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Masuda method pls.

People say complaining on GAF works.

Speaking of which, how many shinies have you guys seen in ORAS? It is a search option in the pokedex. I have 2 rows full (dont remember the number) with 4-6 of them most likely being mine. Lots of people like to show off their shinies in secret bases.

0. Unless my transferred ones from XY count.


My shinies off the top of my head:

Radar chaining:
- Shinx (multiple, in Platinum)
- Litleo (multiple, in X)
- Ditto (multiple, in X)

RNG abuse in Platinum:
- Dratini
- Charmander
- Ponyta
- Eevee/Umbreon
- Feebas/Milotic

Random encounter:
- Rattata (Black 2)
- Diggersby (X - I was enabling the Poke Radar but it actually broke my chain of Litleos at the very start)
- Feebas (AS - I think this also counts as a random encounter rather than chaining, since I was fishing but it came up immediately; I wasn't even trying to chain)
- Spheal (AS)

Chain fishing:
- Dratini (X)
- Dragonair (X)
- Magikarp (both X and AS)
- Poliwag (X)
- Poliwhirl (X)
- Luvdisc (X)
- Clawitzer (X)

Masuda egg hatching:
- Litleo (X)

Trades and events:
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Jirachi
- Metang
- Gyarados
- Charmeleon
- Ninetales
- Latias

I'm planning on SRing for shiny legendaries once I have the Shiny Charm in AS.


Having nearly completed my living dex (1 Arceus short!) I decided to try my hand at online battling for the first time ever. 5 straight losses later... all I can say is that damn, that was demoralising. I got beat every which way - with status effects, with pure power, with tricky moves and all sorts. Was also making all kinds of errors and not predicting what my opponent would do at all. You really need to know all the pokemon you might come across. I knew nothing about Heatran other than it's type, so I thought Fire moves might be okay to knock off the last 10% of its health. Big mistake.

It was tons of fun, though, and I can imagine you never make the same mistake twice. It's one thing to look something up - it's easily forgotten. If it costs you a match you're much less likely to forget. There was other stuff that cost me matches, though, like an Infernape outspeeding my Greninja, that I couldn't understand. I guess I'm going to have to start learning speed stats. It's the paramount stat, isn't it?

Glad I gave it a go, though. I just wish the single player game had the same kind of battles.


Having nearly completed my living dex (1 Arceus short!) I decided to try my hand at online battling for the first time ever. 5 straight losses later... all I can say is that damn, that was demoralising. I got beat every which way - with status effects, with pure power, with tricky moves and all sorts. Was also making all kinds of errors and not predicting what my opponent would do at all. You really need to know all the pokemon you might come across. I knew nothing about Heatran other than it's type, so I thought Fire moves might be okay to knock off the last 10% of its health. Big mistake.

It was tons of fun, though, and I can imagine you never make the same mistake twice. It's one thing to look something up - it's easily forgotten. If it costs you a match you're much less likely to forget. There was other stuff that cost me matches, though, like an Infernape outspeeding my Greninja, that I couldn't understand. I guess I'm going to have to start learning speed stats. It's the paramount stat, isn't it?

Glad I gave it a go, though. I just wish the single player game had the same kind of battles.
You just need to learn the metagame, which comes from both studying and experience.


Having nearly completed my living dex (1 Arceus short!) I decided to try my hand at online battling for the first time ever. 5 straight losses later... all I can say is that damn, that was demoralising. I got beat every which way - with status effects, with pure power, with tricky moves and all sorts. Was also making all kinds of errors and not predicting what my opponent would do at all. You really need to know all the pokemon you might come across. I knew nothing about Heatran other than it's type, so I thought Fire moves might be okay to knock off the last 10% of its health. Big mistake.

It was tons of fun, though, and I can imagine you never make the same mistake twice. It's one thing to look something up - it's easily forgotten. If it costs you a match you're much less likely to forget. There was other stuff that cost me matches, though, like an Infernape outspeeding my Greninja, that I couldn't understand. I guess I'm going to have to start learning speed stats. It's the paramount stat, isn't it?

