I would of course Lynch blarg in orde to See if he really is the cop. If that makes you Happy splinter.
nin have you not been paying attention?
its very likely that if we mislynch today, we lose.
if we trust blargs claims and he is lying to us, they win.
i know. thats why we either believe him and lynch splinter or we dont and lynch blarg.
have YOU been paying attention scum partner ?
what the hell are you talking about?
didnt you just suggest to splinter that we lynch blarg to verify his investigator claim?
i did ,so what is your problem then ?
me trolling you ?
if so
so to be clear about this, you would vote for a Splinter lynch over a Blarg lynch today?
For all intents and purposes, this is LYLO.
Just want to jot down a collection of relevant facts to whatve seen so far.
Players left: 11
We should assume that there are at least 4 scum in play, which means well need a majority vote to get scum lynched.
Most important is that we have to work together. If there isnt much traction on your top scum read right now, consider pursuing them in a future day phase.
Ynnek7 (Neutral Serial Killer)
N1 - no result
N2 - El Topo
N3 - Christina Mackenzie
N4 - Starsketch
N1 - Barrylocke (Town or Neutral)
N2 - Ty4on
N3 - Gorlak
N4 - Unmasked Ferret
Not going to pretend I see much of a pattern here.
*Splinter looks like the safest lynch for today.
If Blarg is lying about his reads, then the real cop will come forward to counterclaim.
The fact that my vote's still on *Splinter and it hasn't been jumped on yet despite us allegedly being in "LYLO", is quite telling, IMO
Only person I can townread out of this is Roy. Blarg's claim would be a hell of a lot more effective outside of lylo, so Roy suggesting that today is lylo kind of scuppered Blarg's plan before it even got going. (Personally I don't think today is lylo, but Roy is right to assume the worst.)
It's a fair point. My thinking was that Blarg was already 90% likely to be lynched today, so he throws this gambit because he has nothing to lose. I guess that can backfire on the scum team though.This whole Blarg claim has made me more convinced we are indeed in lylo. I think scum is trying to see if they can get one townie to vote for you with this gambit and then pile on. Normally these kind of gambits end poorly for scum since the lie would be outed with lynching the claimed red check, but that isn't an issue in a lylo situation.
Need reasons, melon. A list of names doesn't mean much.Melons current Reads sans a full reread.
Bronx-Man [m]
Ty4on [m]
Royal_Flush [m]
TheGoddamn [m]
El Topo [m]
Gorlak [m]
Barrylocke [m]
Christina Mackenzie [m]
Unmasked Ferret [m]
StarSketch [f]
SalvaPot [m]
melonrabbit [f]
Ynnek7 [m]
nin1000 [m]
roytheone [m]
Dusk Soldier [m]
Fireblend [m]
Blargonaut [m]
SCUM (if 5 member team):
Sawneeks [f]
StanleyPalmtree [m]
Lone_Prodigy [m]
Splinter [m]
**Verelios [m]
**Very null on V and he could go either way.
Need reasons, melon. A list of names doesn't mean much.
Need reasons, melon. A list of names doesn't mean much.
FUUUUUUU I thought you just voted and unvoted like you like to do
Everyone else should post a reads list. There are only 10 to consider.
I don't think anyone necessarily believes Blarg (I don't), it's just that they can't discount the possibility of him being town/cop which is a really bad place to be in our situation.
Just woke up and read over the thread during breakfast. Here's some thoughts since we're nearing the end of the day and I don't know how much connection I'll have where I'm heading today.
Nothing has really made me change my view that lynching an inactive or fluff player would be best.
Top Town for me would be:
Sophia - I just don't see her playing very differently from other games nor has she done anything that sticks out to me. Plus we want to keep someone as active as her around.
Darryl - Same as above. His slamming against me was odd but he explained how he justified it and although I think he went on about it a bit too long he's initial argument was sensical. Plus, since scum has wanted to keep me around in recent games (and given my track record that's been a decent strategy) part of me doubts scum would have me as a target this early on in the game
Third place is tricky, there's people I just wouldnt want to lynch now like Stan or Gorlak, based on activity and contributions. I'm gonna go with Gorlak for third place though. Stan's avatar is too creepy to be 100% good.
