:'(What!? Flash Fire Cyndaquil has never been released!?
Need Sheer Force Feraligat(o)r.
:'(What!? Flash Fire Cyndaquil has never been released!?
You can replace Wood Hammer or Shadow Claw with Protect for extra stalling and recovery against leech sheeded opponents.Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius berry is broken! I had no idea the ability was this awesome. Exceeding my wildest expectations and then some. Not uncommon to eat two berries in a single turn.
Harvest Trevenant w/ Sitrius Berry
Leach Seed
Shadow Claw
Wood Hammer/Leach Horn
You make me sad Tiamant. That Trevenant walled you to pieces before that stupid Kabutops... ;_;Thanks to Skullhydra's Trevenant I discovered the huge buff given to Knock-Off.
You make me sad Tiamant. That Trevenant walled you to pieces before that stupid Kabutops... ;_;
I... don't have a Slowbro. I think that's Antiwhippy. Lol.That's true, and thanks to your nasty Trevenant and the purification journey that I embarked upon our first encounter, now I have an excellent counter to Talonflame too.
But hey, your Slowbro still kicks my butt easily, I don't think I have a counter for that yet :/
Would anyone happen to have a female quickfeet (HA) shroomish in a luxury ball? IVs don't matter but it is a plus.
I... don't have a Slowbro. I think that's Antiwhippy. Lol.
0_oOh you're right. You had that shiny Aegislash that swooped my ass D:
I'm thinking about making a Slowking because I always loved the Slowpoke line but Slowbro is too mainstream, (I've yet to see one King online) and I see that Future Sight is an egg move. I know Psychic is a lot more safe but maybe I can play some mindgames with it?
come back to this game after a bit of a break, building a team so far I'm aiming for Dragonite(attack/speed), Mega Gardvoir (special attack/speed), Volcarona (special attack/ speed) any tips on the rest of the team? I was thinking Donphan and EV train his defense and hp or something
Does Slowbro still need 19 Speed IVs to always go second against Conkeldurr?
Well first of all you have to find something with either Defog or Rapid Spin, because Volcarona's not going to happen without them. Besides that, you have enough threats as is, you need some kind of support or wall Pokemon that can spread status and give your Dragonite and Volcarona the chances they need to set up.come back to this game after a bit of a break, building a team so far I'm aiming for Dragonite(attack/speed), Mega Gardvoir (special attack/speed), Volcarona (special attack/ speed) any tips on the rest of the team? I was thinking Donphan and EV train his defense and hp or something
Exactly my reaction. It *should* be mainstream but sadly isn't.
Oh, haha.I mean compared to it's brother in law.
I must be crazy, but I've been thinking of changing my 5 IV Pikachu for a new one to get HP Ice. I think we have one or two users who use Pikachu here. Do you use HP Ice at all or do you just use other moves? Maybe HP Dragon wouldn't be so bad...
Oh, haha.
Well there's a good reason for that. You see, Slowbro matches up well against many of the new threats in X&Y. It's particularly effective at stopping Talonflame (a.k.a King of standard), in addition to physical Garchomp and a host of physical attackers (including Mega Medicham, who's nigh unwallable). It's very potent physical wall.
Slowking was a good alternative to Slowbro in gen V when Rain teams were everywhere, as it had the SpD to take them on(Specs Hydro Pump did to much to Slowbro). Unless you plan on using Slowking offensively (it gets Nasty Plot) or you just plain like it more, there isn't really a good reason to use it over Slowbro in this gen.
Oh wow. I bred a 31/0/30/31/31/31 Timid Eevee. I didn't intend to, but this is perfect for a HP Ice Jolteon.
The only problem is that the ability is Anticipation, so it'll evolve into a Jolteon with Quick Feet and not Volt Absorb...
I also made a 27/0/30/31/31/31 Timid Eevee, which is also great for HP Ice Jolteon and the ability is actually Run Away, which is convenient.
Aw, man. I hate Eevee.
Guys, I'm working on a Catcher Smeargle and I need a good nickname for it.
I've come up with:
- Snaggle
- Snargle
- Smearget (or Smeargots)
- Ketchum
Any new suggestions?
Guys, I'm working on a Catcher Smeargle and I need a good nickname for it.
I've come up with:
- Snaggle
- Snargle
- Smearget (or Smeargots)
- Ketchum
Any new suggestions?
Guys, I'm working on a Catcher Smeargle and I need a good nickname for it.
I've come up with:
- Snaggle
- Snargle
- Smearget (or Smeargots)
- Ketchum
Any new suggestions?
Sooo.. I'm curious to know what are peoples thoughts on just my team in general. What I could possibly do with them. I don't have the pokemon yet, but this is what i'm thinking of going.
Whoa, how'd you get a Milotic?
I don't have the pokemon yet, but this is what i'm thinking of going.
hmm, anyone have some nice Eevees they're willing to trade?
it's been a while since I've played this
I have lots. What do you want?
hmm, anyone have some nice Eevees they're willing to trade?
it's been a while since I've played this
man just trying to be nicethat was about a month ago![]()
Can someone help me evolve 9 Pokemon via trade? I can give you a perfect 5IV Pinsir with CC or perfect 5IV Magby
I got you, FC is 0559-6808-4314
Thanks, FC:4639-9013-2718 IGN: Andrew, also which pokemon do you want in return?
The magby ok?
Shit, my Internet is messed up, I'm on my phone right now, can we complete the trade tomorrow?The magby ok?
Shit, my Internet is messed up, I'm on my phone right now, can we complete the trade tomorrow?