Thanks pal! You're a life saver
*edit: oh yeah same here! I was hoping for a female and I was glad I got her.
No doubt! I fear when I get around to it it'll be a male. ><
Thanks pal! You're a life saver
*edit: oh yeah same here! I was hoping for a female and I was glad I got her.
Thank you too!Yay, good karma! Thank you. FC in mine as well, IGN Drew
Jumping on now if you're available. (Though, don't remember IGN.. haha.)
Nah I won't be home until like 430pm JST the earliest. IGN is Black Mamba. I was confused at first with IGN because I thought it was IGN related and not ingamename. Lol
lol, the RNG gods won't do you dirty like that man.No doubt! I fear when I get around to it it'll be a male. ><
lol, the RNG gods won't do you dirty like that man.
Reading that really makes me not want to get the shiny charm. Though being at 555 in the pokedex means I won't have to worry about that for a while.
I suppose it's a trade off right? Though my shiny luck sucks with horde encounters. You would think with 5x Pokemon per encounter they'd be more common.I think it's just my horrible luck catching up to me.But feeling like I at least have a chance to encounter shinies in wild is fun. Because I didn't find those two until after I got it.
I suppose it's a trade off right? Though my shiny luck sucks with horde encounters. You would think with 5x Pokemon per encounter they'd be more common.
I know right?Been trying to get a Zangoose that way. Though my luck with bringing Pokemon with Sweet Scent, the hordes are generally everything but what I'm looking for, haha.
Nintendo Playstation, you got your female Anticipation Premier Ball Eevee, correct? Was going to help ya earlier but got beat to punchline.
Bird Jesus GETTODAZE! Thanks a lot!
Speaking of shinies...
I knew about this for a while but decided to wait for OD's inevitable thread.
Shiny 5-6IV Pokemon for trade! Most of them have beneficial natures and abilities, a few don't.
- Venusaur
- Ariados
- Typhlosion
- Dodrio
- Vileplume
- Masquerain
- Wheezing
- Muk
- Mew
- Grumpig
- Cacturne
- Whiscash (nicknamed)
- Zangoose
- Infernape
- Pachirisu (nicknamed)
- Skutank
- Drapion
- Lucario (not competitive)
- Chandelure
- Hydreigon (nicknamed... or has French name)
- Sawsbuck (winter)
- Lugia
- Thundurus
I just want shiny Gen 6 Pokemon. 5-6IV, beneficial nature and abilities would be nice, but I don't really mind.
I don't want Delphox and Clawitzer. Dragalge's at the back end of the list too since I can just chain fish to get one.Any you specifically want? Or don't want maybe if that list is shorter. Not that I really have any Gen 6 ones at the moment, but figure might help some out.
Does Thundurus have HP ice? (just curious, don't have any gen vi shiny atm).Shiny 5-6IV Pokemon for trade! Most of them have beneficial natures and abilities, a few don't.
- Venusaur
- Ariados
- Typhlosion
- Dodrio
- Vileplume
- Masquerain
- Wheezing
- Muk
- Mew
- Grumpig
- Cacturne
- Whiscash (nicknamed)
- Zangoose
- Infernape
- Pachirisu (nicknamed)
- Skutank
- Drapion
- Lucario (not competitive)
- Chandelure
- Hydreigon (nicknamed... or has French name)
- Sawsbuck (winter)
- Lugia
- Thundurus
I just want shiny Gen 6 Pokemon. 5-6IV, beneficial nature and abilities would be nice, but I don't really mind.
It could be the Kinniekins I was going to trade you. You know the Fennekin given to you by that girl if you chose Froakie?hmmm, duplicated Discount Coupon can't be traded ...interesting
It could be the Kinniekins I was going to trade you. You know the Fennekin given to you by that girl if you chose Froakie?
Anyway, hope you like what I traded instead
Ah no, it's also Hasty in nature. Not ideal lolDoes Thundurus have HP ice? (just curious, don't have any gen vi shiny atm).
Can someone help me evolve two Pumpkaboo?
I'll help you. FC is in my profile, ign Buzz.