Top scum:
As I said I'd focus on inactives, maybe excluding Barrylocke since he came in midgame and he seems to be chiming in now.
Bronx - I don't think this is how I've seen him play. He has barely posted and what he has projects hesitation rather than trying to be useful. He's had votes on him and barely reacted, and I don't think keeping inactives around is of any use to town.
Ynnek - A textbook case of an inactive poster. His posts that stand out the most to me are two of them in which he praises other people's posts, which struck me as odd. His last post of note was a very generic vote on Bronx with little justification which he said could change "if anyone gave a good argument" for that. So, a weak vote he's already looking for an excuse to switch.
A tie between CM and Salva; I've noticed their posts but I don't think I can relate them to any major conversation or anything other than other players stating they're coasting and suspicious. Christina posted about mechanics recently which I'd already mentioned to Dusk was default cover for scum. CM had this pointed out to him and went back into the shadows. Salva on the other hand doesn't seem to have posted anything of value so far? Seems almost Blarg-lite in how disconnected he feels from the game.
Since out of these only one player is without votes, I'll place mine there to keep the end of the day interesting.
Vote: Ynnek
Since we're being rushed to vote, I might as well answer the call and-
Place a temp vote to get some discourse flowing. Don't worry, don't worry, let's clear the air.
I'm on Page 2 at the moment. Will get to Page 3 later.
Why draw attention to three players? Their levels of interaction are minimal at best.
It had its desired effect though, as Sawneeks immediately latches on.
And here is a non-committal backpedal. "Yeah maybe there's nothing there but here I am singling out some players so hopefully others run off with this and absolve me of any responsibility in drawing attention to them."
No, you're not getting away that easily.
VOTE: Unmasked Ferret
Yeah, what is up with that? Soft-claiming town isn't an excuse for spitballing and making non-constructive posts.
-nin knows that arguing for a no-lynch doesn't make him scummy so he might as well, right?
-CM decides he's going to sit back and wait for something to happen, but don't mind him, he's town
Come on.
Really odd feeling reading through the last couple of pages. People seem to be gently nudging on several directions including myself but there's very little in the way of actual threats or accusations.
This feels like a weak response overall, you admit trying to please everyone because you don't have a good read on anyone? That almost makes you an asset for scum, if your vote is so malleable that they can manipulate it. I do get some frustration from this post but at least pretend to be a threat to scum, not reassure them of your weak will. That last sentence also feels a bit tacked on, not sure why you felt the need to remind us you're town
Then there's a bunch of CM posts where he piggybacks off some Dusk posts from earlier mentioning me. Feels like he's kind of pointing in my direction trying to get something going maybe? I find it odd that he dedicated 3 posts to me and all he could muster to say was he wouldn't oppose my lynch.
Regarding the first post I didn't say those things explicitly, but sure that wouldn't be too off the mark. I feel like you're posting weakly these 2 days.
What worries me the most about people who don't have a vote at the end of the day is that a town player worries about being NK'd and if that happens their voting record is what town is left with. Scum would want to minimize information and wouldn't be so worried about making it to the next day so not leaving a vote is less of a risk for them. And sure, the same could be said about the no lynch votes, specially when it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. How is that petty? If I'd been NK'd I would have left town with more info than you would have, I think that's reason enough to ask for an explanation and I'm surprised I'd have to justify that to you.
Also I don't get the idea that I'm looking for people "more scummy looking than myself", specially when you fail to describe how is it that I'm scummy looking. I'd assume you're piggybacking off Dusk if it wasn't because Dusk has also not said anything to that effect.
I don't understand this at all. How does it not give me a good look? What time would have been better? And what's this benefit of the doubt backpedalling bs?you already suggested it so go ahead and run with it, what's in your head?
