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Pokémon XY |OT4| Don't Bank On It

People really don't pay attention to the events in Japan enough. They see event, they see Japan. They don't see that it's in one building in all of Japan for from a week to a month.

Yeah, exactly.

When you really look at it, NA's probably doing really well for itself when you compare nationwide events in more recent years. Outside of events like tournament giveaways, basically everything has gotten nationwide distribution via Gamestop. Yeah sure, NA still probably doesn't get as many event legendaries as JP, but you'd have to jump through hoops and go halfway across the country to get everything in Japan.


Yeah, exactly.

When you really look at it, NA's probably doing really well for itself when you compare nationwide events in more recent years. Outside of events like tournament giveaways, basically everything has gotten nationwide distribution via Gamestop. Yeah sure, NA still probably doesn't get as many event legendaries as JP, but you'd have to jump through hoops and go halfway across the country to get everything in Japan.

All the major events make it to America, anyway. It's just the small ones that don't.
I've been soft resetting for an hour and a half trying to get a Pokéball Vivillon with a positive Nature, Compound Eyes, and good stats. *Sigh*
I've been soft resetting for an hour and a half trying to get a Pokéball Vivillon with a positive Nature, Compound Eyes, and good stats. *Sigh*

I did that for many hours over many days; you need patience : P

Also, only bother with 31 IV Speed IMHO and high Special Attack (29-31).
I've been soft resetting for an hour and a half trying to get a Pokéball Vivillon with a positive Nature, Compound Eyes, and good stats. *Sigh*
I never bothered going past nature for fancy or elegant or whatever it is called. I can see it being utter torture though.
Given how Gen 6 gave us ball passing down I wonder if forme passing down will ever happen

All right, trying to come up with some team configurations. Most of it's gonna come from testing, but here's the Pokémon I have (or still want to breed). Anyone see any potential here?

There's more, but I'm tired of breeding for a while. I want to beat White and HeartGold.
Random comments.

Maybe I'm missing something here but just so you know. Houndoom; Inferno is 50% accuracy. I would only use it in doubles if paired with someone switching a ring target onto the foe (I assume that is how ring target works) but that is more gimmick than practical. Solar power makes Ninetales a popular partner but watch out for Tyranitar (it being slower sets down weather after ninetales and is likely to pack Earthquake whipe wipes both out).

Feraligatr; Mystic Water with no water type moves to boost is an odd choice for hold items. LIfe orb gives better coverage. Ice Punch and avalanche, replace one of them with waterfall (guessing avalanche was supposed to be this) and/or Aqua Jet (priority moves are a nice way to get last mileage out, maybe test and if you find yourself at low health and being outsped and knocked out to work out if you need...).

I notice a fair bit of taunt. While it is anti set-up you need to be able to take the forced hits so screens might be a good idea.
Some people will just never be happy in the shadow of Japan's events. I don't think NA events will ever compare to JP ones, especially when it comes to the distribution of a new event legendary like Diancie because of how often those are tied into theatrical movies in Japan etc. I've seen plenty of people also complaining about how you need to go to Gamestop to get the mega stone for the Pinsir/Heracross, despite the fact that the majority of JP events are on-site distribution.

There's definitely potential with those pokemon; exactly how much and with how many of them being viable depends on how competitive you are. But I think you could definitely make any of those work if you want them to.

Lanturn, for example, is probably one of the more outlier Pokemon you have listed. You probably can't get very far with it competitively and in online battles, but I'm a bit fond of it and its unique typing myself and use one somewhat often. I try and take advantage of its HP (basically the only thing it has going for it other than its typing) and run Leftovers/Aqua Ring with EVs pumped into HP and see marginal success against my friends. There are times where it's been able to hang around well, but it's still not bulky enough to tank super-effective hits (maybe it could with the help of a light screen or reflect), so there have also been quite a few times where it goes down really quick.

Yeah, Lanturn is a bit of an odd one out, but I just love it. I'm not very competetive, I just want to get some decent teams in case I ever decide to hop online.

Maybe I'm missing something here but just so you know. Houndoom; Inferno is 50% accuracy. I would only use it in doubles if paired with someone switching a ring target onto the foe (I assume that is how ring target works) but that is more gimmick than practical. Solar power makes Ninetales a popular partner but watch out for Tyranitar (it being slower sets down weather after ninetales and is likely to pack Earthquake whipe wipes both out).

