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Pokémon Mafia |OT| Gotta Catch Em’ Scum!

Do you town read Sophia?

Yes. I town-read her on D1, was skeptical on D2 at her survival and the existence of Gaga, but Topo's reveal has alleviated that a bit.

It will be interesting to see what happens in subsequent days though. If she loses her power if she gets caught, will a trainer ever catch her? Will she tells us if she gets caught, or bluff that her power was one-shot/not use her power?


Yes. I town-read her on D1, was skeptical on D2 at her survival and the existence of Gaga, but Topo's reveal has alleviated that a bit.

It will be interesting to see what happens in subsequent days though. If she loses her power if she gets caught, will a trainer ever catch her? Will she tells us if she gets caught, or bluff that her power was one-shot/not use her power?

How? Topo stated he wasn't captured by Barrylock/turned into Lady Gaga.
I'm not sure how much you can read into the votes right now. Splinter voiced a pretty aggressive attack and it's not weird for panicking scum to bus.

Why? I don't see why he would lie about that.

Yeah your right.

I guess because from my perspective he had no real reason to share and it's still uncomfirmed by anyone else. I guess I'm probably just overthinking it though.


I'm sorry I continue to disappoint you Blarg.
How? Topo stated he wasn't captured by Barrylock/turned into Lady Gaga.

Topo said caught Pokemon lose their power. Sophia can still double-vote.

Then again Barry's PM only said inheritance upon an N1 death, so Sophia could be a double-voting Pokemon Trainer.


Hey blarg. When will you finally transform ?
I mean transform into an actual good player?
Up to this point it was a snorefest from your side. Do you need help ? Should I help you out some way ?
Dusk's vote post looks sketchy af.

Whoever the person was that parked their vote somewhere in case I had some crazy swing inducing reveal is probably Town.

Clearly no momentum towards Salva right now. I can only repeat myself: Don't let the coasters slide

CM isn't the worst lynch and for sure better than myself.
Christina MacKenzie


Oh shit, sorry guys. Slept in this morning and I thought that Day ended at 2 instead of 12...

I've been busy but believe it or not I am following the game. You guys are boring.

Top Town

Top Scum
Christina (Hunch)

I am leaving my vote now since by Day End I'll be asleep, most likely.

Vote: Verelios


4. not good, not good at all.

Perhaps you got to this, perhaps you didn't, but I do want an explination as to why you feel bad ( or worse? ) about CM.

Maybe this is resolved now (still catching up) but fwiw I understood what Ferret meant. Basically if it was his choice alone he'd play it safe and lynch Salva - Salva being scummy/null and otherwise "dead weight", whereas Flush being a hard read for him similar to how I can't read Sophia. If it was a public vote tied between null Salva and scummy Flush then he's be more confident in his scumread of Flush (since others agree enough to vote for him over the "dead weight").

I quite like this reasoning in fact. It looks inconsistent which I think scum would try to avoid, but at the same time the logic is reasonable (I'd probably do the same in a nin/Sophia situation).

I agree. While Ferret hasn't done as much as I would like to see the back-and-forth we had felt genuine, like we were running through his thoughts no matter how...confusing I found them to be. Leaning on a Town read.

By the way Ty, you never answered my question:

Since you don't seem to be for Flush, who do you have your eyes on this Day phase Ty?



Sorry, that's all I've got. It really bothers me tho.
He's irritatingly null for me too, which I think is consistent at least.

I was kind of surprised when he voted Flush - I don't remember him ever agreeing with me before


He's irritatingly null for me too, which I think is consistent at least.

I was kind of surprised when he voted Flush - I don't remember him ever agreeing with me before

I read back thinking "Yes, now I can get a scum read" and all I got was "I don't really like this, but I can totally see town Stanley writing this".



For the record I'd vote Royal Flush over Christina Mackenzie. Not a strong town read of CM, but he seems different enough from PiR and with some solving. PiR seemed a bit more "bring up random shit so it looks like you're doing something" without much solving of the stuff brought up.


I'm not liking how quiet this is.

Nobody in particular RN apart from TheGoddamn and Sophia like D1.

Depending on Royal's flip would that change your opinion of Sophia at all?

And TheGoddamnDarryl too, I suppose. Although Royal hardly talked to those two.
To me that's more of a reason to trust him.

That's also a fair assessment to be made. I just look at it and at first I'm like "ok cool good to know" but then I think about it and the dumb part of me thinks "why would he share this? What does he get out of it?"

Are you scum?

I think you're the first person to ever actually ask me directly, but would any answer really be good enough for you?


Well, I've thought about it again and I have decided to reveal my nugget of information: I got caught last night.

Also I learn the identity of the trainer and the other pokemon that got caught by the trainer.

It seems to be a general chat for the trainer and their caught pokemon.
I don't explicitly know the alignment of the trainer, which is why I was cautious. Discussions with my trainer and the win condition stuff from the PM convince me that my trainer is likely town though, as otherwise the PM would be misleading (in my opinion).

