Anyways, what's the best way to get those Legendaries?
EDIT: Who needs Air Balloon?
EDIT: Who needs Air Balloon?
I mean the particular 6 that are being called smogon team, all of a sudden it caught on with everyone I know. Kinda like Mesprit, Scizor, Tyranitar, Garchomp, Skarmory and Blissey in gen 4, I guess it's just easier with a label.Smogon doesn't have a monopoly on Pokemon you know
Unless you get wrecked by a Weezing, that shit is totally ours.
Haven't seen Lucario at all actually. And Tyranitar and Klefki are should be in there I think. Greninja maybe.I assume it involves Aegislash, Talonflame, Rotom-W, and MGengar/MKangaskhan/MLucario in some way.
Anyone have a bunnelby in their FZ or a Huge power one they don't want?![]()
It turned out my sister actually has a Diggersby in her Friend Safari. I can go catch one for you if you'd like.
..That would be awesome. I can give you a nice ditto for it if you'd like. I really want a HP one.
Alright. Just caught a female one. 31 IV in Attack and Sp. Defense. You'll have to breed for the nature though.
I just want the ability. I'm going to perfect it myself. Tanks.
FC is. 4914 3423 8045
Name is James
IGN: Calem
FC: 3866 - 8751 - 4302
EDIT: Did you still want that Growlithe?
ExactlyIt's kind of silly using a term like Smogon team for a team of just good Pokemon. I see Japanese players use them all the time for example and the majority of them obviously aren't huge users of Smogon, haha. People overuse them because they're just really good.
Made a video of how to clone:
Something I didn't show or explain very well in the video is that after turning off the first 3DS the second one shouldn't be getting instant-error'd. If it does then your timing's off. Black screen = too early, comm error = too late. And if you don't get an error but you ended up with just a normal trade then you were just a little too late.
And if you trade someone a clone without informing them that it's a clone and making sure they're OK with it then you're a dick.
Welp, I have a new Zeruda 3DS XL so when I get some screen protectors it's POKEMON TIME.
PS: Give me a Shiny Mawile.
Made a video of how to clone:
Congrats Koko~
Actually, I'll trade you a shiny Noivern for one of those (Yes, it's 5V). Will throw in a mega stone, too.Got extra 5v adamant drillburs with all abilities up for trade homies, gimme dem offers! Looking for other 5v pokemon I don't have.
I think you're missing that you're the only person who uses this term or knows what it means. Have literally never used "Smogon Team" or heard that used in the 6 or 7 years I've been playing competitively.I'm pretty sure the nickname only caught on because Smogon is related to competitive Pokemon and they are pretty competitive Pokemon
I mean, I feel like I'm missing something in this discussion
Actually, I'll trade you a shiny Noivern for one of those (Yes, it's 5V). Will throw in a mega stone, too.
And... there you go! Thanks for the Drilbur. <3
Trying to complete my central dex and where the fuck is Plusle? It says its on route 5, but all I run into is Minun.
How do I brred a Vulpix to get Heat Wave as an Egg Move?
Torkoal (lvl 55), Growlithe (lvl 41), or Smeargle (Sketch).
You're welcome. Enjoy your Charizardite Y! <3Plenty thanks, PreyingShark!
Currently have 2 of these:
Zubat - Jolly
Inner Focus
-Brave Bird
Looking for:
Quints of the following
Curse Goomy
I have 5IV litwicks with infiltrator if you want them, but are you also breeding infiltrator zubats?
Can I get a 5v litwick? I got 5v adamant mold breaker drillbur for trade! The only spare 5v pokemon I have sadly tho lol.
Sure. I'm going to breed some more anyway, because god help me, I think I'm going to go for a shiny on this one. It helps that I've found a good japanese breeding candidate on GTS.
Sure. I'm going to breed some more anyway, because god help me, I think I'm going to go for a shiny on this one. It helps that I've found a good japanese breeding candidate on GTS.
Awesome! It's 5vs in the right stats correct? The drillbur has iv's in the stats it needs.
My FC is 1048-9257-7593 ign is Jody if I don't have u already added!
Hm, no actually, seeing that it's missing the speed stat. If I get one I'll PM you though.
Good luck if you do go for a shiny, I have one and it's sooo damn good.
Let PreyingShark borrow it so he can clone and I could get one? : D
I have 5IV litwicks with infiltrator if you want them, but are you also breeding infiltrator zubats?
Hah, I doubt that's gonna happen.