So, got a question. While sitting here farming Latias still, doing a little research. Realizing that after I get the golden goose, I'm going to have to get a False Swipe Pokemon for some of this legendary shiny hunting. Anyone have a preference over one they use? Just curious. Not sure what to have as my False Swiper.
The biggest question is: are any of these legendaries required to capture before you can get the Shiny Charm? I pulled all my Pokemon from bank to AS a long time ago for credit, just gotta get far enough in game for it to unlock dex progression. I'm just wondering if after I get Latias if I can power through rest of game and not have to worry about it. And with Shiny Charm in hand, make the rest of the hunts at least a bit easier. If Latias is the biggest sacrifice I have to make, then it'll make it that much easier to keep powering this.
Also, I've seen a reddit posting with confirmed legendaries as shiny. I see Landorus on the list, but not seen Tornadus or Thundurus. Anyone come across those as shiny? Don't believe they're on the locked list, but keeping a running list I have of things to get. And makes me realize I'm going to need money in this game for Repeat Balls, as I surely do not have enough Master Balls for all this. ;_;
Edit: Lastly, are any of these runners? Like, should I save my Masterballs for a specific few, or is it a up to me kinda deal. (Or are there any that are notorious for killing themselves pretty quick?)