Glad I gave it a go, though. I just wish the single player game had the same kind of battles.

It's the best feeling in the world isn't it? People usually complain about games being too easy, but then you hop on online and do some ranked battles, and you get your ass handed to you back and forth. It's disheartening sometimes, but I can easily say that I love it. It just makes every single win you get so satisfying.

Every time I hop on online, I always have the Global Link site open and quickly check the most popular moves and what people are running when a new mon I never battle before shows up. It helps avoid some situations that are obvious to most but first timers. I still remember the first time I left my Dragonite against a Nidoqueen not knowing that they carry Ice Beam most of the time. Little things like that can change the entire battle in one move.


Having nearly completed my living dex (1 Arceus short!) I decided to try my hand at online battling for the first time ever. 5 straight losses later... all I can say is that damn, that was demoralising. I got beat every which way - with status effects, with pure power, with tricky moves and all sorts. Was also making all kinds of errors and not predicting what my opponent would do at all. You really need to know all the pokemon you might come across. I knew nothing about Heatran other than it's type, so I thought Fire moves might be okay to knock off the last 10% of its health. Big mistake.

It was tons of fun, though, and I can imagine you never make the same mistake twice. It's one thing to look something up - it's easily forgotten. If it costs you a match you're much less likely to forget. There was other stuff that cost me matches, though, like an Infernape outspeeding my Greninja, that I couldn't understand. I guess I'm going to have to start learning speed stats. It's the paramount stat, isn't it?

Glad I gave it a go, though. I just wish the single player game had the same kind of battles.
Generally an Infernape shouldn't outrun a Greninja. Are you familiar with Natures and IV's? If not you may have more research ahead of you than you thought.
So this is my rudimentary ORAS VGC team:
Fir (Sceptile-Mega) (M) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 72 Def / 132 SpA / 52 Spe
Modest Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Quick Guard

Bunnicula (Azumarill) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
Level: 50
EVs: 164 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Belly Drum
- Protect

Hayabusa (Talonflame) @ Life Orb
Ability: Gale Wings
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Taunt
- Protect

Alice (Cresselia) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 220 HP / 36 Def / 156 SpA / 96 SpD
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Moonblast
- Thunder Wave
- Protect

Molgera (Garchomp) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 12 HP / 204 Atk / 4 Def / 36 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Protect

Regice @ Assault Vest
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 88 SpA / 8 Spe
Modest Nature
- Blizzard
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Icy Wind

Anyone have thoughts?


Welcome to the black hole known as the metagame. X/Y became the Pokemon game I spent the most hours in because I decided to start playing multiplayer somewhat seriously.

Edit: I need a M-Salamence killer.


Edit: Nevermind. See it was Feb 2009.. looks like TRU deal. Would explain why I never got a chance at it.


Ughhhhh. All of my battle items and power items are on my digital copy of X. I hate how you can't easily transfer items. Time to trade everything to Y and then to OR. This right here is why you don't go digital with both games :(


I wish you could transfer all of your stats over from previous games. I'm probably the only one that's annoyed that my profile says I have only done 5 link trades or hatched 3 eggs when battling online.


rating battle is brutal. 1-9 right now.

Free battle is so much more easier.

I guess people really know their shit, damn i feel like i got kicked in the balls.


The problem with gimmicky strategies is that they're reliant on your opponent's lack of knowledge. You have to be really creative.

This Normalize strategy is an example of one creative idea that took many people by surprise.

Indeed. I run nothing but "gimmicks" and creative strategies that I create, and they often work well (though my latest one, not so much, thanks to the mass amount of Garchomp) mostly because the other players don't know wtf is going on

My newest one is so evil in theory. I just need to test it.


I just started watching the Genesect movie and what the hell is up with the sound effects? The dialogue all seems to match up, but things the Pokemon are doing seem to make no sound. Weird. Also I really don't like that Mewtwo has a female VA. I heard this is a different Mewtwo to the one in the first movie? How did that even happen.
So like, I'm SRing with one hand here and I just realized that if I had a New 3DS XL I wouldn't be able to do this because I can't just place my left hand's thumb on the Select button like I do now. I can do it all one-handed because I have my XL stand up on its side so I can just gently push the R button into the table and use the left-hand for everything else (I just use the touchscreen to open up the Pokemon menu).

