Who has and Articuno and Moltres they are willing to trade to me (then I'll trade back)
yupAre you available now?
Does anyone have a decent IV male Shellder they don't mind lending me? I'd really appreciate it. I have no good father in the Water 3 egg group and I'm not in the mood to do all this with Dittos.
You didn't add me to your friends list.Lemme know when you're good to trade, dunno if you saw my post answering u lol.
Is 4 IVs ok? Just send me a trade request if that's fine.Does anyone have a decent IV male Shellder they don't mind lending me? I'd really appreciate it. I have no good father in the Water 3 egg group and I'm not in the mood to do all this with Dittos.
You didn't add me to your friends list.
Actually nevermind, thanks though. My husband gave me a 4 IV Ditto instead which covers the IVs I need perfected.Is 4 IVs ok?
What's your IGN?Lol whoops! Added!
Actually nevermind, thanks though. My husband gave me a 4 IV Ditto instead which covers the IVs I need perfected.
What's your IGN?
I played Pearl back when it came out. I wanted to see what Pokemon was all about and it was the current game. I finished it but had seen enough and never played again.
In the interim I had kids, and my son got interested in Pokemon this year. I let him play my old copy of Pearl, and for his birthday he got X.
Today he approached me about trading his Pokemon from Pearl into his game on X, and I thought it would be no problem. I'd helped him trade with friends and family before, so I sat down to try to do it with no idea of the clusterfuck I was about to run into.
Not only do I need a fifth generation game but I need to finish it as well in order to get from Pearl to X. I'm really disappointed at the way they have this whole thing set up. I can't believe there isn't a better solution for this.
I just picked up X, and all I do is Wonder Trade. Help me Gaf, I'm addicted.
I'm stuck in the Elite Four.
My last Pokemon game, Diamond, same thing happened. Never got back to that game after that.
What do you mean by stuck?
Also, is there anyone online right now that could help me evolve my Haunter? It should only take a minute. FC: 0920-1010-8506
I'll help you man. FC in my profile. Will add you right now
What do you mean by stuck?
I can't beat them, always end up losing.
Okay Sigmaah, the pokemon I have are:
4IV HA or non Eevee's
4 and 5IV Cincinno with skill link
Charmander with DD/Outrage(I can breed 4IV ones)
Dratini HA
Ghastly with disable
Skarmory with Whirldwind and Brave Bird
Is there anything you want?
Take your time, I'm in no rush.Skarmory will do!
I'll trade you in like 20-30 min, gotta close up my store and head home, will trade you she I get home.
Take your time, I'm in no rush.
I'll actually be back in about an hour, I need to pick something up
Sez: I might be able to get you one
Okay I'll be on in a few mins! Does gender matter?I'm good now and will be for a while, lemme know when you're good!
FC is 1048-9257-7593 ign is Jody if I don't already have you added
Okay I'll be on in a few mins! Does gender matter?
Also my FC is in my profile IGN is Megan
Intim male if possibleMale please
U want flash fire or intim growlithe? I may have male and female, any specific gender?
Intim male if possible
Thanks for the growlithe! The skarmory is 4 IV'sGot it! 4v I'm on.
Thanks for the growlithe! The skarmory is 4 IV's
Man, I seem to have a real penchant for walking into a new area, immediately encountering a Pokemon that's listed as Very Rare and accidentally killing them in one move before I can attempt to capture them : /
Sure, I'll be a couple mins tho, was just finishing up a battle (asshole turned his DS off when he was going to lose )Thank you! Got any without sp.a iv? Lmao, if not it's cool! It just makes breeding easier
Also, u got a female one you'd wanna trade? It'll just make shit so much easier for me lmao. I have 5v larvitar or some 5v sand force-rush I can trade too.
Also, anyone got any 4v Zubats for trade?!?
Sure, I'll be a couple mins tho, was just finishing up a battle (asshole turned his DS off when he was going to lose )
You wouldn't happen to have any Kangsakhan would you? If not, it's cool, I'll take anything
Also the one with 0 SPATK IV only had three IV's if that's okay. Same with the female
That's okay!Ya that's fine, only kang I have is 5v jap female that my friend gave me so can't give that up I'll send you some nice pokes!
I've got a Gible that is 31/31/31/31/3/31. Really wish the Special Attack and Defense would switch... anyone have something that can breed with Gible that has good IV's? Especially in Sp Defense? I'd give you some 4 IV Eevee's for your trouble!
Damn, that's really close to perfect. Just run with it, not like he's gonna be able to eat an ice beam if it's perfect.
I might have to, but if someone has another Dragon I could breed with I could easily snag a better IV there. My OCD just really doesn't want anything less than 15. :/