Do you still have any left? If you're out of 5 IV, a 4 IV one would still be much appreciated! ^_^
FC: 0903-3152-6750
Thanks a bunch, appreciated.
Garbodor, ew.
So jelly!I found another shiny Pokemon in the safari today (that makes 3 so far)
I also managed to breed a HP Ice Galvantula without hassle.
Today was a win.
In-game name is Ai. (For now...)Yep, still got 5 IV Bidoofs. Got your friend code entered. What's your in-game name?
Hey Scrafty, do you still have any leftover Scraggy's? (if i'm not mistaken seeing a post of yours mentioning them)
Oodles and oodles. Do you want one with or without Dragon Dance?
With it would be awesome! I haven't played in a while, but the thought of raising a Scrafty sounded very tempting...
Of course it sounds tempting! You'd be raising something capable of one-shotting Poké-God itself!
Could you hop on right now so we can trade before I turn in for the night?
Thank you very much, kind sir.
IVs are a randomly generated number between 0 and 31 in each stat a Pokemon has.I've read the guides on breeding pokemon and stuff, but I don't think I quite get it. When I give a pokemon an everstone to keep the nature, it doesn't seem to work, I even tried 3 eggs. I also don't quite get how the IVs work? Would someone mind explaining it to me? Feeling pretty dumb right now since there are like 3 how to guides in the OP and I still can't get it too well![]()
I've read the guides on breeding pokemon and stuff, but I don't think I quite get it. When I give a pokemon an everstone to keep the nature, it doesn't seem to work, I even tried 3 eggs. I also don't quite get how the IVs work? Would someone mind explaining it to me? Feeling pretty dumb right now since there are like 3 how to guides in the OP and I still can't get it too well![]()
I've read the guides on breeding pokemon and stuff, but I don't think I quite get it. When I give a pokemon an everstone to keep the nature, it doesn't seem to work, I even tried 3 eggs. I also don't quite get how the IVs work? Would someone mind explaining it to me? Feeling pretty dumb right now since there are like 3 how to guides in the OP and I still can't get it too well![]()
Dittos will make breeding really easy especially if u get luck and find a 4 iv ditto. Also Alakazams with synchronize will make it easy to find the pokemon you need with the nature you need.
Considering how difficult it is to find 4IV Dittos I say building a good collection of 4/5 IV male pokemon from each egg group is better. Also, don't forget that Ralts and Abra both have this ability, not just Alakazam. I had a female synchronize ralts hatch me a bunch of eggs and as a result got one for most major natures. After that all that's left is getting a male pokemon with Cute Charm so it can make finding female pokemon easier.
Thats right, i forgot that those had Sync as well. Idk the odds about catching a 4IV ditto, but it took me 3 boxes before i found one. Given how super fast and easy breeding becomes with one i would definitely say its worth investing a few hours trying to get one. Dat feel when you find it ! Worth the hunt.
Okay, I just had firsthand experience with how important team preview is. Battling a random Japanese passerby, I looked at his/her team and saw that besides Talonflame and Lapras, they has nothing to prevent my Charizard from going crazy. I went in completely reckless and wasted 4 of my Pokemon, leaving only Charizard and Meowstic, just to take out Talonflame and Lapras. Then I sacked Meowstic for some screens and twaves and Charizard as my last Pokemon ran through the entire team. It felt so good that I traded them my spare perfect HA Murkrow, haha.
So glad for my Charizard's EV spread (100 speed/152 HP), because it was fast enough for everyone and by the end I was in the red. I wouldn't have won the match with a 50-50 spread.
Ok, i just got this game, ive never played a Pokemon game before and am wondering if there are any starter guides or anything
1st page of this thread has alot of useful info, so worth a read.
Guy/Girls I need some clarification on something - when breeding for a HA does one of the parents already need to have it?
or would it have a chance of being passed to a baby if being bred with a ditto?
If breeding a male and a female of the species, the female MUST have the HA. If breeding a male with a ditto, the male must have the HA.
Ok, i just got this game, ive never played a Pokemon game before and am wondering if there are any starter guides or anything
Woo GTS!
Haters to the left
How the hell...?
I guess some people just don't want their legendaries?
Well, damn... Something interesting happens when I am at work again... :/
Like with anything using it a lot means is you see a lot of popular Pokemon. I get way too many 1-2 IV Noibat, Sliggo, Froakie, Charmander, Honedge, Gible and Eevee (though my trades are up to 1000 so I've seen better...this is a tad extreme I'll admit, plus early on these were really helpful).I love wonder trade, it's given me a lot of decent IV pokemon that I could use as a base for breeding
Not sure about 1 but 2 applies to the majority of bootlegs.couldn't find a thread, but can someone answer this please.
the best way to find out if any of my pokemon ds games are fake is if they cannot;
1. connect online
2. cannot be played on my 3dsxl
is this correct ?
I found another shiny Pokemon in the safari today (that makes 3 so far)
I also managed to breed a HP Ice Galvantula without hassle.
Today was a win.
Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius berry is broken! I had no idea the ability was this awesome. Exceeding my wildest expectations and then some. Not uncommon to eat two berries in a single turn.
Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius Berry
Confuse Ray
Shadow Claw
Wood Hammer/Leach Horn
Speaking of Trevenant, I want to try out the Natural Cure SubSeed set for it:
Leech Seed
Phantom Force?
Would pretty much Substitute as soon as I can or Will-o-Wisp ninjas that I feel could break the Sub easy. Otherwise, it's all about leeching seeds and eatin berries all day
lmao, Trevenant seems like a really fun mon to use.Yeah I mistyped, mine has leech instead of confuse ray. It's bonkers. Was running sub for a while but it's not needed imo
Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius berry is broken! I had no idea the ability was this awesome. Exceeding my wildest expectations and then some. Not uncommon to eat two berries in a single turn.
Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius Berry
Confuse Ray
Shadow Claw
Wood Hammer/Leach Horn
Thanks to Skullhydra's Trevenant I discovered the huge buff given to Knock-Off.
Do tell! Should I be running it over Shadow Claw?
I have a 6IV female Phantump I would willing to loan out for Trevenant breeding. The only issue is it's frisk and not Harvest.
Well I meant as a counter to Trevenant, I used it on a Kabutops. I suppose Trevenant would prefer some STAB.
Anyone got a spare charmader with its HA they'd be willing to trade ?