Negator said:Heh, thanks a lot, El Sloth. I didn't catch that last part over the mic. If I want, we could what? :lol
:lol You make it sound so creepy. I was asking if you wanted any of the original starters.
Negator said:Heh, thanks a lot, El Sloth. I didn't catch that last part over the mic. If I want, we could what? :lol
Andrex said:I only need one Bii, if that's OK. =)
0560 - 9071 - 3586
Well yes. But of course, that's assuming there are any evolutions that need the Moon Stone in Gen V. I bet we get more random stat/gender/location evolutions. :lolmanofmandango said:Until Pokemon Black and White. :lol
Bii said:Alright, meet me in the room.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Well yes. But of course, that's assuming there are any evolutions that need the Moon Stone in Gen V. I bet we get more random stat/gender/location evolutions. :lol
Andrex said:Sorry to be so lazy but FC?
Umbreon is Evee evolving from happiness during the night. >_>manofmandango said:One can only hope. :lol Eevee + Moonstone = Umbreon. Umbreon + Moonstone @ night = Where the fuck did it go?
Negator said:What? Communication error? LAME!
Bii was nice enough to give me a charmander, I'd love some original starters to fill out my dex.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Umbreon is Evee evolving from happiness during the night. >_>
Negator said:Thanks man, I'd appreciate it. Pretty lame that we couldn't get a battle going. Are disconnects common? That's the fourth one!
Jet Grind Radio! said:Ooooooooooooooh. I get it. >_>
Andrex said:Dude you want this Gible back? o_0
Bii said:Nope. Keep him. I bred a ton of those. You can pass Outrage to other Gibles if you breed it.![]()
Jet Grind Radio! said:Argh. I'm bored of grinding for Pokéathlon points. I have about 40 minutes till midnight, and I just need the King's Rock. Eh. I'll work on my Slowbro and use the points for something else.
Yes indeedy. Evolved Slowpoke into Slowking. I need another for Politoed, which is the Pokémon I'm currently on in the Jhoto 'Dex.manofmandango said:Have you already gotten the one out of Slowpoke Well?
Jet Grind Radio! said:Yes indeedy. Evolved Slowpoke into Slowking. I need another for Politoed, which is the Pokémon I'm currently on in the Jhoto 'Dex.
Andrex said:Dunno but Hydro Pump sucks, just thought you should know.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Yanma has a 1% chance of showing up on Route 35 and that's the only place it spawns. Fuuuuuuck.
Hmm, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be tomorrow's swarm. Well, only 12 more minutes to find out.Andrex said:He's one of the swarm Pokemon, I caught one of him the other day.
Oooh. Yes please. Anything you need?parasight said:I can get you a Yanma, if you'd like.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Yanma has a 1% chance of showing up on Route 35 and that's the only place it spawns. Fuuuuuuck.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Oooh. Yes please. Anything you need?
Jet Grind Radio! said:Hmm, maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be tomorrow's swarm. Well, only 12 more minutes to find out.
Hydro Pump Sucks! Surf is better!Andrex said:Dunno but Hydro Pump sucks, just thought you should know.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Hydro Pump Sucks! Surf is better!
Hydro Pump sucks! It really really sucks!
Hydro Pump sucks! It really really sucks!
I have both actually. In fact, give me a few minutes and I can breed one of each for ya.parasight said:Nothing in particular, unless you have a Plusle or Minun.
FC: 2321 8634 5738
Jet Grind Radio! said:I have both actually. In fact, give me a few minutes and I can breed one of each for ya.
My FC is 0002 5730 8163.
I'll just bring the eggs that way I'm not that much longer.parasight said:Sweet. I'll wait in the room.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Hydro Pump Sucks! Surf is better!
Hydro Pump sucks! It really really sucks!
Hydro Pump sucks! It really really sucks!
For that matter, I'd get rid of Fire Blast too, simply because it suffers from the same problem as Hydro Pump (low PP, low accuracy). If you MUST have a special fire move, go with Flamethrower.
Also, don't rule out things like Earthquake or Brick Break, either. Both do a lot of damage over a wide variety of typings and both take advantage of Dragon Dance's Atk boost (as well as Salamence's HUGE Atk stat).
Yeah, keep one STAB dragon move and put in for something else that'll give you better type coverage.
Heading into the room now.parasight said:Sweet. I'll wait in the room.
And a Clamperl. Wow, thanks a lot dude.parasight said:Sweet. I'll wait in the room.
I think he gives you 3 in all.Jet Grind Radio! said:Does Bill's Grandfather only give you one stone period, or does he keep giving you more stones?
And a Clamperl. Wow, thanks a lot dude.
What is the purpose of those gears anyway? I guess just to look cool. I thought they were giant curtains to begin with :lolAndrex said:Indigo Plateau
And that pic doesn't even show off the awesome run up and moving gears. People who badmouth this game's graphics can suck it.
Jintor said:I think there's something to be said for FR/LG's elegant little courtyard there...
Metroid Killer said:Ok trying my luck against the E4 round 2 again now with a team of lvl 65s.