Vote: Verelios
Interested in hearing from Dusk since CM seems to be trying to justify my lynch based on his implied scumread of me. It's almost like I missed a post. How do you read me, Dusk? Hopefully you're still around.
VOTE: Gorlak
Where have you been?
I didn't put a vote on Royal yet?
VOTE: Royal_Flush
Hey friend, how's it hanging
You guys sure posted up a storm while I was sleeping. Nothing I've read so far sways me from where I stood yesterday though. Conveniently one of the players I'd consider inactive is also Sophia/Sketch's trainer, and if there's any scum trainers at all in the game, I can't think of a better flavor candidate for that than Trump. Lynching him will not only clear the air regarding the trainer mechanics and spare us from more discussion about it, it will remove an actively anti-town power.
As said yesterday, I'd be up for lynching either TGD or Verelios. Since the majority is already on TGD, rather than hold it to not risk majority I'll put my vote on Verelios just to have that on record. I'll switch to TGD if there's any risk of a tie though, so consider this a vote for both of them
Vote: Verelios
I'm at work and feeling better so I'll be here by day's end if needed.
Non-Flush voters from D2:
Gorlak on Sophia
Fireblend and Salva on Verelios
nin on roy
roy on Dusk
CM on nin
Ty4on on TG
Dusk, Blarg, and Flush on CM
LP on Gorlak
Ynnek7 on LP
Now, Ynnek's vote on me was because I voted Gorlak. Fair enough. But D3 starts and roy and Sawneeks ask me about my vote. Yet, most of the other stray votes goes unnoticed. Seems to me like scum is trying to follow up a lead. (Or I'm just biased since I'm more aware of questions directed at me.)
Any one of these random vote targets have merit for being on the lower end of activity, except Sophia and Verelios. And despite having 3 votes on D2, CM goes unnoticed until that mind-boggling post he just made. (I addressed this before.)
By the way, do you know who has 3 votes today? Ynnek, courtesy of nin, TG, and Blarg. We don't know TG's flip yet, but let's try this:
VOTE: Ynnek7
Thanks CM for cementing my vote on TGD with that outburst. Wonder why you said Sawneeks could clear TGD though
Vote: TheGoddamn
Christ, day ends are so early this game.
I see Ynnek popped in for a second with some reads which all seem very safe, down to weird, all but one are town leans. Struggling to see what direction he wants today's lynch to go in.
If we're lynching an inactive I wouldn't mind Salva, but he hasn't shown up today has he? Come on, it's down to the wire, show your face for a while.
Man, this game is frustrating. At this point I'm pretty much ready to lynch everyone to some degree. Between yesterday and today my top town reads have dipped; Splinter has been on every lynch and his defense of Salva as one of his top town reads is trash, and Sawneeks could potentially be lying about her convo with CM yesterday/last night. At this point I'd say I find Roy, Dusk and nin to be the ones I'd be opposed the most to lynching, in no particular order.
People I'd be willing to lynch: Ynnek, Salva, Blarg, Verelios, Sketch. Ynnek's votes (as I pointed out in the last page without anyone commenting on them) feel too cautious and he's been on 2 of the mislynches so far, Salva and Blarg are getting through this game by doing nothing of value, with Salva feeling scummier to me because at least Blarg seems invested in whatever far-removed-from-this-game goal he has; at this point I give him 60% chance of being neutral. Salva's indifference is apparently being town-read and that is alarming. Verelios strikes me as somewhat hollow in his reasoning for most of his posts; asking him to follow them up is usually met with hostility, and finally I'm not confident of Sketch's claim and if she has another double vote as scum that's pretty significant at this point in the game. I'd maybe include Splinter here too; might as well resort to the vote records if everyone's reads are meaningless, but at this point I'd condition his lynch on Salva's scum flip.
The fact that no one followed up my last post regarding Ynnek's votes is telling me at least someone's might have willingly ignored it. Yesterday was a great day to have him as a runner up if he was scum because it was almost guaranteed TGD or Sketch would be the one to go.
