Dongs Macabre
aka Daedalos42
Just got a 5IV Phantump. 31/31/x/31/31/31 D:
edith god, now he wrote my name in his profile message. I'm creeped out. I think he wants my shiny Bergmite.
Just got a 5IV Phantump. 31/31/x/31/31/31 D:
Ah. Shadow Tag was never released though, so I'm surprised people make that mistake.
I would totally have made this mistake.
Any white on Avalugg (which is not a lot to be fair) is gold instead.What's the difference between shiny and normal Avalugg? Aside from having a darker shade they both look the same to me.
Finally got a good Eevee for my future Jolteon.
HP Ice Eevee: 31/xx/30/31/31/31
EDIT: What's a good nickname?
Congrats. This is the best possible case, no? I will never have patience for HP breeding.
Did Kalos introduce any really good new shinies? Off the top of my head I can think of Blood Knight Honedge, Ginger Trevenant, Mint Condition Sylveon and that's it. A good color palette is usually all it takes to get me to try out a new Pokemon. See: Sylveon.
Jet black ninja Greninja is really dumb.
That was last gen. This gen it's... Tri Attack I think.I thought Nature Power turned into Earthquake in online battles...
edit: sorry, disconnect again :/
Yup. I'm planning on making a few more to trade away.
That was last gen. This gen it's... Tri Attack I think.
You forgot MeowsticDid Kalos introduce any really good new shinies? Off the top of my head I can think of Blood Knight Honedge, Ginger Trevenant, Mint Condition Sylveon and that's it. A good color palette is usually all it takes to get me to try out a new Pokemon. See: Sylveon.
Jet black ninja Greninja is really dumb.
Need your FC. Might join sometime. 3050-7685-5267Yeah, I realised that the hard way against a Flareon :/
ed: I'll try to run some multibattles pokegaf, join us!
Need your FC. Might join sometime. 3050-7685-5267
I am in for some multis.
Added KittenMater and Wichu. FC is on my profile.
I'd give 5V clones in exchange for EVing + level 50. That's about it, really.Are people still around for multi?
EDIT: Also, I'm considering offering to level other people's Pokémon in exchange for spare 5IV Pokémon. Good idea or not? Would any of you give a 5IV Pokémon in exchange for, say, getting something to level 80? Two 5IVs for level 100 (fun fact: exp needed from 1-81 is about the same as 81-100)?
I'd give 5V clones in exchange for EVing + level 50. That's about it, really.
Alright, consolidating my litwick stock...
I have 5 5V infiltrator litwicks with what I would consider having a good spread of IVs (having an IV in sp Atk and speed)
7 5V litwicks which aren't ideal (6 missing sp atk and 1 missing speed)
5 5V flashfire litwicks with ideal spreads and 1 with non-ideal.
Also 15 4V infiltrators and 5 4V flash fires, but I can't be bothered to document them into groups.
So... anybody want some?
Actual Ghost Mega Gengar is cool.
You forgot Meowstic
Alright, consolidating my litwick stock...
I have 5 5V infiltrator litwicks with what I would consider having a good spread of IVs (having an IV in sp Atk and speed)
7 5V litwicks which aren't ideal (6 missing sp atk and 1 missing speed)
5 5V flashfire litwicks with ideal spreads and 1 with non-ideal.
Also 15 4V infiltrators and 5 4V flash fires, but I can't be bothered to document them into groups.
So... anybody want some?
Sure, I don't care about 5Vs really. I'm mostly happy using 3Vs and 4Vs as long as they're in the right stats. Only times when I care about 5V is when I get lucky enough to breed ideal parents for a 5V outcome.
Also at this point I have so many team candidates that I don't really care about what I get. Just glad that I finally got my shiny.
edit: though I'm still looking for budews and infiltrator zubats.
I'll take one 5 IV with good attack and sp at, spread if you have an extra to spare. I can give you seedots with 4 egg moves and 4-5 IV's.
Edit: I see you're looking for Infiltrator zubats, I have some with whirlwind, brave bird and zen headbutt.
I need to use sketch on a pokemon with simple beam, is there any trainer that uses that move in the game? Not a single pokemon learns it by leveling up :/
I need to use sketch on a pokemon with simple beam, is there any trainer that uses that move in the game? Not a single pokemon learns it by leveling up :/
Thinking of Camouflage?I've had a zygarde use it on me.
edit: or at least I was pretty damn sure it did. Can't find any info regarding it though.