Definitely interested.
What are you looking to get?
Currently want an Infiltrator Litwick. Probably some other stuff as well, but I can't think what right now.
Definitely interested.
What are you looking to get?
Currently want an Infiltrator Litwick. Probably some other stuff as well, but I can't think what right now.
For Dragon pre evos I have to say that trapinch is the cutest, followed by gible.
That's convenient actually, seeing that I have a lampent safari. The ones that I've trained are all flash fire, but I can get you an infiltrator lampent.
edit: I might train an infiltrator litwick actually. Flash fire is cool and all but there are times where I could really use infiltrator.
I have a few 3-4 iv ones you can start breeding with.
Ok, goomy might dethrone trapinch. Might.
Also for online battles it's always capped to 50 I think.
I'll be breeding some of these later for anyone interested:
-Brave Bird
What you might want to know dedvalve is that magic bounce is klefki's worst nightmare.![]()
I totally forgot about magic bounce >.>
Also I'm sure you can tell that I bred for a shiny vulpix. 1020 eggs hatched rofl.
Holy christ that was such a clooooooose call. Intense fight man. GG.
I'm saving this video (how do I see it?)
Anyone up for a battle?
Man, I can't wait to use the Slaking/Cofagrigus combo once Pokébank comes out. Would Return/Earthquake/Pursuit/Slack Off be a good moveset for Slaking Kong?
Only problem with that moveset is that it doesn't offer much coverage.
GGs Dedvalve. Should have gone for the sucker punch, but ah well. Drought ninetales hits hard.
Got to your vs recorder.
You can also upload it online for others to see your victory over me.
Sure. What's your IGN?
Aw, seems like I just missed you.
Also man. I have just enough pokemon from trades to make an all out attacking team.
Unfortunately, Slaking's coverage isn't really all that great, but he makes up for it with his insane Attack and HP, and pretty great Speed, Defense and Sp. Defense. I suppose I could run Thunderbolt or something to surprise bulky Water- and Flying-types, but that'd sacrifice the survivability offered by a healing move.
You up for battling now?
I know of its legendary stats, but I had no idea how limited its movepool is, especially physically. I guess it gets the elemental punches from tutors, but that's it.
Shit Chandelure.
Damnit again.
I love flash fire.
Gah I lost to the Chandelure. Was faster than I thought, and Drought just gave him more power. Didn't helped that I lost my Volcarona because I forgot fire resists bug.
GGs spiritfox. Flash fire seems to be the bane of your team.Love your shiny flygon.
He's choice scarf'd, so that's why his speed will surprise you. I find that he's usually powerful enough that making him faster is better.
Hah I didn't think he was scarfed cause you used will-o-wisp. So I was surprised when he outran pretty much everything.
That's funny because it will be scared of Fairies no matter what lol
Scrafty is the best dragon, closely followed by Hydreigon.
Wait what? Scald just unfroze me?
Didn't know it was possible.
I just didn't know that it has that property. Can fire moves do it too?
Also man do I just love sweeping people with haxorus. Dragon dance + outrage = hope you have a fairy on your team.
Yep, fire moves unfreeze too.
YesSo guys at long last I finally beat the league and is ready to ump into breeding and the like, is there any thread where we share friend codes and stuff I need a friend safari with Ditto.