I'm trying to decide on Kangaskhan's last move. Right now he has
Nature: Adamant
Fake out
Power-up punch
Sucker punch
Any suggestions? I was thinking Return or Earthquake
I'm trying to decide on Kangaskhan's last move. Right now he has
Nature: Adamant
Fake out
Power-up punch
Sucker punch
Any suggestions? I was thinking Return or Earthquake
Yeah mixed is what I was thinking of going for, since its base Atk and Sp Atk are within 5 of each other, but yeah no real hard hitting moves with that set. Dropping Vacuum Wave for Close Combat or something I feel is kinda a bit too predictable...but would be able to focus on Atk and hit harder. Alternatively I guess I could go for a Sp Attacker and go with Vacuum Wave, Flash Cannon and Dark Pulse or something.
How can I get Leftovers? I just need one.
Should be on Route 12 (the Skiddo ranch route). You'll need Cut to get to it.
Two priority moves seems kind of redundant, especially when they both only have 40 BP. Lucario has the perfect stats to be a mixed attacker, but what's the point? What can Lucario do physically that he can't do specially, and vice-versa? People don't make mixed attackers because they can, it's usually out of necessity for coverage or to hit a Pokemon that can take you down first and hard. Instead of spreading yourself out thin, invest in either special or physical offense, boost your Lucario up with attack or special attack EVs and an appropriate nature, and start slaying.
That's what I would do anyway.
Isn't it on the 24th?
:O :O :OSpeaking of Bank, CoroCoro has revealed that Brigette, the host of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire, will be making a return for Pokémon Bank. I can hear the cries of "Hoenn Confirmed!" already....
Speaking of Bank, CoroCoro has revealed that Brigette, the host of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire, will be making a return for Pokémon Bank. I can hear the cries of "Hoenn Confirmed!" already....
Speaking of Bank, CoroCoro has revealed that Brigette, the host of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire, will be making a return for Pokémon Bank. I can hear the cries of "Hoenn Confirmed!" already....
I should! What do you have?Does anyone have a spared Leftovers? What would you like in return?
Speaking of Bank, CoroCoro has revealed that Brigette, the host of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire, will be making a return for Pokémon Bank. I can hear the cries of "Hoenn Confirmed!" already....
People take any reference to mean it's a remake hint. You should just ignore it.
Hell, people were using that backpacker who is from a new region as evidence of RS remakes being hinted. In addition to that, whenever a Pokémon appears on a bit of merchandise, people over-react.
"Sapphire" has 8 letters in it
There were 6 Mainline games before R/S
Remakes fucking confirmed
There were 7 mainline games before RS![]()
I was lied to... this game is doing that same bullshit from Pearl where they make you replace moves you like with shitty TM moves just to get around... FUCK!!
I've already seen like 5 different places to use Cut, so I hope by "rare" you mean "completely optional" because that is just the first one. If I have a happy balance of moves in my team, which I always do, this means I have to go get some dummy pokemon to trade out at the pokemon center whenever I want to head out and do that, then trade back when my business is done. How many times will this happen? At very least as many times as there are things that require these stupid fucking TM moves. How many of them are there? 8 or so? Do any happen along battle routes that I'm going to have to have some shit pokemon instead of the team member I want? GET A FUCKING CLUE, GAME FREAK, THESE SHOULD NOT BE IN-BATTLE MOVES. I am literally only half as excited to finish this game now. I never finished Pearl and didn't play the games between because of this bullshit.
Well, the point is coverage like you had mentioned. Bullet Punch alone hits rock and fairy type, Vacuum Wave gets normal, rock, steel, dark and ice too. I should mention that the idea for two priority moves originated to be fast and strong regardless if the other team trick rooms, but I'm realizing that a lot of trick room setters are psychic type. Also I wouldn't put EVs into speed if I went mixed, with 3 of the 4 moves I had in mind not relying on speed.
As for specific threats, I'm not really sure for Lucario, I know Blaze Kick helps out with like Ferrothorn and Scizor, so that seems like one of Lucario's best options.
I kinda stopped playing Pokemon from 08-13 so I'm not really all that familiar with the recent metagame, especially for doubles, so I appreciate the critique!
I'm screaming Pay Day Skitty confirmed here.Speaking of Bank, CoroCoro has revealed that Brigette, the host of Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire, will be making a return for Pokémon Bank. I can hear the cries of "Hoenn Confirmed!" already....
Mawile can't breed with tyrunt, but I've seen some mawiles using fire fang.
Thanks a lot, it happens that I already had it but my story Aegislash was holding it (I don't even remember getting the leftovers lol).I should! What do you have?
What's Flygon's deal? Seems to have lost all its moves that made him worth using (Outrage, Fire/Thunder Punch, Superpower) in the move from Gen V to VI. What's his appeal now?
What's Flygon's deal? Seems to have lost all its moves that made him worth using (Outrage, Fire/Thunder Punch, Superpower) in the move from Gen V to VI. What's his appeal now?
Holy crap, I just realized that Cottonee, the cotton Pokémon, is exclusive to Black, while Lilligant (who's based off of Southern Belles) is exclusive to White.
gaemfrak pls. This is almost as bad as the Sieg Heil Registeel screwup.
I'm not sure what's so bad about carrying an HM slave with you when you have to use an HM. As others have stated, most of the HM use in this game is for optional stuff.I've already seen like 5 different places to use Cut, so I hope by "rare" you mean "completely optional" because that is just the first one. If I have a happy balance of moves in my team, which I always do, this means I have to go get some dummy pokemon to trade out at the pokemon center whenever I want to head out and do that, then trade back when my business is done. How many times will this happen? At very least as many times as there are things that require these stupid fucking TM moves. How many of them are there? 8 or so? Do any happen along battle routes that I'm going to have to have some shit pokemon instead of the team member I want? GET A FUCKING CLUE, GAME FREAK, THESE SHOULD NOT BE IN-BATTLE MOVES. I am literally only half as excited to finish this game now. I never finished Pearl and didn't play the games between because of this bullshit.
Holy crap, I just realized that Cottonee, the cotton Pokémon, is exclusive to Black, while Lilligant (who's based off of Southern Belles) is exclusive to White.
gaemfrak pls. This is almost as bad as the Sieg Heil Registeel screwup.
type coverage alone means nothing if you hit with the force of wet paper tissue
even if you run a "mixed" set, it should probably be something like Close Combat/Flash Cannon/Dark Pulse/Protect or something, where the CC isn't really invested in and is just a backup (note: that moveset isn't actually good, just as an example)
however, I'd just pick either physical or special only and run with it, special is inferior in a vacuum (haha get it) but Intimidate exists and the current meta seems to be physically oriented
Holy crap, I just realized that Cottonee, the cotton Pokémon, is exclusive to Black, while Lilligant (who's based off of Southern Belles) is exclusive to White.
gaemfrak pls. This is almost as bad as the Sieg Heil Registeel screwup.
what was the appeal to him in the first place with Garchomp's existence
Wi-Fi ones might be locked, but local distros aren't locked I believe.Since it's pretty much confirmed that I am moving to Japan now, does anyone know if I can use my North American Pokemon X to get Japanese Pokemon XY event Pokes?
Though on the other hand I'm going to miss out on non-wifi North American retailer pokes. =/