That said and as much as he feels like a good option, I'll vote:
Vote: Salva
I don't buy Splinter's or Stan's reasons for defending him. Most of my posts are met with pretty mindless deflections or are outright ignored, but I post "why Salva?" and 2 players jump to his defense with the sketchiest justification possible? Let's see who else wants to oppose that lynch.
The alternative is going back to lynching people based on gut reads, fluff posts, and post counts.And what if there is no cop? Since you agree to treat this day as a lylo, voting on splinter because of no counter claim would mean gambling the whole game on there being a cop in this game. That is a dangerous game to play, especially with the possibility of trainers being kind of semi-cops (depending on if scum are pokemon or not), which would make there being a real cop unlikely.
Can someone please explain to me why we should listen to Blarg, the person who hasn't actively tried to Scum hunt ALL game and has posted nonsense throughout it all, in a potential LyLo situation??
Are you talking about yourself in third person, Dusk? That really confused me for a second. Would you still call Splinter "the safest lynch"?
Throughout the day, I had become less confident of my scumread of Blarg (mostly due to his flirting with a vig claim and what appeared to be weird signalling that he knew my role). At the same time I had become more suspicious of Sketch, I had some question she ignored (later turned out she had just missed it) and her suspicion against me had seemed opportunistic / illogical ("lying is scummy").Splinter did you explain why you voted Sketch yesterday?
In hindsight this was a poor move. My interactions with Royal lasted most of day 2, halfway through which I had convinced myself he was scum, ending in almost certainty, otherwise why would all his posts read weirdly to me? Towards the end I was still convinced of his scumminess based on his reads and deflections, it was only when the final hour started ticking down that I started getting uneasy. Firstly, there was almost no push back at all from his lynch, secondly, I started questioning if I saw Royal as scum because of tunneling him or because I was truly sure he was scum. I became a little hesitant, but at that point it was literally riding a tiger with no way off.Sawneeks said:Something something I'm lazy to look up your reasons something something
why did you vote for Royal? Why not go back to your vote on me?
I'll be honest, this was a jump for me as I immediately thought regardless CM had another motive for protecting TGD. Either he was trying to make you into a scapegoat because you're a PR, which, I'm guessing if you confirmed scum would NK you, or he was trying to save his scum partner. I didn't like it either way.Shortly after CM comes in claiming that we shouldn't lynch TheG and that I could 'save' him Verelios posts this.
I'm assuming you felt that Scum!CM was trying to get me to save his Scum partner?
I'm going to be honest, out of all the inactives I really wanted to lynch Ynnek but saw pushing for him with Salva on deck would be an uphill battle. My list would have have been Ynnek-Fireblend-Salva as Salva just posted in a weird style. At the time Ynnek made that post I did want to change over since it seemed very fluffy, however out of the inactives in contention, it seemed like Salva would just lead and based on his posting there was still a good chance he was scum.Makes a light comment towards Ynnek and his 'Townie-filled' Reads List and then says he would prefer Salva to be lynched out of the pool of inactives. Why did you prefer Salva over the other two candidates ( Star and Blarg ) ?
Sorry sawneeks ! My bad !
I dont know who is leading so i am unsure if this will make any impact or not. So my vote will go down on.
Vote: Gorak
your way of playing just rubs me the wrong way![]()
vote: bronx-man
Interesting flip. The pm reads more like a neutral role to me then a town or scum role. What really is weird is how Barry had two alignments. Does that mean he also had two win conditions? Sucks that is redactedAnd he can recruit people to his team, but those will both get the Gaga alignment AND their original alignment? Weird stuff all around.
I don't think a double vote is a scum ability. It's very powerful in the hands of scum. At the same time, if Sophia is town that means that scum will have to remove her eventually, since if she makes end game, she would be a huge advantage for town. No way a town double voter makes it to end game.
So yes, that vote was purely to prevent a sophia lynch or a tie. I had a null read on bronx since he barely said anything at all.