Feraligatr; Mystic Water with no water type moves to boost is an odd choice for hold items. LIfe orb gives better coverage. Ice Punch and avalanche, replace one of them with waterfall (guessing avalanche was supposed to be this) and/or Aqua Jet (priority moves are a nice way to get last mileage out, maybe test and if you find yourself at low health and being outsped and knocked out to work out if you need...).

I notice a fair bit of taunt. While it is anti set-up you need to be able to take the forced hits so screens might be a good idea.
Thanks for the tips. I'm still adjusting my builds as I'm breeding/training the Pokémon, so there's definitely going to be some errors (like Feraligatr, like you noticed). Most of the items are placeholder, too.
I did that for many hours over many days; you need patience : P

Also, only bother with 31 IV Speed IMHO and high Special Attack (29-31).
Oh, I'm used to it. I used to breed a crap ton back when the game came out, and even spent over seven days breeding for a perfect, shiny Sableye. (And even wrote short journal entries about it) I just have less time these days. Lol.

How long does this event last?
Oh, I'm used to it. I used to breed a crap ton back when the game came out, and even spent over seven days breeding for a perfect, shiny Sableye. (And even wrote short journal entries about it) I just have less time these days. Lol.

How long does this event last?

Aha, I see! Well, I can totally relate to having less spare time : P

The event lasts until 12th August, so better get flexing those fingers quick...
Yeah, Lanturn is a bit of an odd one out, but I just love it. I'm not very competetive, I just want to get some decent teams in case I ever decide to hop online.

I personally enjoy battling with a couple of my friends the most, since we're not ultra competitive and it lets us use a lot more than just OU stuff.

Choice Specs may be the way to go since it's the only way Lanturn can do all that much damage. Leftovers with a nature and EVs set up to attack might be too middle-of-the-road. You can't do much damage and you can't tank too much, and Volt Switch won't get you away from damage since Lanturn's slow. The only way that might work would be if you go with Thunder Wave or only bring Lanturn out when you have a screen up for it.

While I can't vouch for any hope of competitive viability with it, I had bred Soak onto mine. The idea is if it's out there in any sort of neutral/attrition scenario is to Soak the opponent and then be able to hit it with a supereffective STAB Thunderbolt (with the added bonus of taking away the opponent's STAB). I've run into the ideal situation for this once or twice against friends. For me, I consider it a better option than carrying a coverage attack like Ice Beam, but mine has a Calm nature with EVs in HP/SpD/Def that I set up Aqua Ring with whenever I get the chance. If you go Modest with SpA EVs, the insant coverage of Ice Beam is probably better (especially if you go with Choice Specs)


All right, trying to come up with some team configurations. Most of it's gonna come from testing, but here's the Pokémon I have (or still want to breed). Anyone see any potential here?

There's more, but I'm tired of breeding for a while. I want to beat White and HeartGold.

I never play outside of the BattleSpot, and always doubles, so I don't know if multiple Pokemon with mega stones will work. I think only 1 pokemon can mega-evolve per battle, so while you can send them out, they will not be able to mega evolve if you've already mega evolved one during the battle already.

I'll just suggest what I feel comfortable suggesting, it may not fit your whole team, but it may help out the individual pokemon. This is also probably more adviced geared towards double battles.

In your first team:

Arcanine should have Intimidate, he's fairly weak, and no one is going to hit him with a fire move unless it's on the switch, which will basically be a one-trick thing if you're opponent is unawares.

Dragonite with multiscale is badass, and I have one on my team, but with Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Extremespeed and Dragon Claw, holding Weakness Policy. Weakness Policy takes advantage of multiscale, but can hurt you if sand or hail is out, because it'll end up being useless unless you're hit by a burned Pokemon or a weak Supereffective move. Outrage locks you in and leaves you vulnerable once you've been hit once. Extremespeed is necessary IMO because Dragonite can survive a SE hit and be powered-up with Weakness Policy, and do pretty dang good damage with Extremespeed without worrying about being outsped, and probably sweep if it got off a DD. I'd choose either Fire or Thunderpunch, but not both. EQ is my choice of other move but honestly I rarely get to use it so I may swap it out for FP or TP.

I'm not a huge fan of Mixed Garchomp on your next set. Focus on Attack or SpAttack, don't mix em. I'd get rid of mega and go Rocky Helmet. Back when Diamond and Pearl came out I had Substitute/EQ/Dragon Claw Jollychomp which was nice. For a fourth move I used Poison Jab for Fairy Coverage but I don't really like Garchomp anymore so I don't use him for some reason.