These are all over GTS and can be wonder traded (I saw a video where someone wonder traded a Lugia and got that) so I would guess it is the discount coupon.It could be the Kinniekins I was going to trade you. You know the Fennekin given to you by that girl if you chose Froakie?
Thanks for the clarification StarwolfThese are all over GTS and can be wonder traded (I saw a video where someone wonder traded a Lugia and got that) so I would guess it is the discount coupon.
Been breeding Piplup. So far no luck on shiny, but have a few females I've got that I don't need:
-All are Modest
-All have Torrent
-All have moves of Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Feather Dance, Aqua Ring
x2 31/31/31/X/31/31
x4 31/31/31/31/X/31
x1 31/31/31/31/31/X
Can I have drapion?Shiny 5-6IV Pokemon for trade! Most of them have beneficial natures and abilities, a few don't.
- Venusaur
- Ariados
- Typhlosion
- Dodrio
- Vileplume
- Masquerain
- Wheezing
- Muk
- Mew
- Grumpig
- Cacturne
- Whiscash (nicknamed)
- Zangoose
- Infernape
- Pachirisu (nicknamed)
- Skutank
- Drapion
- Lucario (not competitive)
- Hydreigon (nicknamed... or has French name)
- Sawsbuck (winter)
- Lugia
- Thundurus
I just want shiny Gen 6 Pokemon. 5-6IV, beneficial nature and abilities would be nice, but I don't really mind.
Hi GAF, I'm looking to give these two guys away to separate loving homes free of charge! Both are from friends, but I don't really like either of these Pokemon and I didn't want to reject a free shiny.
Ra doesn't have a very good nature or IVs, but he's carrying Pokerus and I'll throw in an ability capsule for him.
Deino is timid, along with having perfect IVs and egg moves.
Quote this with who you'd like and I'll PM a random winner for each.
If giveaways like this aren't allowed, let me know and I'll edit this post out.
Hi GAF, I'm looking to give these two guys away to separate loving homes free of charge! Both are from friends, but I don't really like either of these Pokemon and I didn't want to reject a free shiny.
Ra doesn't have a very good nature or IVs, but he's carrying Pokerus and I'll throw in an ability capsule for him.
Deino is timid, along with having perfect IVs and egg moves.
Quote this with who you'd like and I'll PM a random winner for each.
If giveaways like this aren't allowed, let me know and I'll edit this post out.
silver.tongue = hmmm, i'll give you that : 31/31/XX.31/31/31 add me on 3DS
Yes.Quick question about Friend Safari, I am assuming two people each have to register each other as friends before you can go on their safari, correct?
If so, heres my friend code if anyone wants to add me for another safari: 3582-8983-6155 (also in my profile but easier this way!). Not sure if you need it too, but my 3DS nickname is Adam, never use 3DS friends list stuff typically. Just PM me your code and I will add you back.
Also, pretty random but I wish there was a way to search on GTS for people looking for a specific Pokemon, instead of only being able to search based on what you want. Had some extra trade evolving pokemon, would have been cool to find people specifically looking for them and make them happy.
I really like that shiny Deino. It's one of those pokémon that is cool, but I wish evolved earlier (the other one being Larvesta). I'll join the queue for it.
I think there is a way to filter it out based on Pokemon you have.
The problem with the Pokemon you have filter is it does not filter all the offers, just the ones on that page. I think each page is 100 results (never tries counting) and on more popular Pokemon like Vivilion a page can be filled in an hour of idiots with their common Japanese pattern they just got off wonder trade (Japanese nickname but player is like from Germany) or asking for a legendary for a rarer pattern.I found this option, but you still have to first specify what pokemon you want, then you can filter it so it only shows people who want something you have in return.
just hatched this bad boy
perfect 6IV HA
all hail shiny charm
and because of that, i decide to make a very special give away
9 X 5IVs Chespin , all of them are Bulletproof and Jolly
and every one of them have 2 surprise
first surprise is an item ( Master Ball - Discount Coupon - Moon Stone - Ability Capsule )
the second surprise is a surprise