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Pokémon Mafia |OT| Gotta Catch Em’ Scum!


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the most arbitrary of values, how badly do you want me to UNVOTE?

1- "Hello, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Investigator Role (results are Alignment only)."
2- "I'm Klang, #600, Steel-type Pokemon. #EmergenceDay #BuyGOW4"
3- "N1: I investigated melonrabbit, got Town result"
4- "N2: I was Roleblocked that Night, my target was supposed to be CM"
5- "N3: I investigated NiN1000, got Town result"
6- "N4: I investigated *Splinter, got Mafia result (!)"
UNVOTE: Blargonaut
VOTE: *Splinter
9- "lorem"
10- "ipsum"​
Random thought: Team Gaga should now be the biggest team, right? Team Ty4on has Sawneeks and CM, Team TheG has El Topo and Sketch. They could have up to 4 members, yet no flips have an unaccounted-for team.

Mechanics talk I know, but I just thought it might be interesting.
my Role breadcrumbs were spooky DOOM music in my 1st post in thread (the forest .GIF) hinting at my first Random Select target (it was D1, not much to go on so RNG whatevs)

I remember I told someone I was going to grind their reads into dust or something, hint that I'm a Gear Pokemon, Klang

I asked Ynnek7 if he wanted to hear some jazz, but he didn't respond; if he did, I would have posted MGS2 Fortune theme (Metal Gear!!!)

There were a few references to bugs I made, and to Ground (like as in a "Gears" of War reference, Locusts and Emergence Day from underground, you probably wouldn't understand)

some avatar stuff too, I did

The guns, mostly, Steel-types

I'm sure I made a chainsaw reference somewhere, gory, viscera, what-have-you

But mainly gears, etc.
oh, and you can see in my avatar I'm holding 2 guns

Just like Klang is made of 2 gears, and it shoots tiny gears as its attack

That was a Role hint all along

The golden-gun-with-green-speedline-background avatar of mine was a phase, I just wanted to make a Face/Off Nic Cage homage. I'm over it now, mostly
btw, sry I didn't catch more scum in time

At least I got one, right? 1-for-1 Town for scum is a good trade

good trade




Congrats to Ynnek the Serial Murderer on his victory. 2 games in a row where you're a Killing PR, how about that. :p

Roy already covered it but yeah, assuming we have 5 Scum ( or 4 considering there was a Neutral ) we are either in LyLo or 1 Day phase away from it.

11 Players

5 Scum
6 Town

Meaning we mislynch we lose.


4 Scum
7 Town

Town lynch + a Town death at Night does not immediately mean we lose. We would then be in LyLo the next Day Phase.

However, since we have no idea what the Scum Team consists of it's hard to say how big they actually are. For safety I'm going to assume LyLo and that a mislynch today means we lose since playing relaxed and like we have another Day Phase as a safety net when that might not even be the case could be disastrous. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Also how did Ferret get axed????? Was the Doc not on him??? Has anyone found if he bread crumbed who else he might have targeted? He did say it was nothing particularly damning but at this point I would rather have more information than little-to-none at all.

Speaking of which; the Night Kills

N1: Barrylocke
N2: El Topo and Ty4on
N3: CM and Gorlak
N4: Ferret and Star

Since Ynnek needed to kill caught Pokemon in order to win this means he most likely killed El Topo ( who claimed caught the Day before his death ), CM ( who similarly claimed before his death ), and Star ( who was a known claim for ages ). This means Scum targeted Barry, Ty4on, Gorlak, and Ferret as their NKs.

Still alive:

1. roytheone [m]
3. Dusk Soldier [m]
4. Blargonaut [m]
8. Fireblend [m]
12. melonrabbit [f]
15. Sawneeks [f]
17. Lone_Prodigy [m]
19. StanleyPalmtree [m]
20. Kawl_USC [m] --> *Splinter [m]
21. nin1000 [m]
22. Verelios [m]

This is who we have left. I won't be able to get to it today but I do plan to go back and look at the vote counts for those I didn't get to the previous Day phase.

Ok so my top 3 to look at now are Fireblend (admitted his case against Salva was mostly bunk, kept his vote), Sawneeks (late votes on both Sketch and Salva), and Blarg (same).

The case against Sawneeks is quite dependant on Blarg flipping scum, so I doubt I'll be voting her today. In fact barring any crazy claims I'll presumably be voting Blarg.

I'll admit I was very uncertain at the end of the last Day Phase and it's why my votes were so late. I did not like Salva's votes nor Blarg's overall behavior and debated between the two but most of all I did not like your 'passive' defense of Salva throughout the game. As time went on and we kept getting closer to Day End I kept getting this feeling I was looking in the wrong place and that you were fooling me. Again. So I stuck my vote on Salva because I wanted to see what he would flip so I could see if my fears were justified.

