Good guide on how to catch those doggos:

While that's a wonderful guide and would be super helpful I couldn't tolerate the tedium. And since I had already cloned for starters I went ahead and just cloned my masterball too. That certainly simplified things. I'd feel more guilty if this was even close to the first time running through these games.
But hey, Suicune is a great addition to my team.
Good guide on how to catch those doggos:
So someone who understands the code better than me, if I had several failed attempts at ACE with incorrect Route 29 Pokemon would that result in a weird item in my Mystery Gift slot? I just got an EXP Share from it and I know that's not a possible item.
Good guide on how to catch those doggos:
Yeah I know what it is, it's just theoretically nothing should have happened. The Route 29s / slides to my understanding are there so the game starts reading the Quagsire and box names after passing over them. There was also no saving done in the glitched pallet mode or post-glitch as the game was crashing to the title, so I was confused as how this was there.Arbitrary Code Execution is taking control of the system to run instructions of your choice and the content of Mystery Gift is writable by the game so yeah that's a possible outcome, but if you don't know exactly what happened it's better to reset without saving after failed ACE, you don't know what data it has altered / corrupted which can result in glitches on the save later.
I'm really struggling with the Elite 4, as I suspected being so underleveled. It doesn't help they take away an undisclosed buttload of money when you lose. I now have a team in the low 40 levels which is clearly not enough.
40 minutes plus trying that mahogany town/fly technique to find even a single beast and nothing, fuuuuuck this feature, fuuuuuck mathematics.
I just want to master ball entei
Edit: went back to my tactic of the route with the farm, found suicune and raikou twice but no entei, why you do this game?!
Got my team up to the mid 40s. Going to do Victory Road tomorrow and hopefully the E4. Then comes the Kanto romp. I think I am stopping after Blue.
I'm really struggling with the Elite 4, as I suspected being so underleveled. It doesn't help they take away an undisclosed buttload of money when you lose. I now have a team in the low 40 levels which is clearly not enough.
Teleport home and give all your money to your mother. That way you can just throw yourself at the Elite 4 repeatedly until your levels increase.I'm really struggling with the Elite 4, as I suspected being so underleveled. It doesn't help they take away an undisclosed buttload of money when you lose. I now have a team in the low 40 levels which is clearly not enough.
Trade the Red Scale you get from fighting the red Gyarados to Mr. Pokemon on Route 30.Where can I find:
Exp share
Mystery Gift rare drop or wait until Kanto, show Bill's grandfather a Lickitung, and then wait a day for a 1/5 chance for him to ask to see Vulpix.Fire stone
Take the right path at the northernmost ledge in Ilex Forest and follow it until you see a man with green hair staring at a tree. He will give you TM02 Headbutt and then more will be available on the 4th floor of the Goldenrod Department Store.headbutt
16 badges get!
Team of:
Typhlosion (Fire Punch)
Politoed (Surf, Ice Punch)
Ampharos (Thunder Punch)
Alakazam (Psychic)
Machamp (Cross Chop, Dig)
Golem (Earthquake, Rock Throw)
Team is level 52-55. I could probably level them up a bit more and have a go at Red but I'd rather just move on to another RPG. I think whenever I play Gold and have my hax Gengar and Kingdra I will face off against Red.
33 hours exactly as well.
Short answer: No.I don't know if I can do this, since I don't have two 3DSs, but can I trade mons between the virtual console and an emulator?
Good guide on how to catch those doggos:
They're cattos
Short answer: No.
Long version: Yes but not only would you need to mod your 3DS in the first place, you would need to edit the save with a hex editor at least twice to even get it to load in an emulator and your 3DS once it's been changed. It would honestly be easier to move the save to your PC and use PKHeX to transfer Pokemon between files and edit the happiness back to 70 yourself or change the species should they evolve, but this is technically "cheating". could just create duplicates of the Master Ball.
What's some good pokemon that learn ice moves naturally or ice punch? (would have used Alakazam but I can't trade with anyone).
Guess I'll stick to feraligatr for now. I'm trying a jotho only run.Kadabra performs pretty similarly to Alakzam in-game, I find.
Other than that there's Quagsire, Jynx, the nidos, Slowbro and Feraligatr to name a few.
Me tooMe too.![]()
Okay, I have a shitton of nostalgia for this game since it's the first Pokemon game I played. I must have replayed it a dozen times as a kid before I (dumbly) sold it..
I also played the remake, so my question is-- why should I get this instead of just replay the remake? The OT says there are changes that may not be for the best, but I cannot remember any (and there are many benefits to the newer game).
Playing this game again I realized I loathe confusion status. Especially when it's a Golbat or Tentacruel.
Indeed. Had an opportunity to trade with a friend last night, but he hasnt reached Ecutreak yet so I couldnt get all my guys from Yellow out that you cant get in G/S (the starters, the birds, fossils and Mewtwo/Mew). I was able to get Spinarak and most of the trade evolutions, but Im still missing Kingdra, Politoed and Porygon2 as Im lacking a Seadra, Poliwhirl or Porygon in the first place as I wasnt totally prepared for that.I wish they'd put a teeny bit more effort in and included wifi trading.
My Headbutt Tree index tool is now hosted on a webserver: Link
I also added encounter preview for improved user friendliness.
Use it to find out which trees contain rare encounters for your Trained ID.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues.
I forgot how pointless kanto is in this game. Is there even any way to check the Kanto badges I earn? Seems like it doesn't keep track
I swear there's a glitch sometimes where they'll just fail in a long chain. Took 2 Ultras and a Pokeball to catch a 1 HP Level 3 Pidgey the other day.If only those wild Pokémon would STOP ESCAPING AND STAY IN THE DARN BALL!!!
I threw 15 Great Balls at a level 15 Farfetch'd that was on low health and paralyzed. I know that paralysis doesn't help capture odds due to a bug nut my Jigglypuff just could not get her to sleep at all!I swear there's a glitch sometimes where they'll just fail in a long chain. Took 2 Ultras and a Pokeball to catch a 1 HP Level 3 Pidgey the other day.
Beat/catch Snorlax, go through Digletts Cave, south of Pewter/Viridian.I'm new to this version's Kanto. How do I get to Pallet Town? Cerulean City is one-way and the ocean is blocked south.I haven't tried the objective yet, but it does seem like a few things are missing. And why does it have its own level curve? Who is this for?
Paralysis doesn't facilitate capture in G/S. Only sleep/freezing.I threw 15 Great Balls at a level 15 Farfetch'd that was on low health and paralyzed. I know that paralysis doesn't help capture odds due to a bug nut my Jigglypuff just could not get her to sleep at all!
Yeah, I finally beat the Elite Four.
Here's the final playtime.
And the team that got me through it.
I'm just going to take some old Pokemon I abandoned earlier for the Kanto sections. This is still mostly new to me.