SRing with my left-hand on a New 3DS XL would be, well... Some pretty hardcore shit, that's for sure.
hmmm I have an interesting strategy cooking up in my head

seems too crazy to work though

you'd be surprised how many cheese strats work in Bo1s... Just make sure you plan out the strategy in that you have enough balance between making the strategy work and making sure a pokemon like Garchomp or Talonflame can't just straight up sweep you 6/4-0.
you'd be surprised how many cheese strats work in Bo1s... Just make sure you plan out the strategy in that you have enough balance between making the strategy work and making sure a pokemon like Garchomp or Talonflame can't just straight up sweep you 6/4-0.

well it involves a mega slowbro trickroom team with 2 unorthodox pokemon

Slowbro should be able to wall those two with it's massive defense, but I'll have to worry about some other threats


what does your team look like?

(Volcarona) (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
– Protect
– Quiver Dance
– Heat Wave
– Bug Buzz

(Tyranitar) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
– Brick Break
– Rock Slide
– Stone Edge
– Crunch

(Metagross) @ Metagrossite
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
– Meteor Mash
– Bullet Punch
– Protect
– Zen Headbutt

(Ludicolo) (F) @ Sitrus Berry
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 188 HP / 4 Def / 108 SAtk / 140 SDef / 68 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
– Fake Out
– Scald
– Ice Beam
– Giga Drain

(Amoonguss) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 236 HP / 84 Def / 4 SAtk / 84 SDef / 100 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
– Rage Powder
– Spore
– Giga Drain
– Protect

And the last member of the team is kinda undecided. I switch between a bulky Rotom-W and TalonFlame

This is my first competitive team that i put together a year ago but never really played with it till now when i got back into pokemon. It is a complete knockoff of this one http://nuggetbridge.com/reports/ludimoth-topmoth-loser-2013-masters-us-national-champion-report/

I feel like its garbage in this meta now.
I was told to find a team that looks cool and i really liked this one back then. Its really fun in free battle unranked, which i win a lot... ranked is another story i get crushed.

The all star on the team is surprisingly Ludicolo. The ice beam does gods work taking out Dragon types and others that have ice weakness, it seem like they are never expecting that move on ludicolo.
well it involves a mega slowbro trickroom team with 2 unorthodox pokemon

Slowbro should be able to wall those two with it's massive defense, but I'll have to worry about some other threats

When I ran a baton pass shuckle team (hilarious. Also did it with dunsparce) I chose my baton passers really deliberately to be able to cripple or straight up beat some of the more common threats to my shuckle. That's the sort of thing you need to be mindful of. It sucks to be trying your strat and suddenly you realize that you have absolutely no way to deal with a common threat.

This is my first competitive team that i put together a year ago but never really played with it till now when i got back into pokemon. It is a complete knockoff of this one http://nuggetbridge.com/reports/ludimoth-topmoth-loser-2013-masters-us-national-champion-report/

I feel like its garbage in this meta now.
I was told to find a team that looks cool and i really liked this one back then. Its really fun in free battle unranked, which i win a lot... ranked is another story i get crushed.
This also applies to normal teams. You need to choose your pokes in a deliberate way that deals with threats in a complimentary way. If you're playing doubles this is even more important due to an emphasis on pairings.

For example, who specifically do you want to pair Amoonguss with? It's a pretty strong pokemon in its own right, but on your team it doesn't seem to synergize as well with any individual other pokemon. Volcarona can make use of the support, but do to the prevalence of rockslide, Rage Powder doesn't do as much as you might like. Perhaps something like Azumarill that deals with Rock Slide spammers can be added so that Amoonguss and Volcarona don't have to worry about that as much.

