Delphox looks awesome
Pikachu (Light Ball, Static)
Naive, Perfect IVs and EVs in Speed and Attack
-Quick Attack
-Volt Tackle
Pikachu packs a really solid punch and will OHKO a lot of stuff. It doesn't do too great against faster Pokemon or weather damage. You could substitute Static for Lightning Rod if you wanted to and beef it up to ridiculous levels if you correctly read an incoming electric attack. Grass Knot is another move you can put in if you want different coverage.
Hitmonchan (Expert Belt, Iron Fist)
Adamant, 252 Speed and Attack
-Thunder Punch
-Ice Punch
-Close Combat
After a single use of Agility, he will out speed pretty much everything. As long as he doesn't get hit with a super effective hit he has enough armor to withstand pretty much anything. Thunder and Ice provide a ton of coverage and Iron Fist along with Expert Belt make OHKOs pretty much guaranteed when hitting a weakness.
Delphox (Power Herb, Magician)
Modest, 252 Speed and Special Attack
-Solar Beam
-Fire Blast
-Calm Mind
Fire Blast hits everything really hard after a Calm Mind. Solar Beam can be used in one turn to kill any water types that try to get funny thanks to the Power Herb and then Magician steals their item before they die.