Anyway just my 2 cents but I like your teams, they aren't overused by any means and look like fun!


Sweet mother of Pikachu, waking up to find Pokeball Vivillon being available for the US is awesome! Still going to get the JPN one later this month. Couple of days from now the Pikachu pandemonium begins.
Yeah, Lanturn is a bit of an odd one out, but I just love it. I'm not very competetive, I just want to get some decent teams in case I ever decide to hop online.
If it makes you feel better, Lanturn is a tourney winner on NeoGAF.

Kanga sorta carried it, though. >.> And I should not have gotten past Top 8.


If anyone has two Pokeball Vivillons for me since I'm outside of the US I would be eternally grateful.

Yeah I can nab you them with my farming cart, did you want a nature? Or you don't care? And I can't control the gender since that is determined when it's downloaded.
So I've been trying fish chaining and I did not so bad catching shinies
Relicanth - 25
Quilfish - 3 (really caught me off guard here XD)
Staryu - around 40

Gonna try and get some repeats so I can net some good GTS trades

All right, trying to come up with some team configurations. Most of it's gonna come from testing, but here's the Pokémon I have (or still want to breed). Anyone see any potential here?

There's more, but I'm tired of breeding for a while. I want to beat White and HeartGold.
Just adding some more comments here
- Take out either Fire Blast or Heat Wave for Zard Y, you don't need both
- I would personally go for a tank-ish set for Lanturn to take better advantage of its high HP
- Take out Gardevoir's Moonblast or Hyper Voice (depending on which form you'll use more often) and replace it with something like Tbolt or Calm Mind
- Blaziken is better off with Hi Jump Kick
- Take out Gengar's Destiny Bond and replace with Shadow Ball
- You're using a Special Salmence but have an attack boosting abilty and a special hindering nature. Replace both with Intimidate/Timid
- Carryong multiple Mega Stones is fine, but I wouldn't recommend have more 2 per team
PokéBall Pattern Vivillon is currently being distributed over the Internet to North American players. Download it now, it's only live until Tuesday

Oh yes. More online distributions please



Did you want both of those older events also to have TM moves not accessible now?

Water Pulse for both and Giga Drain for Celebi.

I'm also recreating the event by giving Jirachi either a Ganlon or Salac berry to hold.

Turns out you can grow those.

And I took this pic last night during the festivities in downtown.


That's how it is normally but you can see the Tanabata decorations.

Oh right, my favourite comment so far during this Shiny Tanabata run: "Also, it's not often you see a whole train of Shiny Jirachis ^^", and yes still running trades so no asking about this, but feel fee to ask for Wishmaker Jirachi and or Ageto Celebi.


Hullo all.

Just finished my Pokédex but I'm still missing Diancie if anyone has one left to spare!

If anyone has Enigma, Lansat, and Starf berries to spare I'd be very much obliged too!

I have a whole bunch of custom-bred 'mon in cool Poké Balls, each with 4 Egg Moves, decent natures and 5x31 IVs. I'm also happy to help other people complete their Pokédexes with temporary trades.

I also have plenty of old (Gen IV & V) Event Pokémon I can trade for keeps. Some rare oddities from Gen III like Tri Attack Togepi too.

Please quote or PM me if interested!


Hullo all.

Just finished my Pokédex but I have a few missing 'mon in the shape of:

- Poké Ball Vivillon
- Diancie

If anyone has Enigma, Lansat, and Starf berries to spare I'd be very much obliged too!

I have a spare Fancy Pattern Vivillon and a whole bunch of custom-bred 'mon in cool Poké Balls, each with 4 Egg Moves, decent natures and 5x31 IVs. I'm also happy to help other people complete their Pokédexes with temporary trades.

I also have plenty of old (Gen IV & V) Event Pokémon I can trade for keeps. Some rare oddities from Gen III like Tri Attack Togepi too.

Please quote or PM me if interested!

Just want to confirm, but you don't have a US 3DS do you? Because the Pokeball Vivillon is available for US systems right now.


Anyone want any Gentle Ageto Celebis?

To make them less crappy I've given them Water Pulse and Giga Drain.

This is just part of my Wishmaker/Ageto giveaways.


Just want to confirm, but you don't have a US 3DS do you? Because the Pokeball Vivillon is available for US systems right now.

I do have a US 3DS, but sadly my only Pokemon games are on my European 3DS. Also just traded for it with someone else. Thanks for the heads up though!


