Seven Force
Hey Seven I'm just gonna go fill out your Freind Safari quickly, and if your still up for the trade we can do it whenever you're ready.
Sure, let me know when you're ready.
Hey Seven I'm just gonna go fill out your Freind Safari quickly, and if your still up for the trade we can do it whenever you're ready.
Sure, let me know when you're ready.
Do you mind if we trade now and I return it sometime tomorrow? Because I'll be going to bed after the trade.Nah it's fine, it's my only one lmao, I'll be working on piplup so you can work on Chimchar![]()
All I ask for is that you give me a spare 4v iron fist chimchar when you get them. I can give you the same when I breed piplup.
Sure, let me know when you're ready.
What's your FC, Troubled Bat? I can give you your Totodile and Feebas in the meantime since they just hatched.Never mind!
I'm sure you can get them from Gts, wonder trade and from gaffers.
Do you mind if we trade now and I return it sometime tomorrow? Because I'll be going to bed after the trade.
And chyeah I'll give away Iron Fist Chimchars. I'm having no luck finding one yet though. :/ I'm guessing the ones who are lucky enough to have one are hording or breeding them like mad to get stock.
What is your IGN again? Mine is Justin.
What's your friend code? XP
Many thanks Seven, I really really appreciate.
I can't help but feel useless for never having anything good to offer.
I really hope you don't have the pokemons I traded over. But thank you so so much!!I really appreaciate you doing this. Heh.
I really hope you don't have the pokemons I traded over. But thank you so so much!!I really appreaciate you doing this. Heh.
No problem.
Funny you say that, minus Vivillion, I actually needed all of what you traded me, heh.
I've only just received the game (Only beat the E4 & Champion today!) so I've barely even filled up two boxes, heh. Glad to help!
Well, I'm off to bed. Good night, and Merry Christmas to everyone!
Best. Mii. Ever.
And the nerfed weather is more bad news for Typhlosion.Looks like it's going to be another gen of eruption, flamethrower,focus blast and solarbeam for typhlosion![]()
Looks like it's going to be another gen of eruption, flamethrower,focus blast and solarbeam for typhlosion![]()
It's such bsLooks like it's going to be another gen of eruption, flamethrower,focus blast and solarbeam for typhlosion![]()
It's such bs
Give him Earth Power at the very least. For crying out loud, it's the Volcano Pokemon
Jeez. I got five Mewtwo in ten minutes by putting Cyndaquil up for trade.
Time to sleep...
Jeez. I got five Mewtwo in ten minutes by putting Cyndaquil up for trade.
Time to sleep...
Going off an idea I first saw in (I think) Tumblr, tomorrow I'm gonna wonder trade a Delibird holding a rare item as a present for the lucky recipient. Something that would be helpful to all the new players getting XY for Christmas. I was thinking of doing one of the items bought with BP. Though I was wondering, if you buy an item with BP from the Battle Mansion, can you buy a second one later on? The only thing I've bought so far are TM and you can't buy multiple of those, but you also can't lose them.
What do you get for completing the National Dex?
OMG I got cottonee, i'm going to breed it. pM if you need one
Seems like Pokebank hack check still doesn't check for some blatantly hacked stuff like a Shiny Torterra with Dream World ability. I assume it's the same as the system they used for the GBU / live tournaments / online tournaments.
wow Cottonee is Grass/Fairy.
Best Pokemon Ever Confirmed
I'll make one for my team, dat Speed + Prankster
Shiny Charm
is it normal item or a key item ?
can a pokemon hold it for trade?
Key Item, like the Oval Charm. So no, no trading.
dam , i was thinking of the duplicate glitch
speaking of duplicate glitch , can the poke bank check for that too ?
By the way, Joe, as you have access to Pokémon Transporter, could you check something? (anyone else with Pokémon Transporter?)
What happens if you transfer a Pokémon with this condition:
floor((Trainer ID XOR secret ID XOR (PID & 0xFFFF) XOR (PID / 0x10000)) / 8) = 1
(for example, trainer ID = 00001, secret ID = 00002, PID = 8)
In 5th gen and below, such a Pokémon wouldn't be shiny, but in 6th gen, it would; does it become shiny, or (more likely) does the game change its PID (I expect something like newPID = oldPID XOR 0x80000000)?