Also, I want Dusk to further explain his pokemon read list. Was that serious, or just a joke? Your vote on fire stayed on him until the end of the day, so that makes me think it was a serious list. Could you clarify this?
vote: dusk soldier
Vote: Roytheone
Come on roy. I know you can do better than that. I know this vote won't make an impact for know but I can't make.my mind about the current vote leaders
Need to go to work in roughly an hour, so my vote will be locked in soon. Thinking about Ferret's plan, I agree there is the risk that it could out PR to scum. To avoid this, they probably shouldn't reveal their power in the chat in case Goddamn/sophiasketch are scum and/or a scum gets added to the chat later. That will make it harder to decide when TGD has caught enough pokemon that the risk of him having blocked town PR outweighs the benefits of him being able to identify non-pokemon, and he should be lynched. That benefit is also hard to put a value on since we don't know if and how many non-pokemon roles are non-town. Add the fact that TGD could very well be scum, and there are a lot of risks and uncertainties with the plan. If someone has ideas to deal with those uncertainties and risks I would reconsider, but until then:
vote: TheGoddamn
BTW, Ferret, can you clarify something for me? In your plan you say TGD learns the role through capture, do you mean through a pm he gets when he successfully captures someone or through the chat after the capture? I don't remember TGD claiming he automatically learns the role/name of his captured Pokemons.
for the time being
Vote: Ynnek7
lets see who is coming to your defense
Ugh, I am so tired from work/having a light Flu, I could sleep for 18 hours
Since the day is already halfway over, I looked at my notes, and honestly, Dusk and Blarg are still on top of my scum list.
Dusk had very little on day 1, mostly reacted to people and had that pokemon read list he later admitted was nonsense that ended with a vote on Fire. Day 2 he started with a bunch of open doors (Like how my vote on Bronx felt like I was saving sophia, yeah, no shit, I literally said that) and role speculation (something about the trainers likely being a arsonist for no real reason). Then for some reason he made up some strong defense against Fire I apparently made, even though I never did. On day 3 he was one of the main pushers against sophiasketch and forcing her to out her trainer. He seemed convinced that at least one trainer has to be non-town, I could see a scum if they know they have no trainers try to push that narrative to get some easy miss lynches. Today he comes with the idea for all town roles to come forward which is an incredibly bad idea imo. He now has backtracked a bit by stating he wants all town pr that have concrete information to come forward, which is different from his original plan. He also said he thinks the scum team is smaller then normal, which is always dangerous. Underestimating the size of a scum team can make town lose. I will say him claiming vig at the end of day 3 to try and confuse scum sounds like a towny thing to do, so that speaks in his favor.
Blarg has by far the most posts, but if you look at actually game relevant stuff then he is way lower. This actually makes it really, really annoying to look back at his postsIf I look at my notes, what jumps out is that he rarely gives reasons to vote for someone, he often just jumps around, accusing people, asking questions, screaming but a coherent thought or an answer to a question aimed at him is hard to find. Now, that is how Blarg typically plays, but what really bugged me was how he pushed for ynnek being the Topo-trainer based on a breadcrumb he supposedly had found. That really came over to me like a scum Blarg trying to get a misslynch done by using the idea that the Topo-trainer had to be scum (which was prevalent at that point). Then there was his dumb plan with the vig outing themselves, shooting TGD and being voluntarily role blocked and protected by the doctor. And today he yells to Lady Gaga II to reveal themselves for no real reason. He seems to be more concerned with finding pr then with actually finding scum, which worries me. As an added bonus, his flip would tell me more about ynnek which is a coaster and someone I don't have a strong read on.
vote: Blargonaut
I currently town read sophiasketch, sawneeks, splinter and Nin. I suspected Nin for a while, but he seems genuinely annoyed with discussion stalling in the game and he made efforts to try and fix that.
