Thinking of Camouflage?
Anyone mind helping me with four trade evolutions? I can give some 4IV pokemon in return.
(GC) 4957 - 2174 - 0187
Sure, I don't care about 5Vs really. I'm mostly happy using 3Vs and 4Vs as long as they're in the right stats. Only times when I care about 5V is when I get lucky enough to breed ideal parents for a 5V outcome.
Also at this point I have so many team candidates that I don't really care about what I get. Just glad that I finally got my shiny.
edit: though I'm still looking for budews and infiltrator zubats.
I need to use sketch on a pokemon with simple beam, is there any trainer that uses that move in the game? Not a single pokemon learns it by leveling up :/
Oh, Audino learns it!
Did Kalos introduce any really good new shinies? Off the top of my head I can think of Blood Knight Honedge, Ginger Trevenant, Mint Condition Sylveon and that's it. A good color palette is usually all it takes to get me to try out a new Pokemon. See: Sylveon.
Jet black ninja Greninja is really dumb.
Sure, I need to evolve my Phantump too, anyway.
Repost for new page.Premier Ball Giveaway![]()
HABcDs Jolly Purrloin Prankster f
HaBCDS Lonely Venonat Tinted Lens f
HaBCDS Modest Grimer Sticky Hold f
HABCDS Quiet Lickitung Own Tempo f
HABcDS Mild Larvitar Guts f
HABcDS Adamant Larvitar Guts f
HaBCDs Modest Shellos Storm Drain f
2578 3149 3873; Ray
Please quote with your in-game name if you want something!
Everyone should get a shiny Clauncher and name it Zoidberg. I have one and my life wouldn't be complete without it. <3
Thanks for all the cool Pokémon, GoldenChicken. Sorry I didn't have many good Pokémon to offer. I haven't bred many different species yet.![]()
Repost for new page.
You should clone it and give one to everyone.Everyone should get a shiny Clauncher and name it Zoidberg. I have one and my life wouldn't be complete without it. <3
Can I have Purrloin? >.>
Added! I'm online now and will be for a whileI'll take the adamant Larvitar : D
FC is 1048-9257-7593
Ign is Jody.
Did Kalos introduce any really good new shinies? Off the top of my head I can think of Blood Knight Honedge, Ginger Trevenant, Mint Condition Sylveon and that's it. A good color palette is usually all it takes to get me to try out a new Pokemon. See: Sylveon.
Jet black ninja Greninja is really dumb.
I will never get what you see in Mint Pokemon.
Also congrats on all the new Shinies, everyone!
Sorry, Zoidberg is in my personal "NO CLONING" category, along with my shiny Zard. <3You should clone it and give one to everyone.
Added! I'm online now and will be for a while
And thank you for the 4iv Scyther!Thank you!!!
Can I get a lickitung?Repost for new page.
Is there some reason I should discriminate against you?Can I get a lickitung?![]()
Hey, are you still doing this?I will likely hold a tournament starting mid to late December using the Standard ruleset once it is announced by The Pokemon Company. It'll be Doubles, Bring 6 and Pick 4 with Species and Items Clause. The only thing we still need to hear on is if all Pokemon minus the Battle Maison banlist Pokemon will be allowed or if only Pokemon in the Kalos Pokedex will be allowed.
This will give people good practice for Regional tournaments in 2014 or the official WiFi tournaments!
I think it goes like thisFlying Press is a Fighting move, but it also gives Flying coverage, too. How does that work? Does that mean that by carrying that single move, I don't have to also carry something like Acrobatics, too?
Make sure the Grass type has HP Rock for that Volt Switch into Talonflame.Anyone have a good IV Modest Bulbasaur W/ Giga Drain?
The only useful thing I have to trade is a 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Gible W/ Outrage
Actually...pretty much any good IV GRASS type pokemon will do. Stupid Rotom-W has been kicking my butt recently
Real talk: why the hell haven't we gotten more Pokemon based on urban legends / cryptids? I'm not talking big, popular stuff rooted in mythology like dragons / etc.
I mean, it'd be weird, but I'd love a Pokemon game - even a brief one - set somewhere decidedly "rural," maybe based in an interpretation of the Old Westwhere you hunt cryptid-looking things through deserts, swamps, mountain ranges, etc.that isn't Pokemon Colosseum
I'm bringing it up because of the United States Mythical Lake Monsters thread.
I mean, just look at these things:[img]
[spoiler]and no shut up, Monster Hunter isn't the same.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
They do, it's just that most of them are based on japanese myths/urban legends.
Wow! Thanks for ♥♀!Yay! Thanks Fury Sense! Now I'll be able to breed myself a 5V one no problem. <3
I trained a pokemon up to 252 EVs in speed and decided I wanted to redo them. I thought that feeding it one Tamato Berry would reduce those EVs to 100, but they look like they're at or above 200 still.
Do berries not reduce to 100 on the first berry, and then reduce by 10 for each subsequent berry?
It only dropped down to 100 initially in prior gens.
So it's just 10 EVs per berry, period, then?
So it's just 10 EVs per berry, period, then?
Yup. You're honestly better off just getting a Reset Bag.
Haha! GreatIs there some reason I should discriminate against you?![]()
♥Wow! Thanks for ♥♀!
Haha, no worries. Pay it forwardThank you Fury! Sorry I took so long to trade, I wanted to give something nice...but I realized I had nothing ._. I owe you one!
Now that I've finished the game, I need to do some hunting around for some IV dittos to start breeding, lol.
Anyone got a Friend Safari with them?
If you find someone please tell us, those dudes are rare.
Not a premier ball... yet still tasteful. I approve.AW YES thank you instacheck gods. I actually used the shinyvalues tumblr to find a match to one of my perf Scraggy.
You Pokéball elites can't laugh at me now! That is the most perfect ball for a future shiny Scrafty!