1. roytheone [m] Tries to be better but as days go by so goes my patience
2. Sophia [f] --> StarSketch [f] too many open questions / Lynch
3. Dusk Soldier [m] cool but i dont know who he might be
4. Blargonaut [m] annoying and not very helpful
7. SalvaPot [m] inactive and scum
8. Fireblend [m] 0
10. Darryl [m] --> TheGoddamn [m] i dont know
12. melonrabbit [f] first annoying then helpful now just there but not really there
13. Unmasked Ferret [m] who ?
14. Gorlak [m] annoying and loud. Probably just blind town
15. Sawneeks [f] helpful and really trying to push things forward but thats how she always plays so she could be in either team :3
17. Lone_Prodigy [m] nice avatar. Gets called out a lot but in the end stays where he is
18. Ynnek7 [m] just coasting along and not even trying to get into fights. ( First time scum player )
19. StanleyPalmtree [m] Dumb town player who might cost us the game later on.
20. Kawl_USC [m] --> *Splinter [m] Cool dude towned it down after PiR but yeah that claim still remains in the back of my head dude.
22. Verelios [m] That critter avatar is creeping me out. Did not really Bop my head into him thats creeping me out.
23. Christina Mackenzie [m] Are you still here ?
Nin, TheG, Stan, CM, and Salva. When you find time to post I want your thoughts on what has happened this Day phase so far. Do you think Topo/Star's Trainer is Town? Who is your Top Scum? As well as your thoughts on the previous Day Phases final vote.
VOTE: StarSketch
gorlak (0)
sawneeks 1621(1651)
lone_prodigy (0)
sophia 1626(1639)
thegoddamn (4)
sawneeks 1651
*splinter 1660
sophia 1720(1720)
sophia 1720(1720)
salvapot 1880
starsketch 1882
starsketch (1)
dusk soldier 1771
stanleypalmtree (0)
stanleypalmtree 1773(1782)
stanleypalmtree 1773(1782)
roytheone (0)
gorlak 1793(1801)
*splinter (1)
gorlak 1801
ynnek7 (1)
nin1000 1822
Wait. Did my vote for SS not ever go through?
Heya, all. Still trying to get over what ever cold this is (almost there, I really hope...), but I've been reading along the past day. You have my sympathies, Fireblend, probably have something along the same line.
First of all, sad to see Sophia go and I hope you're able to feel better soon. Welcome, StarSketch, though!
One quick thing:
Was this ever resolved/figured out? The vote tool shows a crossed out vote still on Sophia, but it looks like it never picked up the StarSketch one. Just a glitch?
I imagine it's because both votes are in the same highlight tag rather than separate ones.
well iv spent this day going around in goddamn circles after my every read has proven to be almost completely incorrect. and iv had a lot of trouble trying to start again since all anyone seems to be discussing today is game mechanic speculation. something that i really dont like putting my stock in.
right now im tempted to go along with the TheG lynch if only to help demystify this game and give myself and others a better idea only where to go from here.
VOTE: TheGoddamn
If only to prove to Blargonaut that he's barking up the wrong tree with his breadcrumb theory.
(Although, if you want to make it still work, TheGoddamn's avatar is of Pedro Pascal who plays Oberyn Martell in Game Of Thrones. In GoT, he's, which would be how you can connect that to mountaintop!)Killed by The Mountain
So are you voting because you believe TheG is Scum or are you voting because you want to get Blarg off your back?
If only to prove to Blargonaut that he's barking up the wrong tree with his breadcrumb theory.
My vote will def. stay on you yennek
Kind of curious, were you actually expecting someone to come to my defense over that vote?
And this is opportunist as fuck. Could you at least pretend to scumread him?Vote: Ynnek7
To prove a point towards Blarg by disproving his speculation-- what a terrible reason for voting.
Oh I just realised what you meant... I think.Vote: Ynnek7
To prove a point towards Blarg by disproving his speculation-- what a terrible reason for voting.
Eh? You just said that they vetted you. They only "vetted" you based on a gut read - which is what I'm saying is worthless.Why on earth would I take stock in a gut town read? The first day of Topo and I in chat was just circling to see if we could trust each other.
Burb shouldn't this extra PM be included in Topo's flip? I feel like his new win condition at least should be confirmed.Why wouldn't she be, assuming that she's town? Topo was killed. Topo literally said that parts of his "getting caught" PM made no sense if I was scum.
The superior win doesn't matter to me, especially because it only happens if town wins. Which is the goal.
