What are you guys using for your Malamar? I'm ot quite sure what EVs to give him. So far I'm planning to use:
Malamar @ Leftovers
Adamant (EVs ????)
- Superpower
- Night Slash / Foul Play
- Psycho Cut
- Topsy Turvy
What do you guys think?
I would recommend night slash over foul play, if foul play is the move that uses the opponents attack stat instead of yours. With Malamar you are trying to get boosted to hell using super power to be physically bulky and damaging. So you are vulnerable from the special side, if a dark move is your best bet against an opponent (say against an aegislash who is immune to superpower and resist psycho cut) the opponent can switch in to a fast special sweeper take the dark hit using their pitiful attack stat and then ohko through your unboosted special defense. I had a guy lose a match on showdown against me for this exact reason.
Edit: also with base 70 speed I don't see it out speeding much so if probably go bulk so maybe 252 attack/252 HP/4 Def or something.