Topo is this why you don't have a vote down right now?


Depending on Royal's flip would that change your opinion of Sophia at all?

And TheGoddamnDarryl too, I suppose. Although Royal hardly talked to those two.

I haven't really looked back, but if he were to flip scum right now it wouldn't immediately change either of those reads.

While Flush defended Sophia the two didn't really interact that much which to me is a telltale W/W interaction. Especially when Flush made his megaposts and it felt like Sophia was standing back and waiting for other people to react.

I would look much more closely though at interactions though to see if I missed something.
Oh and don't focus on those who started this trainwreck. Considering the lack of real alternatives much more interesting are those who stayed out of it once it was clear I'd likely get lynched.



For any overzealous Pokemon trainers out there:

I'm an x-shot veteran, and I don't feel like being caught tonight.

If you Ketchum my Drifloon


There are 8 votes on Flush, and he's been widely scumread since the end of day 1. What were you expecting?

A fight, an attempt at his Scum buddies to bring the conversation elsewhere, something. Instead he resigned to his fate.

This reminds me way too much of when Kalor got lynched in PiR.

El Topo

Topo is this why you don't have a vote down right now?

No. I don't have a vote down because I don't really have a read on anyone. I'm suspicious of LP, but as I have said before, D1 behavior alone is not enough, nor is his D2 behavior alone sufficient for me.

RF has been very aggressive (at least against me), but I don't really understand the lynch train on him.

If you want to know who I would vote for, as I told my trainer in chat, I'm pretty tired of Blarg.


sophia (1)
gorlak 830
thegoddamn 1044 (1155)

verelios (2)
melonrabbit 832 (871)
fireblend 1226
salvapot 1355

roytheone (1)
sawneeks 836 (911)
blargonaut 985 (1015)
nin1000 1520

dusk soldier (1)
roytheone 872

nin1000 (1)
sawneeks 911 (1285)
christina mackenzie 1504

stanleypalmtree (0)
verelios 923 (988)

blargonaut (0)
blargonaut 1015 (1161)

royal_flush (8)
*splinter 1129
sawneeks 1285
sophia 1291 (1342)
melonrabbit 1326
verelios 1346
stanleypalmtree 1451
sophia 1454 (1497)
sophia 1497
sophia 1497
unmasked ferret 1547

unmasked ferret (0)
blargonaut 1167 (1201)

salvapot (0)
blargonaut 1201 (1515)
royal_flush 1387 (1562)

thegoddamn (1)
ty4on 1255

christina mackenzie (3)
sophia 1342 (1454)
sophia 1342 (1454)
dusk soldier 1510
blargonaut 1515
royal_flush 1562

gorlak (1)
lone_prodigy 1514

lone_prodigy (1)
ynnek7 1521


(NOTE: Starting from now, the flips will inform, if the killed player was part of a Pokémon team, or not).

2. Evening

The day had progressed with the Pokémon slowly feasting on the deviously delicious bacon suit Lady Gaga's body had been wearing. Since that meant there was no need to actually hunt for food, the Pokémon could easily continue on their... civil discussions about who the members of Team Rocket might be. As the sun was starting to set, it seemed that the Pokémon had finally come to the conclusion that Royal_Flush must have been an evil Team Rocket member.

"Sigh..." Royal Flush didn't seem happy about this progress. "At least can you all fulfill my last wish. I want to watch a youtube video."

So the Pokémon took out the gigantic Television, and began to play the youtube video Royal_Flush requested. It was a video about gigantic pack of Pikachus singing.

"Ah... now this is what I call music..."

And just like that, Royal_Flush collapsed and died, without any need for anyone else to interfere. After small investigation, it became apparent that he had suffocated on his gigantic tongue.

Royal_Flush has been eliminated!

Burbeting said:
Welcome to NeoGAF Island, full of wonderous Pokémon. What type of Pokémon might you be…?

Oh, I remember now!

You are Lickitung (#108), a Normal Type Pokémon!
You are aligned with Pokémon living in the Island (which means TOWN).

Sadly, you don’t have any special powers. But you can vote!

You can also be caught by the Pokémon trainer into a Pokéball. If this happens, you will be informed with a PM.

You will win if all of the forces that may disrupt the town have been defeated.

Game thread is here: www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1277820

Royal_Flush was not part of any Pokémon team

Night 2 Begins. Please note, that I am waiting for night actions TWO HOURS before Day 3 begins.




Is there really anything left to conquer?

Heaven quakes with fear at even the slightest mention of my name.

I rule everything with an iron fist.

I guess at least there's no more Calculus. The Conception put an end to that. I'm almost as excited about that as I am about this whole "limitless power" thing.

But even I get bored sometimes. I need some new minions of Hell to play around with. Something fresh and exciting.

Let's just summon some of the newly deceased down here, shall we?