That's just an example, though (and a relatively poor one, tbf). Just gotta keep these things in mind.
When I ran a baton pass shuckle team (hilarious. Also did it with dunsparce) I chose my baton passers really deliberately to be able to cripple or straight up beat some of the more common threats to my shuckle. That's the sort of thing you need to be mindful of. It sucks to be trying your strat and suddenly you realize that you have absolutely no way to deal with a common threat.
Thanks for the tip.

I'm gonna test it out a few times in Showdown and edit as I need to. If I don't end up scrapping it I'll post it on here.


I just started watching the Genesect movie and what the hell is up with the sound effects? The dialogue all seems to match up, but things the Pokemon are doing seem to make no sound. Weird. Also I really don't like that Mewtwo has a female VA. I heard this is a different Mewtwo to the one in the first movie? How did that even happen.

Different experiment so different Mewtwo


When I ran a baton pass shuckle team (hilarious. Also did it with dunsparce) I chose my baton passers really deliberately to be able to cripple or straight up beat some of the more common threats to my shuckle. That's the sort of thing you need to be mindful of. It sucks to be trying your strat and suddenly you realize that you have absolutely no way to deal with a common threat.

This also applies to normal teams. You need to choose your pokes in a deliberate way that deals with threats in a complimentary way. If you're playing doubles this is even more important due to an emphasis on pairings.

For example, who specifically do you want to pair Amoonguss with? It's a pretty strong pokemon in its own right, but on your team it doesn't seem to synergize as well with any individual other pokemon. Volcarona can make use of the support, but do to the prevalence of rockslide, Rage Powder doesn't do as much as you might like. Perhaps something like Azumarill that deals with Rock Slide spammers can be added so that Amoonguss and Volcarona don't have to worry about that as much.

That's just an example, though (and a relatively poor one, tbf). Just gotta keep these things in mind.

Good point about synergy and pairing.

Not knowing anything about competitive play when i copied this team, my goal was just to have something i could play at the time.

I suppose i should focus on a well rounded team with some synergy while i learn what the different types of pokemon do.
My shinies off the top of my head:

Radar chaining:
- Shinx (multiple, in Platinum)
- Litleo (multiple, in X)
- Ditto (multiple, in X)

RNG abuse in Platinum:
- Dratini
- Charmander
- Ponyta
- Eevee/Umbreon
- Feebas/Milotic

Random encounter:
- Rattata (Black 2)
- Diggersby (X - I was enabling the Poke Radar but it actually broke my chain of Litleos at the very start)
- Feebas (AS - I think this also counts as a random encounter rather than chaining, since I was fishing but it came up immediately; I wasn't even trying to chain)
- Spheal (AS)

Chain fishing:
- Dratini (X)
- Dragonair (X)
- Magikarp (both X and AS)
- Poliwag (X)
- Poliwhirl (X)
- Luvdisc (X)
- Clawitzer (X)

Masuda egg hatching:
- Litleo (X)

Trades and events:
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Jirachi
- Metang
- Gyarados
- Charmeleon
- Ninetales
- Latias

I'm planning on SRing for shiny legendaries once I have the Shiny Charm in AS.
How would you like to hand over that Shiny Charmeleon for a shiny Rayquaza? Good IVs and nature is jolly. EV trained in speed and attack.
Good point about synergy and pairing.

Not knowing anything about competitive play when i copied this team, my goal was just to have something i could play at the time.

I suppose i should focus on a well rounded team with some synergy while i learn what the different types of pokemon do.

Browse the nugget bridge or smogon RMT section (on the forums). Lots of people give out good advice on those boards for team building and synergy. I also really love Nugget Bridge's reports section for getting ideas. I'd also familiarize myself with the showdown usage stats (LINK). They're super useful for planning out your team on paper.

Just remember to practice and don't be afraid to try out different pokes. If you're not sure of something, try it on Showdown or see if you can find someone else who used it and wrote about it.


Different experiment so different Mewtwo
I always thought Mewtwo was a freak chance success though? Like wasn't the Mewtwo in the first movie just the first successful clone of Mew? Plus the Rocket scientists enhanced its DNA and you'd think any records of how they did that were lost when Mewtwo blew up the lab. Pretty BS if anyone other than Team Rocket made this one though, and they'd have no reason to considering last I heard Giovanni had all memories of Mewtwo wiped.