I'm tempted, but only because Gentle would be a step up from the awful nature I got before, lol.

Why tempted? It's free, I give these out like candy.

Edit: While it is free a mon with 4 egg moves or a 5iv breeding reject would be nice, but not required, just give me anything.
So I've been trying fish chaining and I did not so bad catching shinies
Relicanth - 25
Quilfish - 3 (really caught me off guard here XD)
Staryu - around 40

Gonna try and get some repeats so I can net some good GTS trades

Just adding some more comments here
- Take out either Fire Blast or Heat Wave for Zard Y, you don't need both
- I would personally go for a tank-ish set for Lanturn to take better advantage of its high HP
- Take out Gardevoir's Moonblast or Hyper Voice (depending on which form you'll use more often) and replace it with something like Tbolt or Calm Mind
- Blaziken is better off with Hi Jump Kick
- Take out Gengar's Destiny Bond and replace with Shadow Ball
- You're using a Special Salmence but have an attack boosting abilty and a special hindering nature. Replace both with Intimidate/Timid

Ugh, I keep messing up on breeding Bagon, it's terrible. :lol I was going for Modest, only noticed it because of you. Thanks for the tips, updating my lists (and in some cases changing my Pokémon's moves already). Only one I'm gonna keep is my mixed Garchomp, because I'm tired of breeding Gible. :lol

Why tempted? It's free, I give these out like candy.

Edit: While it is free a mon with 4 egg moves or a 5iv breeding reject would be nice, but not required, just give me anything.

I've got a few boxes full of breeding rejects for you, I think around half are 5IV.


Is 100 a speed tier to worry about? I built a defensive Aegislash that is sitting at 97 speed after investments. Should I change that around to get 101?


That makes sense to me and was what I was originally building around.

252 SpA
Shadow Ball
Flash Cannon
King's Shield

Was trying to make a SpD Pivot
It's only worth investing in speed if you are going to use Autotomize in your set IMO.


after some reset got this ones

Naive - Serene Grace - - Grass
Impish - Serene Grace - - Dark
Impish - Serene Grace - - Dragon
Quiet - Serene Grace - - Ghost
Rash - Serene Grace - - Ice

the rest is very bad , some has 5-7 IVs for defense or attack
I once thought about going for a shiny Eevee, but my brain would melt if I had to chose between 8 different shiny evolutions. It would go into a permanent loop.
I actually wanted a Shiny Male for a blue Sylveon so I'm not sure what to evolve this female into. :(
Not Espeon though, don't like that shiny. >_<
I actually wanted a Shiny Male for a blue Sylveon so I'm not sure what to evolve this female into. :(
Not Espeon though, don't like that shiny. >_<

The only Eevolution shiny that I don't like is Jolteon, he looks like Baby Poop Green or Puke Green to me (the X-Y version). The newest Espeon to me is more like Alien Green.


I noticed that the Charizard UK event is distributed via Nintendo Zone too and then I remembered that it was possible to access Nintendo Zone from your home using a home hotspot. I searched a bit and I found out that you really could download Charizard like that.

I did all the steps in the guide and I managed to get it. I saw thought that some people consider it illegal... Is this Pokemon non-legit or it's identical to the UK event, with the different I never went to GAME?

If it's indeed legit then this is incredible. European Pokemon events are a real mess. It's been a bit better lately but still we miss quite a lot.



If lupinko is reading this, the date for these Jirachis is 1st August. Ouch, poor 1st August babies D:

I'll redo those if people want, tell the people we traded with. :p

And gaf can have those rejects.

My personal ones are also August 1st, but whatever I don't have powersaves and I actually live in Tohoku so w/e. And I wouldn't trade them anyway. :p


Hey PokéGAF, could anyone lend me a hand getting one or two extra shiny 5IV Hoppips with egg moves through cloning? I recently met up with some old acquaintances online, and I wanted to give one of those away since one of them has always loved Jumpluff. Of course, whoever helped would be free to keep some clones as long as I can get the original one plus one or two others for distribution.


Hey PokéGAF, could anyone lend me a hand getting one or two extra shiny 5IV Hoppips with egg moves through cloning? I recently met up with some old acquaintances online, and I wanted to give one of those away since one of them has always loved Jumpluff. Of course, whoever helped would be free to keep some clones as long as I can get the original one plus one or two others for distribution.
I can help you out with this, just send me a PM.
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