I'll admit my paranoia got the better of me on that vote.


Anyone else been roleblocked at any point, or want to claim as such?

To be fair Ferret did say that he got a 'no result' when he tried to watch you. So either he got blocked that Night and it gave him nothing or your role prevents you from being watched. So unless you're lying again then Ferret did get blocked.

What is going on here

Blarg-level meltdown.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the most arbitrary of values, how badly do you want me to UNVOTE?

1- "Hello, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Investigator Role (results are Alignment only)."
2- "I'm Klang, #600, Steel-type Pokemon. #EmergenceDay #BuyGOW4"
3- "N1: I investigated melonrabbit, got Town result"
4- "N2: I was Roleblocked that Night, my target was supposed to be CM"
5- "N3: I investigated NiN1000, got Town result"
6- "N4: I investigated *Splinter, got Mafia result (!)"
UNVOTE: Blargonaut
VOTE: *Splinter
9- "lorem"
10- "ipsum"​

Now we know how you feel about 20.


And for the record I'm for a Blarg lynch. I think he is full of shit with that claim and it still doesn't excuse his previous behavior.

I would also like to ask for everyone to post who they want to lynch today as well. Since voting can lead to Scum swinging a vote to majority easily I would recommend refraining from doing that as well so we can figure this all out.

Currently I stand at:
Blarg > Stan > Fire = Dusk

although I need to still read over votes so this is subject to change. Doubtful that will significantly change my stance of Blarg though. :/


I'm unconvinced on Fire even though they tried to appear 'active' last day and would rather get any complications about him out of the way before the day's up

After that, my priority would be Blarg. Something about his posting yesterday was desperate which isn't normal laissez-faire Blarg
For all intents and purposes, this is LYLO.

Just want to jot down a collection of relevant facts to what’ve seen so far.

Players left: 11

We should assume that there are at least 4 scum in play, which means we’ll need a majority vote to get scum lynched.

Most important is that we have to work together. If there isn’t much traction on your top scum read right now, consider pursuing them in a future day phase.
Unmasked Ferret (Town Tracker)

N1 - unknown
N2 - [StanleyPalmtree] - didn’t move
N3 - [*Splinter] - no result

Blargonaut ( Town Cop)

N1 - [melonrabbit] - town
N2 - [Christina Mackenzie] - no result
N3 - [nin1000] - town
N4 - [*Splinter] - scum

Both players have claimed being blocked once, so we likely have a scum role blocker in play.

Ynnek7 (Neutral Serial Killer)

N1 - no result
N2 - El Topo
N3 - Christina Mackenzie
N4 - Starsketch


N1 - Barrylocke (Town or Neutral)
N2 - Ty4on
N3 - Gorlak
N4 - Unmasked Ferret

Not going to pretend I see much of a pattern here.


*Splinter looks like the safest lynch for today.

If Blarg is lying about his reads, then the real cop will come forward to counterclaim.


You and Splinter.

But if I wanted a triangle I could throw in Lone I suppose.

Uh, I mean I understand the Splinter worry but why me?

I mean I'll fight him but, still.

Why did you vote for Star btw.

*Splinter looks like the safest lynch for today.

If Blarg is lying about his reads, then the real cop will come forward to counterclaim.

Wait how is Splinter the safe lynch?

And I take it you believe Blarg in his Cop claim? Any reason as to why?
Wait how is Splinter the safe lynch?

And I take it you believe Blarg in his Cop claim? Any reason as to why?

I'm going to wait 12-18 hrs before voting. At least long enough for everyone to check in.

But if Blarg is lying, and no one can come forward with a claim that proves his is bullshit. Then yeah, town deserves to lose.
Uh, I mean I understand the Splinter worry but why me?

I mean I'll fight him but, still.

Why did you vote for Star btw.

Gut feeling.

I voted for Star because I was less sure of her. There were questions left over from Sophia. Also felt Salva was town and didn't want to be part of that last minute lynch.


Well shit, two of my scum reads flipped town (and neutral) on a single night. I'm not even that bummed about Salva flipping town due to how he was (not) playing (at all), but I definitely am about my subsequent reads being trash.

So far from knowing who was targeted by Ynnek throughout the game I'm feeling better about Sawneeks, since it couldn't have been her plan to be left alone in her team chat.

My surviving "confident" scum read is mostly just Blarg, but I dunno what to make of his claim, it would obviously be very easy to fabricate and this game is no stranger to fake claims (and this is Blarg), so I'm crossing my fingers someone will come forward with some damning info on either direction. I'm really not looking forward to a day of Blarg-related discussion.

It's Blarg being Blarg, but he picked a poor target to thunderdome against.

I'm wondering if it's an elaborate bus, but it's not like Splinter is under much suspicion.