I'm overthinking this lol.


I always thought Mewtwo was a freak chance success though? Like wasn't the Mewtwo in the first movie just the first successful clone of Mew? Plus the Rocket scientists enhanced its DNA and you'd think any records of how they did that were lost when Mewtwo blew up the lab. Pretty BS if anyone other than Team Rocket made this one though, and they'd have no reason to considering last I heard Giovanni had all memories of Mewtwo wiped.

I'm overthinking this lol.


My theory is that they originally wanted the original Mewtwo, but the voice actor didn't want to return. Japanese studios tend to not like changing voice actors for the same role...often, they retire the character should the voice actor quit or pass on, though not always. So here I guess they decided to go a different way.

I maintain the movie would have worked better if it was the old Mewtwo trying to calm the Genesect who were going through the same existential crisis it did


Yeah, I think it's stupid that there are two Mewtwo as well. What about the New from the Lucario movie? Is that the same Mew from the first movie? There is only supposed to be one, right?


Yeah, I think it's stupid that there are two Mewtwo as well. What about the New from the Lucario movie? Is that the same Mew from the first movie? There is only supposed to be one, right?

Says who? The anime has never followed the "only one" legendary "rule".
Says who? The anime has never followed the "only one" legendary "rule".

I thought I remembered mention of there being only 1 Mew in the movies, too actually. I definitely remember that being from somewhere, but perhaps I'm remembering something from the game or from "fan lore".


Browse the nugget bridge or smogon RMT section (on the forums). Lots of people give out good advice on those boards for team building and synergy. I also really love Nugget Bridge's reports section for getting ideas. I'd also familiarize myself with the showdown usage stats (LINK). They're super useful for planning out your team on paper.

Just remember to practice and don't be afraid to try out different pokes. If you're not sure of something, try it on Showdown or see if you can find someone else who used it and wrote about it.
Outside the awesome reports our contributors right, this is a great spot for usage stats: http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/battle/oras/#double
Khangaskhan #1 No Surpise.

I feel like my team should have a hard counter to that and Talonflame

Honestly most physically defensive pokemon deal with kangaskan fine. It's not actually so ridiculous in doubles. Mawile is scarier. MegaMence is probably also scarier, though I haven't played it very much. Your amoonguss should do fine. Gengar also deals with it very well. You can try spamming Scald or using will-o-wisp if you need to deal with it better.

As for talonflame... I personally love my TTar + Quick Guard combo for it. Allows me two seperate ways to deal with it.
What does your Ttar build look like?

Edit: Ohhh i just noticed the request i put to change my Screen name months ago finally went through!

I use a trickroom team, so mine is a bit atypical.
Waira (Tyranitar) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 132 Atk / 4 Def / 116 SpA / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 6 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Fire Blast
- Fling
- Taunt

**Gonna explain it since it really is odd. This TTar is slow enough to guarantee first turn sandstorm against any drought or drizzle user. I combo it with a focus sash gengar for guaranteed trick room + sand into a free switch to mawile (since gengar takes a hit, and then takes sandstorm damage for a KO). Fling combos well with trickroom and ironball for really interesting speed management as well as stupid strong dark type stab.

Currently, a mixed attacker set is really popular. You can find it in a lot of Nugget Bridge reports with various tweaks.


I use a trickroom team, so mine is a bit atypical.

Currently, a mixed attacker set is really popular. You can find it in a lot of Nugget Bridge reports with various tweaks.

I'm gonna scour nugget bridge for more info.

Is a trick room team too advanced for someone like me who is relatively new to the competitive scene?

I play lots of strategy games and TCGS, and i've always leaned towards the more reactionary and counter type strategies. Things that throw the opponent off. I've never been an all out offensive type player. Is there any sort of teams i should look into?

**Gonna explain it since it really is odd. This TTar is slow enough to guarantee first turn sandstorm against any drought or drizzle user. I combo it with a focus sash gengar for guaranteed trick room + sand into a free switch to mawile (since gengar takes a hit, and then takes sandstorm damage for a KO). Fling combos well with trickroom and ironball for really interesting speed management as well as stupid strong dark type stab..

