if i got an egg , then saved the game
then hatch it ,and didn't get shiny ,
will the result be different if i reset the game and hatch it again ?
or the shiny pokemon determined once i got the egg ?
I just found out (by accident) that having an EV increasing item equipped will give you the 4(8) EVs per kill for that stat even if you kill something that gives a different stat.
I'm gonna start using this to skip the Attack hordes on Routes 14 and 19 because of how much it rains on those routes.
Yeah, I know, but because of how problematic the rain is on those routes I'll just start accounting for that.You'll still get the point for the different stat. For instance, if you hold a Power Anklet (+4 to speed) and you KO a horde of Whimsur (1HP each), you'll earn 5 HP EVs, and 20 Speed EVs. (10 HP and 40 Speed with Pokerus.)
Yeah, I know, but because of how problematic the rain is on those routes I'll just start accounting for that.
Murkrow on Route 15/16 are much better for Speed EVs since it is a lot easier to get to the grass.The rain is such a pain. I'll go to route 9 for Wingulls only to have it start raining as soon as I go to use Sweet Scent. So instead I have to go to Connecting Cave and hunt Zubats for Speed. However, I almost always get Whimsur instead. So infuriating. To combat it, just EV two stats at once.
Alright, will come on now, thanks.Hey DaBoss, I have that Klefki ready for you, if you want it now.
Good stuff. Hopefully I remember this for the future.Murkrow on Route 15/16 are much better for Speed EVs since it is a lot easier to get to the grass.
What would be a good moveset for Blissey this gen since it doesn't seem to get wish?
Forgot to ask, would a Corphish be fine?
That actually sounds pretty awesome. Its probably what ill use too.I use Softboiled/Toxic/Seismic Toss/Aromatherapy on mine.
Route 9? I always use route 12 instead...I'll have to see if route 15/16 is better.The rain is such a pain. I'll go to route 9 for Wingulls...
The rain is such a pain. I'll go to route 9 for Wingulls only to have it start raining as soon as I go to use Sweet Scent. So instead I have to go to Connecting Cave and hunt Zubats for Speed. However, I almost always get Whimsur instead. So infuriating. To combat it, just EV two stats at once.
That actually sounds pretty awesome. Its probably what ill use too.
Aromatherapy is an egg move, right? I have a Chansey with seismic toss, but it doesnt have Aromatherapy.
I finally finished collecting all the non legendary pokemon thanks to spindashing for helping me evolve my porygons.
Congrats, sir!
Yea, that would be awesome. I can't get on now but ill be on later.Yeah, it is. I think I still have some Seismic Toss/Aromatheraphy Chanseys, if you want one.
Lol, was going through the GTs to look for pokedex fillers, and I ran across a Jumpluff.
Guy was asking for a Cresselia, but said in the bubble that the jumpluff had the pokerus and 7 ivs.
Lol. He has to try harder than that.Lol, was going through the GTs to look for pokedex fillers, and I ran across a Jumpluff.
Guy was asking for a Cresselia, but said in the bubble that the jumpluff had the pokerus and 7 ivs.
Dat 31 in Charisma. All that's needed is 31 in Luck to have a full 8 IV Pokemon.
Lol. He has to try harder than that.
Indeed, but it did get me to thinking...how do people seriously expect to get legendaries, even Mewtwo or the birds for stuff like that?
Obviously, some people might not care about legendaries, while the people asking need them for their own pokedex, if nothing else, but I'm seriously hoping things standardize out some once the bank gets released for everyone else.
I just found out (by accident) that having an EV increasing item equipped will give you the 4(8) EVs per kill for that stat even if you kill something that gives a different stat.
I'm gonna start using this to skip the Attack hordes on Routes 14 and 19 because of how much it rains on those routes.
So it doesn't give the regular EV? For Attack I usually go with Trevenant hordes in Route 20. They're pretty common and give 2 EV each.
So I played for a few hours, then my pokemone started to get too high and the second gym was nowhere in sight so I just restarted and am going through without the Exp Share. Even with it off my pokemon seem to be leveling overly fast and I'm not grinding at all. Should I just start skipping trainers and what not?
Japanese really trading their Yveltals for my Mudkip?
Hacked/cloned or not, I'm gunning for Mew next.
Anyone got or could breed me a Stantler or Unown?
DUDEHoly fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
What I can choose from:
Deff going for the bold eevee, vulpix, growlithe, hp grass froakie, Torchic, Zorua, and that hp ice Jolteon, any other ones I should get?
Also I got 4 shiny modest 6v Larvestas up for trade. I'd like other shiny mons I don't have for them if you have them, or maybe let me clone a shiny mon you have?