I disagree with this; if it's a fake claim I actually think Splinter is a good thunderdome choice: He's fake-claimed multiple times, his vote record isn't great and I still don't buy his Salva defense. Stan and Melon also said they read Salva as town but I feel Splinter was way more confident about it. Then there's the other end of the spectrum with Dusk apparently 100% buying Blarg's claim.

I'm unconvinced on Fire even though they tried to appear 'active' last day and would rather get any complications about him out of the way before the day's up

After that, my priority would be Blarg. Something about his posting yesterday was desperate which isn't normal laissez-faire Blarg

Got any questions for me? You've been at this for a while.

Congrats Ynnek on achieving freedom btw.


Thoughts on the game currently, who (other than Blarg because, yeah) seems to be most suspicious after the lynchings.

I will say one thing though, just to have it on record before I'm kicked off the island. I'm almost positive someone among the top posters is scum leading discussion(I wish we had a cop appear), ya'll know yourselves and know I'm coming for you.
The fact that my vote's still on *Splinter and it hasn't been jumped on yet despite us allegedly being in "LYLO", is quite telling, IMO
Thoughts on the game currently, who (other than Blarg because, yeah) seems to be most suspicious after the lynchings.

I will say one thing though, just to have it on record before I'm kicked off the island. I'm almost positive someone among the top posters is scum leading discussion(I wish we had a cop appear), ya'll know yourselves and know I'm coming for you.



I still don't buy his Salva defense. Stan and Melon also said they read Salva as town but I feel Splinter was way more confident about it.
I wasn't confident. If I appeared confident it's because I was asked to repeat my argument so many times, but take a look at my last post of the day:

Are you pretending that was an unsolicited defense?

People keep asking me why I townread Salva, no matter how many times I explain it. I don't know if it's because they doubt my read (not unreasonable) or an intentional plot to exaggerate the connection between Salva and myself.

And I don't deny that connection is pretty damn strong at this point. My "I don't think Salva is scum" has been blown into "I'M DEFENDING HIM WITH MY LIFE", which is far frok my intention.
This was my worrying about what happens if Salva flips scum. Obviously I would by lynched / NK'd straight away, but the worrying thing was that Salva's lynch wouldn't point to much else - we even hit majority by the end so no doubt there were scum voting for him, and noone else had really defended Salva, or accused him of anything more than inactivity. So I brought up the above point (people reinforcing the connection between me and Salva) so that even if he flipped scum and I was vig-killed, there would still be a lead to follow.


Noone stated the obvious yet?

Problems with Blarg's claim:

1) Breadcrumbs related to his Pokemon mean nothing - Ynnek had fake claims, stands to reason that scum have fake claims too (side note: does this imply scum are non-Pokemon characters?

2) Breadcrumbs are of poor quality - given all of Blarg's "crazy" postings, these are the best Breadcrumbs he could find? I'm sure he could retroactively find Breadcrumbs for any Pokemon/role given his posting style. For example he pointed out he has a few mentions of bugs, could have easily spun that into a bug Pokemon claim. A vig claim would have been even easier (guns, all of yesterday) but was prevented by Ynnek.

3) No Breadcrumbs for his targets. Seriously? To combine this with point 2, he couldn't even retroactively invent breadcrumbs for people he investigated?

Looking at reactions to his claim, I'm not quite sure what to be wary of. People that trust him or doubt him?

It kind of depends on whether or not this is lylo. If this isn't lylo then (worst case scenario) my lynch will be followed by Blarg's, so I wouldn't expect scum to too strongly back him (I admit this is slightly vulnerable to WIFOM). If this IS lylo then scum don't need to back him strongly, but they do want to keep the conversation open for long enough to convince just one townie.

Trusters: most notable is Dusk, but melon also seems to be giving Blarg the benefit of the doubt for now. As said this is more likely to be scummy if we're in lylo (which unfortunately we don't know), but a problem I do have with this group is the lack of questioning of Blarg's claim. There are flaws (as mentioned above) and I don't see any attempt to identify or consider these flaws. Standard protocol would be to lynch the supposed red flag (me) before lynching the cop, which would be a point in Dusk's favour, but the possibility of lylo should demand closer scrutiny of the claim.

Doubters: Pretty much everyone else? Hard to read much into this group, could be reasonable doubt from town or scum not wanting any connection to their soon-to-be-lynched comrade. I guess I'll give a special mention to LP: he was around for Blarg's claim and didn't react until questioned. He played it off like Blarg's claim was too ridiculous to react to, but it looks to me like he just didnt want to be the first to react.

Only person I can townread out of this is Roy. Blarg's claim would be a hell of a lot more effective outside of lylo, so Roy suggesting that today is lylo kind of scuppered Blarg's plan before it even got going. (Personally I don't think today is lylo, but Roy is right to assume the worst.)
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