breeding can be addicting. so far i have ONE Pumpkaboo with perfect ivs in attack spd and defense. i guess im doing it right lol
Just wait until you hatch your first 6IV pokemon with perfect stats, it's an addiction.
breeding can be addicting. so far i have ONE Pumpkaboo with perfect ivs in attack spd and defense. i guess im doing it right lol
Just wait until you hatch your first 6IV pokemon with perfect stats, it's an addiction.
Pumpkaboo is such a fun word to say.
how do you get the o-powers that really speed up the breeding process?
i've done all the looker missions.
yea i believe you. I'm getting happy over three! I might go for 6 but i'll settle for 4-5.
>.> hopefully...adamant nature is a good nature for it because thats what im using,
True, I can't come up with a better nickname than that. lol
Should try to go for a defensive nature (Impish) for Pumkaboo/Gourgeist if you're gonna use a Super sized one, or Jolly if you were gonna use a Small size.
I believe the only thing that speeds up breeding is an item? The only O-Power that helps is Hatching? I could be wrong.
.-. so the size effects the over defensive stats? .-.
The size affects its HP, Attack, and Speed. The Small sized has the least amount of Attack and HP, but has a decent 99 base speed. It can use a pretty quick Will-o-Wisp to weaken physical attackers, and can use Pain Split effectively with its lower base HP.
Huge or super sized has the most HP and Attack compared to the other forms, but has a much lower speed. The huge sized pumpkin functions pretty well as a physical tank, soaking lots of hits, and can threaten physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp and recover using Leech Seed. I personally use the supersized Gourgeist a lot.
So you would use Impish for huge sized to maximize its defensive bulk, and use Jolly for small size to outspeed physical threats and burn them. If you really wanted to use Adamant, you could, but Gourgeist's attack stat is pretty mediocre, and the form with the highest attack also has the lowest speed.
Ohhh yeah, that's what I meant. speeds up the hatching. multiple flame body pokemon wont stack. so i'm trying to get that level 3 hatching o-power.
Oh. I think I received a Zigzagoon named "Wonderlocke."That's what I'm doing on my second copy. Wonderlocke. Catch 5 pokemon and trade them and your starter over Wonder Trade until you have 6 level 1 pokemon.
The game is still incredibly easy. I'm going to have to do a challenge with no exp share and limited pokemon centers next time.
I have been thinking about a Battle Mansion team and how to get around the game's hexy BS...
Can anyone tell me if this is a good set up?
Lead with Ninjask for the Speed Boosting.
Have him use Protect-> Swords Dance-> Protect-> Baton Pass
He either Baton Passes to my Talonflame or Mawile so that they can blow through the AI team.
I wanna lead with him to bait the rock move from the AI's lead so that Mawile can Safely get Baton passed into the battle and Mega Evolve. I hear Scolipede is better at this ... but Scolipede would attract fire attacks from the hex AI which would make M Mawile a bad switch in (But COULD make Talonflame a better switch in).
AI will easily ruin your best laid boosting plans. You have to think on their level, straight up strats will not work for long. =)
Hey Tiamant, do you still need that Slowpoke? I'm online now, just send Hibi a trade request if you still need it.
So, though choice. Yanmega or vivilion for my bug flying?
I really like vivilion's compound eyes hurricane shenanigans but yanmega is so much more cooler.
Seems good, but you know, eventually the AI is going to find a way to annihilate that.
I made a troll build for super doubles consisting of a Focus Sash Parasect with Rage Powder and IV's oriented into sp.def and HP so he could take all hits away from my Belly Drum Linoone. It worked pretty well until everyone and his mother started to carry Rock Blast -_-
AI will easily ruin your best laid boosting plans. You have to think on their level, straight up strats will not work for long. =)
Yup, you need to know what can counter your plan and bring the counter to that counter.
I'm just gonna say that Venomoth wrecks shit badly with Tinted Lens and 90 base, just imagine Yanmegas 119 going wild with that ability.
Managed to get an Electrike from a friend that had 31/x/30/31/31/31 (the x needs to be an even number to get HP Ice if I'm right...) IVs and thankfully he was in the same egg group as Pikachu. Took me a long while, but once I decided to bother evolving one of the female Pichu offsprings with good IVs, I let her breed with my Electrike, and then eventually got a HP Ice Pikachu.
