Chandelure has one of the highest Special Attacks at 145 and even with Filter, a super effective STAB heat wave can still take you out in singles. Attack powers are 75% if multitarget though. I don't really know which special attackers you'll encounter most frequently, but you can use that calculator to see what they can do to you at different EV investments
But Goodra is actually a much MUCH cooler version of Dragonite. It also doesn't go full derp (seriously, Dragonite makes the funniest face ever) when it uses Dragon DanceI did say cool.
could be an option, but I have more than enough special sweepers already.
But if Sigmaah conditions the opponent to expect a switch, Aggron is suddenly confident enough to stay on offense!Aggron is never meant to take a special attack, even in mega form. It's best to play to his strengths as a physical wall to force certain types out and set up stealth rocks, thunder wave or head smash.
Definitely!For aggron, I'm tryna make it so he's really defensive and can't really die in 1 hit, gonna make him my mega.
Should I do 252 sp.d/hp for that? That's what I'm thinking.
252 SpA Mega Gengar Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Filter Mega Aggron: 219-258 (63.66 - 75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Greninga Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Mega Aggron: 181-214 (52.61 - 62.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Chandelure Heat Wave vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Filter Aggron: 267-315 (77.61 - 91.56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (though Chandelure is more likely to use Fire Blast)
252 SpA Alakazam Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Filter Aggron: 184-217 (53.48 - 63.08%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
True, but SpD investment grants you opportunities against certain Pokemon that you wouldn't ordinarily have. Gengar for example cannot force you out if you have SpD investment, because Focus Blast can't OHKO you.Aggron is never meant to take a special attack, even in mega form. It's best to play to his strengths as a physical wall to force certain types out and set up stealth rocks, thunder wave or head smash.
Without the SpD investment to you take (70.34 - 82.84%) from Hydro, which is quite a bit more damage.tbf Hydro Pump was never going to do much anyway, it's not even SE
You take that back. You take that back right now.But Goodra is actually a much MUCH cooler version of Dragonite.
You take that back. You take that back right now.
In my experience, no.So you don't need a huge Attack investment on Mega-Aggron?
Without the SpD investment to you take (70.34 - 82.84%) from Hydro, which is quite a bit more damage.
It basically means if Mega Aggron dips below that % range (and it will, since it's going to be switch in a lot) it'll be vulnerable to an OHKO Greninja. The threshold for being taken out by Greninja is much lower with the SpD investment. I've been able to paralyze a lot of Greninja's that way.
You take that back. You take that back right now.
Once the truth is out, you just can't take it back.You take that back. You take that back right now.
I fail to see how you're crippling it though. Let's go over the stats:You're still crippling your mega needlessly, though your m gengar example is appealing. Problem with trying to reduce it down to a 2hko scenario is that aggron is so slow that most of the time it's a negative trade for him, though with m gengar and greninja you can probably OHKO back.
I fail to see how you're crippling it though. Let's go over the stats:
HP: Non-negotiable
Atk: Not much point, especially without Mega Aggron's coverage moves. The ONLY example that comes to mind is Aegislash; you always 2HKO Aegislash with Earthquake with Attack investment.
Def: The returns on investing in defense are low. 63+ to a stat that's already 500+ isn't that significant
SpA: Nope!
SpD: Your SpD jumps from 196 ---> 254, which allows you survive significantly more Special Attacks as outlined in the calcs i've provided. Only STAB Fire-type Special moves can OHKO you.
Spe: Nope!!
Until Mega Aggron gets its coverage moves, it should be played as a defensive Pokemon.
Yeah it's more of a situational thing.As you've said, it's a defensive pokemon. So bringing it's HP down so precariously by staying in on a special attacker when you can take it out and bring it back on when there's a physical attacker and let it survive more hits makes no sense to me, unless it's like that M gengar situation where gengar's fragility might give aggron a chance to OHKO it with some attack investments, though I haven't made any calculations yet. M gengar makes sense though because if played right gengar is always going to take down at least one pokemon, most of the time two.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Goodra Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Aggron: 153-180 (44.47 - 52.32%) -- 17.58% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Goodra Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Aggron: 201-237 (58.43 - 68.89%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
But you get absolutely murked without it.252+ SpA Choice Specs Goodra Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Filter Aggron: 262-309 (76.16 - 89.82%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Goodra Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Filter Aggron: 346-408 (100.58 - 118.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Yeah it's more of a situational thing.
Keeping Mega Aggron in against strong Special Attackers is generally a bad idea (since a good Mega Aggron teammate should be able to deal with them), but the important distinction is that I "can" do it, if I need to. Going back to the Greninja example again, if it's lategame and Greninja is set to literally 6-0, it's useful having a Pokemon like Mega Aggron take a hit and paralyze it with Thunder Wave.
As an aside, SpD Mega Aggron is also a decent switch into Specs Goodra (provided you don't switch into Fire Blast) who is usually impossible to switch into.
Should you run into a situation where Specs Goodra has safely switched into Mega Aggron, you can stay in and attack/t-wave/etc it with the SpD investment.
But you get absolutely murked without it.
That's why SpD investment is useful. It gives you more options in battles.
.....two things here:
1. who even runs Specs Goodra
2. if it has that item, after the first attack you can just switch in whatever absorbs the attack Goodra is locked in to (fairies for dragon moves, ground types for Thunderbolt, whatever)
although I mostly agree with your overall point
Goodra's got nothing on Dragonite.
Goodra stanky.
edit: though most goodra sets I've seen are tankier sets anyway. Dunno how popular a specs set is.
We all know Salamence is the best dragon
It feels weird having a tank-y dragon be popular. I'm so used to the only dragons I see being DD/SD into Outrage/EQ/whatever.
Hydreigon is the best dragon.
I like Dragalge too!Used to be the same for me, but Dragalge stole its place in my heart, but not in my team.
Only your last 10 uploaded videos stay on the server.2) How do I find the codes of battle videos I had saved? I don't see it anyway on VS recorder.
Only your last 10 uploaded videos stay on the server.
I'm not sure if you do but you should sign up anyway once it's done maintenance!Oh, so I need to upload em first? Do you need an account on Pokemon.GL for that?
Flareon got FlareBlitz. Where's Flygon's Dragon Dance GameFreak.Flygon best dragon.
For Dragon pre evos I have to say that trapinch is the cutest, followed by gible.
I'll be breeding some of these later for anyone interested:
-Brave Bird
If it's male, just replace it as the father.Decided that for Thanksgiving I would actually get to breeding a Speed Boost Blaziken.
5IV Blaze.
Well, I guess I still have the rest of the day.