when I'm truly gonna hate it.

It's 2am, I'm sleepy, I have work in 7 hours, but I'm in motherfucking Kanto enjoying myself. 9 year old me would be proud.


Ghost is Phys because the only Gen 1 Ghost type move that used stats was Lick.

But a lot of the early gen type Atk / Sp Atk splits are just arbitrary (Dark moves as special is fairly nonsense given how rare special seeking Dark moves and Special Atk focuses Dark Pokemon were)..

The weirdest thing about ghost being physical is that no Pokémon could make good use of ghost stab until Banette. Never mind that Shadow Ball still lowered Sp. Defense for some reason.
Been awhile but finally making progress!!

Version: Silver
Badges: 11
Pokemon Dead: 18
Pokemon Owned: 73 (This includes evolutions)
Time played: 75:39

Current Party:
Girafarig (Freed) Level 49
Donphan (Karna) Level 45
Magneton (Volt) Level 41
Starmie (Sloak) Level 44 *NEWLY EVOLVED!!*
Crobat (Ila) Level 46 *NEWLY EVOLVED!!*
Snorlax (Numbies) Level 50 *NEW!*

Pokemon in the bank:
Togepi (Eggberta)
Eevee (Debbie)
Exeggcute (Jellina)
Koffing (Teddie)
Sudowoodo (Rocktree)
Shuckle (SHUCKIE the gift Pokemon, I'll rename it if I can)
Poliwag (Tassi)
Krabby (Murky)
Tentacruel (Kist)
Corsola (Korin)
Chinchou (Tater)
Electrode (Sploading)
Golbat (Ila)
Seaking (Docendack)
Ditto (Copycat)
Bellsprout (Alba)
Venomoth (Spree)
Nidorino (Regulas)
Nidorina (Regulass)
Muk (Puddin)
Raticate (Triss)
Farfetch'd (Dumass)
Slugma (Sparky) *NEW!*
Hoothoot (Owlboy) *NEW!*
Diglett (Martin) *NEW!*

Fallen Pokemon:
Beedrill (Stabi) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Zubat (Sreek) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Pidgeotto (Coco) Died to Machoke (Rock Slide)
Furret (Tren) Died to Poliwrath (Dynamic Punch)
Tentacool (Quotaro) Released due to catching its evolution
Magickarp (Sacrif) Released due to catching its evolution
Kadabra (Vera) Died to Graverler (Selfdestruct)
Graverler (Dudebro) Died to Steelix (Iron Tail)
Paras (Vivina) Died to Piloswine (Icy Wind)
Gyarados (Rashred) Died to Wobbuffet (Mirror Coat)
Gastly (Wizwick) Died to Kingdra (Dragonbreath)
Fearow (Luggins) Died to Pikachu (yes really) (Thunder)
Dodrio (Triface) Died to Machamp (Rock Slide)
Meganium (Stassi) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Ampharos (Tsuyana) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Slowpoke (Estra) Died to Houndoom (Flamethrower)
Machoke (Chopper) Died to Aerodactyl (Wing Attack)
Gloom (Zonni) Died to Graverler (Magnitude 10)
Xatu (Xed) Died to Fearow (Pursuit when switching out)
Ninetails (Kyubi) Died to Weezing (Self destruct crit)
Grimer (Sluggie) released due to catching its evolution

Progress Update: Okay so the team you see is pretty much my final team. Anyone who dies from this point I'm not going to grind a replacement I'm just going to move forward with some sacrifices from the boxes. Its been a looooot of grinding to get Crobat evolved and get Starmie up to par. Got as good of a moveset for each of them as I could get so pretty happy about that.

Progressing through the Gym's now, got Thunder, Grass, and Poison done already and I've already made my way around most of the map at this point up to Pallet town so at this point I only have Cinnabar and whats east of there left that I haven't touched. Doesn't actually give me good opportunities of catching new Pokemon but as I said I'm pretty much sticking with this as my final team just have no fucking idea how I'm going to be able to take out Red when even by the time I get all the Gym's done I'm going to be at level 50's and I think Red's Pokemon are in the 70s but we'll see I guess.

Next update will be once I've done all the gyms and are heading towards mount Silver unless I wipe before then but I think I'm in pretty good shape for everything BESIDES Red at this point.
The weirdest thing about ghost being physical is that no Pokémon could make good use of ghost stab until Banette. Never mind that Shadow Ball still lowered Sp. Defense for some reason.

This is the part that threw me off. It makes no sense. I think someone has mentioned it before, but it would have made more sense for Ghost to be Special and Dark to be Physical pre-split. That means Gengar has no good STAB moves bizarrely. I still kept Shadow Ball on Umbreon because then if I can get Special Defense down, it makes his Feint Attack stronger. Weird strategies, but it works.


A month after release and playing here and there (after 15 hours) i'm at the Johto League. The nostalgia has been so real this game, Ecruteak was always my favorite and getting there was just pure 10 year old feels.

Elite 4 team (no HM slaves)
Feraligatr - 36
Alakazam - 45
Machamp - 37
Ho-Oh - 40 (caught on ultra ball #5 with paralysis which apparently doesn't affect catch rates????)
Seadra - 39
Ditto - 63 (lol from Red)

Really wish i could just grind more, but i wanna get to Kanto.


won with 3 hp with ditto doing outrage. God damn those 3 dragonites were rough.


It's been lovely talking with everyone about the VC re-releases; I don't know if anyone's gonna stick around, but I just wanted to let you guys know how fun it's been. These games were my childhood, and getting to meet and chat with others about them has been the best!
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