I bred a 5 IV Speed Boost Yanma, and it holds Choice Specs. I'm thinking of using the Ability Capsule, it's worthless because you lose the speed boosts upon switching out anyway (which I do a lot with the specs).Hmm, true enough, though speed boost is hella nice too.
Anyone know of a booster plan that has a counter for it's counter?
With those 3 leading with Ninjask should allow for a Baton Pass that's immune to toxic AND burn (mawile can't be poisoned and talonflame can't be burnt even if Ninjask is burnt or poisoned correct?). Main thing to look out for would be a lead that just straight taunts off the bat (happened to Talonflame when she lead ... she's been able to pop off her SD before getting taunted so the AI just started putting out bulky water/ rock/ steel types as leads >_>.
Did the mention anything pokemon related in nintendo direct today?
Anyone know of a booster plan that has a counter for it's counter?
With those 3 leading with Ninjask should allow for a Baton Pass that's immune to toxic AND burn (mawile can't be poisoned and talonflame can't be burnt even if Ninjask is burnt or poisoned correct?). Main thing to look out for would be a lead that just straight taunts off the bat (happened to Talonflame when she lead ... she's been able to pop off her SD before getting taunted so the AI just started putting out bulky water/ rock/ steel types as leads >_>.
Guys, freaking Kangaskhan is in ubers. Who thought this would ever happen? Lol
Taunts the main bitch here ... (And TWave I guess ... )Well depending on the move sets of your sweepers, you'll be stopped by either a taunter or a bulky water. So you'll want something along that can counter both, like a Starmie running boltbeam and surf/hydro pump.
Basically plan for:
a) a taunt
b) a bulky water
c) a physical wall
Just be sure to plan for your boost to fail or get walled.
Pass truant from Durant. You can then setup using protect - boost - protect - boost - etc
Oooh yes, just rebred HP Ice Jolteon, Sylveon and Vaporeon, all with their regular (superior) abilities now and in Luxury Balls. Was totally worth it.
Anyone have a protean froakie or greninja to trade?
It depends on what type of Pokemon you want. Yanmega can either be played a strong Choice Specs user that has limited amount of counters with Tinted Lens, or a special attacker than can potentially sweep with Speed boost. I personally prefer to former; It's easier to use, and there are plenty of ways to stop a Yanmega +1 Speed.So, though choice. Yanmega or vivilion for my bug flying?
I really like vivilion's compound eyes hurricane shenanigans but yanmega is so much more cooler.
Still haven't gotten my Shiny Taillow.
I think it's been 4 days and over 1000 eggs, I will persist!
I was right IVs are x/x/0/31/0/x Jolly nature so the 31 doesn't matter. The 0 def is horrible as Blissey has such low defence it gets quite a significant amount from the IV.What the hell wonder trade? I just got a Happiny nicknamed "No thanks" in a heal ball. It is shiny and Jolly nature. Probably junk IVs but still...
Multi battle is the worst for this. I wound up against Tyranitars (would be fine if I didn't lead with Ninetales...maybe I should give it sunny day rather than nasty plot or just lead with Charizard and put up with the evolution animation every battle) and eventually lost to Honchkrow (spelling?) while burned sucker punch did over 50% to Charizard-Y and about a third to Ninetales.Yup, you need to know what can counter your plan and bring the counter to that counter.
People want to win so they go with the easiest to effectively use. I'm guessing you had good Agieslash counters as I thought that was another common one.I'm fed up with Rating Battles right now. In an hour of play, I ran into the same team five times: Greninja, Talonflame and Mega Gardevoir. Christ, people; how about a little originality?
From the time taken I'm guessing finding a Level 19 Eevee (for fairy move) and you did Amie up to 5 heart only need 2 heart affection and the fairy move you might as well use the move reminder (finding Luvdisc holding a heart scale will take less time)Good god. Took like an hour and a half to get a Sylveon.
Good god. Took like an hour and a half to get a Sylveon.
Do these things actually go for asking on GTS? probably won't give it away anyways (read: I won't), but if they do, I might evolve another.
How about I give you my other HP Ice Eevee? It has 30 Def IVs and you can keep it for other HP Ice projects you might have in that egg group. I just rebred it because it has the wrong ability, and its IVs are about 13/xx/30/31/31/31.Can I borrow your Jolteon later? I really want a HP Ice one, but I'm too lazy to go through the effort![]()