Well duh
VOTE: Blargonaut
If you don't feel great about following Blarg then why are you??? Because either he is telling the truth and Splinter is Scum or he is lying and he is Scum himself.
And since you're on my case about not following up on things, what about you? Why are you not questioning Blarg? Splinter? Anyone else on your whole reads list? What about Dusk and Fire, two people you are unsure of yet stick reluctantly in your 'Townie' corner?
However, I don't like his reaction to Blarg's claim at all. There was no questioning or analysis, just a straight up "well that's a claim, we'll have to assume it's true unless someone else counterclaims", which is... lazy, at best. Now outside of lylo that might be more acceptable, especially for a cop claim. However even then, when the most likely lynch target opens by claiming cop with a red check on a widely townread discussion leader, I think some scrutiny is called for?
I think we should mass claim tomorrow. If anyone has any info they feel is worth sharing today, that's up to them.btw, I'd like a mass Role-claim right now, please
It'll make my job easier Tonight
except the Doctor, of course
doctor-patient confidentiality or something like it
Hey wait your turnGlad to see your renewed vigor.
And the fact you seemed to have actually read what I posted.
I've already asked Blarg lot of questions. But I'm sure I can think of a few more. Splinter is ignoring me and I questioned you decision to suddenly vet V as town.
I'll have more after work.
Who else do you Scum Read currently? If Blarg is Scum and is lying then who do you think his teammates are?
Pretty sure he would have been lynched today anyway, makes sense to get out in front of it.
Lone prodigy
i dont follow, how does being the one to claim cop help that situation in any way?
Because he has nothing to lose. Anyone else claiming would be risking a counterclaim. For Blarg that's not a big deal since he was already on death row, and luring out a real cop would have been very worthwhile.Fireblend
Lone prodigy
i dont follow, how does being the one to claim cop help that situation in any way?
Immenselyfinally, some stakes
Are you enjoying serializing your reads as if you're adapting The Hobbit
That was a bold prediction, obviously.btw, you bolded "Verdict" in your Dusk Soldier read yet you bolded "Town" in your roytheone read
Hard to stay consistent when you're shook, isn't it, *Sp
This post will be a 2 for 1 special(!!), as these two are inexorably linked for me.
Blarg is still self-voting??
Blarg is still self-voting??
Doesn't that point to only 2 possibilities?
1) Blarg is scum
2) This isn't lylo
(It's 1, but could be both)
Hey wait your turn
Shocked*Splint I want more of your reaction(s)
How do you truly, deeply feel about discovering that I was still self-voting?
I learned things in NX, *Sp
a very particular things
Things such as sleight of vote
Quite shocked anyway. That's a dumb move for any alignment.
Now I've been vaguely scumreading melon for most of the game, and looking back I honestly don't know why?
I remember on day 1 I was suspicious of her, I think it was more of a gut feeling, partly based on her not standing out to me at all despite being one of the more active posters. I think for day 1 {feelings} I can understand wanting to lynch her over Bronx (which I kind of tried to do but was way too late).
From then on that read just kind of... stayed? I think her posts were continuing to "not stand out" to me, which in fairness could be indicative of scum playing safe, but I read through (some of) day 1 recently and Sawneek's analysis of melon's votes, and her posts are reasonable, her arguments make sense, I'm not even seeing a difference to her previous play (which is somsething I felt back on day 1). Looking back this is a day 1 gut feeling that overstayed it's welcome.
I have an alternate theory to why I've been "ignoring" her. When I play Mafia, my first concern are the "stupid" posts, illogical ideas or conclusions, basically "does this person seriously believe the shit they just typed or are the pulling stuff out of their arse". Melon doesn't have any of these posts. My next concern is people that make sense but disagree with me: "this person speaks sense and is clearly paying attention, so why have their reads turned out so differently to mine". I guess melon hasn't done much of this either (I'll get to her scumread of me in a minute), although I'll be confident of this when (if) I re-read. So basically I missed her posts because... I agree with them? (Not literally missed, just didn't feel her presence in the thread as much as I otherwise would).
Now, one thing I obviously don't "agree" with her on is her scumread of me. However I do (to some extent) agree with her reasoning for suspecting me. I've been throwing casual shade at melon all game and never backing it up or exploring it further - that's scummy. I've been defending an inactive player - that's scummy. And her argument today is the fairest of all - I dropped in activity at the end of mini2 because it was hard to maintain interest while winning, and now I have dropped in activity while scum are undoubtedly winning (in my defense, my activity has dropped for a couple of reasons, but my level of interest remains high).
While these other chucklefucks scumread me for voting on town (which town does more than scum) and lying about my role (which town does more than scum), melon is the only one to have a sensible argument against me - and I townread her for it.
Verdict: Town
I forget to mention her reaction to Blarg's claim, but basically it's unambiguous and consistent with her previous reads, so a totally reasonable position to take.
Lol, I knew you'd say thatPure flattery. <3.
I know you're scum now.
Tomorrow mate. Only 3 pages back.Is deadline today or tomorrow?
VOTE: Test