I tend to agree with this. If Salva was scum, I would expect his scum partners to have yelled at him in the chat at this point, pushing him to be more active. We had that with Arkos in HP and it was super annoying, when he never responded to our yelling we had to ask Nin to replace him. Since Salva hasn't upped his activity even when he gets suspicion for it, I don't think he is scum. I fear Salva will be used as an easy misslynch by scum soon.
let this be it then
Vote: Salvapot
First 3/4ths of his post is in regards to Ynnek and then CM in that order.
Votes Verelios because he called out Fire for his 'poorly timed vote' and then just immediately backs off because of the 'benefit of the doubt'. Why keep your vote there, Fire? It was roughly 25 hours before the Day even ended and it wasn't even a very strong vote to begin with.
This was mostly a continuation of my read the day before and wanting to signal that to people. I felt like TheG's lynch was a given (and said I'd switch my vote to him if it changed to someone else) so I thought I'd leave my vote on someone else as a statement of suspicion. I already elaborated on my read above.You know, maybe instead of getting a trademark for the word 'Subtle' I should just trademark 'Why?'
Because I would like to know why you voted for Verelios. Not in a 'why Verelios over TheG' kinda thing since you explained why in this post but I don't know if you ever elaborated on your scum read of Verelios.
Note that he fixes his Vote later since he put 'Salva' here instead of 'SalvaPot'.
Doesn't like how the game is going and mentions how he doesn't like a good handful of players. Says that Salva's indifference towards the game is alarming and that him having 2 people jump to his defense whenever he would question why Salva was still around didn't feel great. Now that Salva flipped Town how did that influence your read of Stan and Splinter, if any?
Day 1's vote wasn't half bad, this Day's vote is terrible by comparison. Even on it's own it doesn't look good but how you went from Ferret, who you had a reasonable case on, to Gorlak being your Day 2 vote leaves me scratching my head. This vote is incredibly late as well so what did you intend to do here?
Bad bad bad. Says that Ynnek's vote on him was fair but the fact that so many other Stray votes going unnoticed means Scum ( implies myself and Roy ) are targeting him specifically. Paranoid, much? Then goes in on Ynnek even though TheG hasn't even flipped yet and basically implies that 'because Nin/TheG/Blarg are voting for Ynnek that means it's a good pick'.
All around I don't like it, leaves me feeling bad.
LP had no vote this Day Phase. Said it was due to being away at a wedding and therefore he was unable to put one down at Day End. It is late but who would you have voted for, LP?
I'm still worried about both. I said earlier that Splinter felt more decisive in his defense of Salva than Stan did, which felt more reserved (which is super subjective admittedly), but in the end I think both defenses were unjustified and it got out of their hands really quickly to be called out on it. I'd give the edge in lynch order to Splinter due to the fake claims and voting record, but Stan isn't that far behind really.
Plus why should we waste a lynch on Blarg? If he's telling the truth he will die tonight. If he's lying, we still have fairly good odds to hit scum aiming somewhere else.
There's not much relevant discussion so I might as well answer these questions
In hindsight this was a poor move. My interactions with Royal lasted most of day 2, halfway through which I had convinced myself he was scum, ending in almost certainty, otherwise why would all his posts read weirdly to me? Towards the end I was still convinced of his scumminess based on his reads and deflections, it was only when the final hour started ticking down that I started getting uneasy. Firstly, there was almost no push back at all from his lynch, secondly, I started questioning if I saw Royal as scum because of tunneling him or because I was truly sure he was scum. I became a little hesitant, but at that point it was literally riding a tiger with no way off.
If I decided to say 'I'm not sure he's not scum anymore, let's not lynch him' that probably wouldn't gain much traction as it would turn into a 'then who do we lynch?'. Conversely, it could have been a scum trick to sacrifice Royal and clear partners. If both options leave me without much hope then I might as well stay with my vote and trust in my gut. Again, it wasn't a good move.
I'll be honest, this was a jump for me as I immediately thought regardless CM had another motive for protecting TGD. Either he was trying to make you into a scapegoat because you're a PR, which, I'm guessing if you confirmed scum would NK you, or he was trying to save his scum partner. I didn't like it either way.
