Thanks Bii, sorry about jumping in and out the first time, forgot to get a dummy Poke to trade. Reposting this since I have the next two days off, so I'll be around most of the time:
Still have some level 1 ExtremeSpeed Dratinis to give away, also have a bunch of level 1 Aerodactyls and level 1 Houndours (some know Flamethrower, all know Will-o-Wisp) up for grabs. PM me if you're interested. Don't really need anything in return, but if you're feeling generous, I could make good use of:
-TMs for the following: Thunder Wave, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Toxic
-Any of the following items: Leftovers, Life Orb, Light Clay
-An IV-checking battle or two
FC: 4812 9260 8486
Edit: It's 7:30PM Pacific, going to lay down for a bit and grind some BP while I watch the M's and the NBA playoffs. If I fall asleep I'll be around later tonight.