I didn't know that when I said gut read -.-I guess we have different definitions of gut read? Topo cited his "getting caught" PM as well as the superior win, which I assume also told him that it couldn't happen unless town won.
That's a vet based on logic, whereas gut reads are just feelings based on in-game behavior.
I forget to quote this but lollllI can't even reveal my role name without it casting doubts towards my town-hood.
I didn't know that when I said gut read -.-
If a town trainer catches a scum Pokemon, their win condition must (surely) be a scum win + be on the biggest team. Therefore a town Pokemon being caught by a scum trainer would need town win + biggest team, which is the same as town Pokemon caught by scum trainer. Therefore a town Pokemon (Topo) can't tell whether their trainer is town or scum.
So I disagree with Topo's logic.
I forget to quote this but lollll
As if you werent enough of a flavour trap already (supposedly).
Go on, tell us the role.
You also never explained why Sketch would be killed. I see nothing to confirm her unless you flip scum.
What stops star from being NK'ed if you stay alive?
So if a town trainer catches a scum pokemon they would just out their teammates and win?Ah, but I share that superior win-- which is dependent on a town win-- with the Pokemon that I catch. As in, if one of us (superior) wins, then we all win. This only happens if town wins and we are the biggest party-- this applies to all of my Pokemon.
Does it not follow that we must all be town? That's why I'm beginning to lean towards all uncaught Pokemon being town, in their initial state. But that's still something I'm figuring out.
Haha, I'd rather not just for you and your tone, because there's clearly no convincing you anyway.
As I said, Star might be killed tonight because Topo was killed last night.
Why are you so opposed to my plan? Assuming you're town, the results of my flip will only be actionable by you on D4. But keeping me alive until tonight could let me catch someone else, and me getting killed tonight by scum will result in my flip anyway.
tldr: If you're town it shouldn't matter to you if I flip today or in the morning.
But you said they inherit the win condition about biggest team + town win. That's literally the reason Topo townread you, and why you are saying you can't be scum.No, if a town trainer catches a scum trainer then the scum Pokemon just spies on the chat.
I'm not the one who made the game.
You're good at putting words in my mouth. I'm cool with being lynched. Today, even.
But you said they inherit the win condition about biggest team + town win. That's literally the reason Topo townread you, and why you are saying you can't be scum.
Right, so they have to choose between standard win (scum win) or "superior" win (town win + biggest team). That makes no sense whatsoever, which is why I think their "superior" win would simply be scum win + biggest team.Okay, then why would a scum Pokemon prefer the superior win condition over the standard scum win? That means (for scum) a scum loss + a superior win. But the superior win condition is (sorry Burb) completely superfluous.
Their core alignment does not change when I catch them. That's the case when I catch them, mind. We've clearly seen that there are differences between trainers.
Right, so they have to choose between standard win (scum win) or "superior" win (town win + biggest team). That makes no sense whatsoever, which is why I think their "superior" win would simply be scum win + biggest team.
Which is why Topo's win being town win + biggest team doesn't tell us your alignment.
I also want to hear from Ynnek, CM, Nin, Roy, and LP in regards to your votes on the previous Day phase. They are all ones that stood out to me and I can recall them fairly clearly. My question to you all is why did you vote there instead of Royal and will you be returning to that vote today?
Might have been the vig's action (for whatever reason) and not scum. In that case it pans out.So if TheGoddamn is a scum trainer who collects Pokemon, why did El Topo die last night? They chose to kill a Pokemon they just caught?
Please lynch Blarg tomorrow
From what I understand your superior win condition has no relation to town surviving but to your team surviving. This is a very big difference from town dependent to neutral. So long as your team is kept alive it wouldn't matter if town ultimately loses (but we'd have to find our first scum Pokemon to prove this theory works)Right, that doesn't make sense. There is no choice. If I catch a scum Pokemon, then they just report to their team. The scum team is much more stable, and has defined numbers.
All of us in the party who are town are motivated to ensure a town victory. If I am a scum trainer who catches a scum Pokemon, how does that make sense at all? If I am a scum trainer who catches a town Pokemon, why does that town Pokemon's superior win condition be dependent on a town win, which is in direct opposition to my scum standard win?
Might have been the vig's action (for whatever reason) and not scum. In that case it pans out.
Might have been the vig's action (for whatever reason) and not scum. In that case it pans out.
From what I understand your superior win condition has no relation to town surviving but to your team surviving. This is a very big difference from town dependent to neutral. So long as your team is kept alive it wouldn't matter if town ultimately loses (but we'd have to find our first scum Pokemon to prove this theory works)