I'm going to be honest, out of all the inactives I really wanted to lynch Ynnek but saw pushing for him with Salva on deck would be an uphill battle. My list would have have been Ynnek-Fireblend-Salva as Salva just posted in a weird style. At the time Ynnek made that post I did want to change over since it seemed very fluffy, however out of the inactives in contention, it seemed like Salva would just lead and based on his posting there was still a good chance he was scum.
I'm still worried about both. I said earlier that Splinter felt more decisive in his defense of Salva than Stan did, which felt more reserved (which is super subjective admittedly), but in the end I think both defenses were unjustified and it got out of their hands really quickly to be called out on it. I'd give the edge in lynch order to Splinter due to the fake claims and voting record, but Stan isn't that far behind really.
My Ferret pursuit wasn't getting any traction and didn't want to tunnel. Half joke vote, half inactivity prod.
I think the paranoia was justified as the town bodies were piling up. I was trying to get a vote swing, similar to what we saw late in D4. Seeing as one flipped neutral and one flipped town, I see now it wasn't going to happen.
Not Salva. It was too late to get rid of dead weight: should've gone for info or a scum read. The other candidates were Blarg and Sketch, and I was town-reading Sketch so I would've voted Blarg to see what would happen.
I won't lie, my voting history isn't great, but town has mislynched 4 days in a row, and as I posted before, no one's voting history comes out smelling like roses.
Side note: interesting at all the townie points you're giving Verelios. Anyone else subscribe to my theory that Sawneeks and Verelios are both scum, using the cover of their D1 tiff to establish townie cred, and then jumping on 3 wagons the next 3 days? I mean, if true, it wrecks my reads list, but nothing's set in stone.
as much as i hate to admit it, a couple things about blarg claim have occurred to me.
- blargs completely useless play.
with the hindsight of blarg being a cop, this could actually make sense, blarg acting so unhelpful would make him appear to be much less of a threat to scum, basically allowing him to fly under scums radar while investigating them at night.
however i think this would have a lot more weight if he had admitted his when coming clean, rather than continuing his obtuse behavior.
-why have blarg make this claim?
if blarg is part of the scum team, and this is a scum gambit, why would they have blarg come forward with this claim? i cant think of anyone in this game less likely to be believed about this claim. only logical answer (to me at least) to this is that blarg isnt exactly cooperating with his teammates on this, and started this gambit of his own volition.
Sawneeks Regardless of Saws alignment her game as been strong but I dont see her as being as aggressive and outspoken as I remember her to be in PiS. Once we lost the primary triangle she has definitely moved into a position of leadership. However, I felt that her posts seems to wander a little and arent as direct as they could be. They seems to be trying out ideas instead solving questions. As the game as continued Ive also seen her been much more careful with whom and how she engages with other players. Exchanges between her and Splinter has felt forced and a weak attempt at best in going after Stanley. The Salva vote was highly off-putting and came with a weak defense and while also making sure to mentioning the possibility of going after Stan and Splinterwhich I havent seen a lot today.
I feel like I'm forgetting something
Honestly at this point I don't have much to say. I'm frustrated no one showed up with info to contradict or corroborate Blarg's claim so if the day comes down to Splinter vs. Blarg it's gonna ride mostly on gut reads. Splinter's post about the missing cop breadcrumbs from Blarg had my interest because Blarg did spend some time looking for breadcrumbs during the game himself (he tried to guess Ynnek was a trainer, for example) but still I feel like this discussion leads nowhere, just another observation to take into account.
i am comletely down with a blarg lynch.
Maybe some reasons as to why you picked Melon, Nin, and Splinter as your targets?
Or why you picked them on the Day Phases that you did?
Why did you go from CM to Nin?
also also, some sort of explanation for what you've been doing the entire game?
Or how about the fact that all of your targets also conveniently happen to be alive. :x
Who you Scum Read alongside your 'red-check' BFF Splinter?
just to name a few
Pretty sure he would have been lynched today anyway, makes sense to get out in front of it.-why have blarg make this claim?