Just start using more pokemon, there are so many different ones to catch along the routes you can have a full team and/or rotate other ones in and out of your team as needed. use this to try out a few different ones.
If you're still looking for one, I do have some leftover.Anyone have an Extreme Speed Dratini? Preferably male?
...WHATHoly fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
What I can choose from:
6 IVs
1x Lv 1 F Magikarp Swift Swim Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/311x
1x Lv 1 M Inkay Contrary Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 Rotom Levitate Modest 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 27 M Archen Defeatist Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Eevee Adaptability Modest 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Wish, Yawn
1x Lv 1 M Eevee Anticipation Bold 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Yawn, Wish, Covet
1x Lv 1 F Vulpix Drought Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Hex
1x Lv 30 Raikou Hasty Pressure 31/31/31/31/31/31 (Event)
1x Lv 100 Victini Timid Victory Star 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/V Create, Fusion Bolt, Fushion Flare (Event, 252 SpA/252 Spe/6 HP)
1x Lv 100 Genesect Hasty Download 31/31/31/31/31/31 w/Extreme Speed (Event)
1x Lv 1 M Electrike Lightning Rod Timid 31/16/30/31/31/31 w/HP Fire, Discharge
1x Lv 1 F Froakie Protean Timid 31/14/31/26/31/31 w/HP Grass, Toxic Spikes
1x Lv 1 M Jolteon Timid Volt Absorb 31/16/30/31/31/31 w/HP Ice
1x Lv 50 M Latios Timid Levitate 31/16/31/30/31/30 w/HP Fire (Pokerus, JPN)
5 IVs
1x Lv 1 M Charmander Jolly Blaze 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Flare Blitz, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
1x Lv 1 M Fennekin Magician Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Aron Adamant Rock Head 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Superpower, Head Smash, Stealth Rock
1x Lv 1 M Hawlucha Unburden Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Baton Pass, Agility, Quick Guard, Ally Switch
1x Lv 1 M Kabuto Swift Swim Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Rapid Spin
1x Lv 1 F Growlithe Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Close Combat, Crunch, Morning Sun
1x Lv 1 M Trapinch Adamant Arena Trap 31/31/31/X/31/31
1x Lv 1 F Ekans Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Iron Tail, Sucker Punch, Poison Fant
1x Lv 1 M Clauncher Modest Mega Launcher 31/X/31/31/31/31 w/Endure
1x Lv 1 M Torchic Speed Boost Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Baton Pass
1x Lv 1 F Litleo Unnerve Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31
1x Lv 1 M Nincada Compound Eyes Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31
1x Lv 1 F Vullaby Overcoat Bold 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Foul Play, Knock Off
1x Lv 100 Male Salamence Moxie Naive 31/31/31/30/31/31 w/Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang (needs to be relearned)
1x Lv 3 F! Pancham Scrappy Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 w/Storm Throw
1x Lv 1 F Zoura Illusion Timid 31/X/31/31/31/31 w/Sucker Punch, Counter, Extrasensory, Snatch
1x Lv 100 M Landorus Jolly Intimidate 31/31/31/X/31/31 (KOR, 252 Att/252 Spe/6 HP, Pokerus Cured
Deff going for the bold eevee, vulpix, growlithe, hp grass froakie, Torchic, Zorua, and that hp ice Jolteon, any other ones I should get?
Also I got 4 shiny modest 6v Larvestas up for trade. I'd like other shiny mons I don't have for them if you have them, or maybe let me clone a shiny mon you have?
Shiny madness
my first 6 Perfect IV from breeding ever
i also got torrent Froakie 6 perfect IV
i have 2 box all of them are 5 IV protean and torrent ( all Timid )
Yea, still need one, thanks.If you're still looking for one, I do have some leftover.
If you're still looking for one, I do have some leftover.
Holy fuck I'm about to have so many competitive shiny mons.
Also I got 4 shiny modest 6v Larvestas up for trade. I'd like other shiny mons I don't have for them if you have them, or maybe let me clone a shiny mon you have?
Mind if I catch one too, spin?
Yea, still need one, thanks.
Thanks spin!No problem. Hit me up with a trade request whenever.
This is sort of an outside-the-box request, but I'm playing through Y now and would like to know what levels the Gyms are at, but not what their types or Pokemon are. If someone could get that info for me, just telling me the highest leveled Pokemon's level for each of the Gyms, that'd be awesome. Spoilered if you must, just a list like this: [Gym #] - [Level XX]
Also, the Champion's? Assuming there is one, and all of the Elite Four stuff is as standard - the equivalent "final battle" if that's not the case.
Thanks in advance!
Do I have you added?No problem. Hit me up with a trade request whenever.
No problem!Thanks spin!
Could have sworn I had you added at some point but I added you just now lol.Do I have you added?
FC: 1736-0341-1378