I flicked my fingers and a portal, ominously flickering with a crimson light, appeared before me, and two new figures exited from it onto the floor in front of me. One of them was what appeared to be a...chinchilla? I scowled - it was far too cute to make an effective minion of Hell. I'll have to send him over to Incubus for some "training."

The other one was an odd creature, a large man who was missing eight of his fingers. Where they went, I couldn't tell, but it clearly must have been an awful disability for him to have, as he could do nothing but stare at his long-lost digits and whimper. Every now and again, however, he would look up at the gate that he arrived from, and the tears would cover his face en masse once more.

They'll have to do. With the ever-dwindling lack of viable minions up there on the surface, beggars can't be choosers.

"All right you two, into these balls of torment."


The chinchilla seemed to happily step forward, eagerly, if not a bit naively, awaiting his turn to go into the ball where he will be barraged with a thousand different horrors for as long as it took to break him. Oh well.

The other one screamed, "BUT I'M NOT EVEN A POKÉMON!"

Pokémon? What in the hell is that? I gazed down at them, menacingly.

"On three, you'll be trapped inside these balls. Ready? One...two..."

I threw the balls at their feet and, after a bright flash and some thrashing about, they were contained.

Well, that was a fun diversion, if only for a moment. I sat back on my throne and leaned my head against my hand.


El Topo was eliminated!

El Topo was part of a Pokémon team.

Welcome to NeoGAF Island, full of wonderous Pokémon. What type of Pokémon might you be…?

Oh, I remember now!

You are Minccino (#572), a Normal Type Pokémon!

You are aligned with Pokémon living in the Island (which means TOWN).

Sadly, you don’t have any special powers. But you can vote!

You can also be caught by the Pokémon trainer into a Pokéball. If this happens, you will be informed with a PM.

You will win if all of the forces that may disrupt the town have been defeated.

Ty4on was eliminated!

"Half-Life 3? What's that?"
"Portal 3? Ain't nobody got time to develop that."
"Whatever. I got so much money from Steam that I'll take a good vacation.... becoming Pokémon master!"

Those were the inner thoughts of you, Gabe Newell, as you set off on your journey to catch em'all!

You are Gabe Newell, a Pokémon Trainer!

You are aligned with Pokémon living in the Island (which means TOWN).

However, you are also aligned with The Pokémon Team of Gabe Newell!

During the night, you may throw a Pokéball at a player with the command POKÉBALL: (Player). If all conditions are met, the Pokémon will be caught, and will be given the alignment of The Pokémon Team of Gabe Newell, while still retaining also their pre-existing alignment. You will receive a PM confirmation if the recruitment was successful or not. However, note that you can only catch Pokémon that haven't been caught yet by other trainer(s). You cannot be caught in a Pokéball yourself.

Once the Pokémon is caught, they will be informed about being added to your Pokémon team, and they will be given access to the secret Pokémon Team Chat. However, they won't be told about your identity (other than that you are Gabe Newell), and you won't be given access to the Team Chat.

If you are killed during the game, your Pokémon team cannot grow any bigger. However if you die, your Pokémon will be able to use their Team Chat even during day phases. Also, if you are killed during the first night while you are recruiting your first Pokémon, that recruited Pokémon will inherit your Pokémon Trainer status. Please note that this inheritance will only happen if you during the first night.

During this game, you will have a normal win condition, but also a Superior win condition:

Normal Win Condition:You will win as part of the town, if all of the forces that may disrupt the town have been defeated.

Superior Win Condition: However, you will be granted a superior victory over all other groups, if during the end of the game, your Pokémon team is the bigger when compared to other town factions. You can try to reach this special Superior Win Condition only, if the normal win condition is also fulfilled.


Day 3 ends in:

Majority is 10.


I'm not too surprised about either of those targets. Both seem widely townread and Topo had access to a gossip chat.

2 kills is obviously interesting. I worry that Ty was killed and all his Pokemon (Topo) are killed with him. That sounds way too swingy though.


Ok I missed a bit in the middle of the PM. Pokemon can definitely survive their owners death so the these kills weren't linked.

Also it seems Topo wouldn't know who the trainer is unless they told him, don't remember him mentioning that.

2 trainers in a row. Scum getting lucky I guess?


Well, all my ideas I had about the whole trainer situation after reading topo his claim can be thrown into the garbage :(

Interestingly, didn't Topo say he had conversations with his trainer in their chat? But reading this flip, the trainer doesn't seem to actually be part of the chat? I guess that Topo was purposely giving wrong details to help check if later people that are caught are speaking the truth?
Need to catch up on the end of D2. I'll be here on and off reading, won't be posting much until this evening. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them.


RIP Ty and Topo ;__;

Unfortunately I won't be here very much this Day phase, I'm going to be fairly busy today, tomorrow, and Monday. I'll check in every now and again to make a few posts but I won't really be here until Sunday. Sorry. :c
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