That sounds really badass. I like what you describe.
I'm gonna scour nugget bridge for more info.

Is a trick room team too advanced for someone like me who is relatively new to the competitive scene?

I play lots of strategy games and TCGS, and i've always leaned towards the more reactionary and counter type strategies. Things that throw the opponent off. I've never been an all out offensive type player. Is there any sort of teams i should look into?

Trick room teams are a good example of low barrier of entry, but really high skill cap. You can do crazy stuff with them, but you also can completely bone yourself. If you just play it as a set up move though, it's easy as piss.


Trick room teams are a good example of low barrier of entry, but really high skill cap. You can do crazy stuff with them, but you also can completely bone yourself. If you just play it as a set up move though, it's easy as piss.

Well you've sold me on testing out a Trick room team. If anything it will be so fun to try out some other than fake out quiver dancing every game i play. LoL
Well you've sold me on testing out a Trick room team. If anything it will be so fun to try out some other than fake out quiver dancing every game i play. LoL

Yeah, you should definitely try it out. Here's the team i used in XY VGC:
Charybdis (Lapras) (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 50
EVs: 204 HP / 4 Atk / 60 Def / 172 SpA / 68 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Ancient Power
- Hydro Pump
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Shard

Psilocybin (Amoonguss) (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 148 SpD
Bold Nature
- Protect
- Giga Drain
- Spore
- Rage Powder

Sarlacc (Mawile) (F) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Atk / 4 Def / 124 SpD / 20 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Protect

Scrafty @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Atk / 12 Def
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Quick Guard
- Fake Out

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Trick Room
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect

Waira (Tyranitar) @ Iron Ball
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 132 Atk / 4 Def / 116 SpA / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 6 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Fire Blast
- Fling
- Taunt

That 6 IV on TTar is because breeding for the 0 IV was impossible, and 6 is slow enough for everything I needed. There are better trickroom teams, but I really enjoyed playing with this.


Yeah, you should definitely try it out. Here's the team i used in XY VGC:

That 6 IV on TTar is because breeding for the 0 IV was impossible, and 6 is slow enough for everything I needed. There are better trickroom teams, but I really enjoyed playing with this.

Nice, thanks for this list.

So ideally every Pokemon on a trickroom team will have 0 Speed in its IV right?


Oh jesus, just ran into ANOTHER shiny - zigzagoon in a horde while EV training. I got a shiny Torkoal two days ago. Dat shiny charm


Nice, thanks for this list.

So ideally every Pokemon on a trickroom team will have 0 Speed in its IV right?
Yeah, unless you want to put in a fast pokemon or two in case you can't start Trick Room.

Trick Room teams are pretty fun, but I'm pretty bad at using them.
I think I managed 5 straight wins in the 1-round, swiss match portion of the GAF tourney, but when we got to the best 2 out 3 regular match portion my team completely crumbled.


It's hilarious knocking out a Level 100 Blissey when you have a Pokemon that has been transported from another game with Lucky Egg and Exp O-power Level 3...you get more than 50,000 experience points, no joke.

How would you like to hand over that Shiny Charmeleon for a shiny Rayquaza? Good IVs and nature is jolly. EV trained in speed and attack.

Unfortunately I can't actually move that one from my Black 2 cartridge, since, ah, the Poke Transporter finds it to be "problematic" (pretty sure the person who traded it to me hacked it, lol >_>).

You can have the one that I RNG'd if you want though, which is actually now a Charizard. Mind you, I didn't RNG it for anything other than shininess, so it doesn't have any perfect IVs (it has a Calm nature).


No Scrubs
Nice, thanks for this list.

So ideally every Pokemon on a trickroom team will have 0 Speed in its IV right?

You have to be careful with it because if someone reads it and has a counter you're boned. Just be sure to have a back-up plan just in case because if you can't get it down or someone kills your set up Mon and you can't finish them before it wears off then you're done.
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