If I read correctly, those special New 3DS systems have a corresponding custom theme but the game software is NOT pre-installed.
Yeah that's what I figured, I'll wait for a green N3DS LL Rayquaza then, here's hoping they figure that out. Lol
If I read correctly, those special New 3DS systems have a corresponding custom theme but the game software is NOT pre-installed.
Yeah that's what I figured, I'll wait for a green N3DS LL Rayquaza then, here's hoping they figure that out. Lol
Oh gawd. If they did that right I'd so buy one...
Edit: Knowing Nintendo it'd be a limited release at Pokemon Center. Though lucky if done by lottery again, like the Charizard LL. And it wouldn't see worldwide release. ;_;
I'm going to be living here in Japan for the foreseeable future so I don't see anything wrong with that!![]()
Yeah, not so sure myself. Which is what would make that a bit sad. Though the bonus to the Charizard LL was you didn't have to go to PC to enter. You could if you wanted, but you could also print out something online, fill it out, then mail it in. Thank goodness for that!
Well I just made that up just like Shiny Christmas Tohoku Victini.
But they did make a white DS Lite Giratina in Japan and speaking of Hoenn.
I just picked up Japanese Sapphire for ¥842. So all I need now is Japanese Emerald and hope that a GBA pro action replay turns up. A GB/GBC one did turn up and I bought it by accident due to excitement, but I promptly returned it.
I think down the road I'll get Japanese Fire Red just to complete the collection (I have two US LGs).
I think leaving two of the four US RS I have solely to farm Jirachi is good enough.
Am I going to say no to good to amazing IV Shiny Hoenn legendaries?
And the games won't bore me to tears and won't take long to play since I'll have starters from Hoenn/Kanto/Johto to start with Jirachi and Celebi and HM Slaves Lapras and Tropius.
I was going to bring up the female Charmander with Metal Claw and Rock Slide to use in Gen 4 and mate it with a Japanese Dragonite from the used HG I bought here to get DD and Outrage. But I can hold off on that.
I'll also look into RSE breeding of shiny eggs for fun later.
Edit: I picked up Japanese Emerald for ¥1950, and it came with the box and manual! The box is in amazing condition for something from 10 years ago. No wireless adapter but I can always buy that super cheap.
Yeah with tax, funny thing is this Emerald was the cheapest and it came with everything sans wireless adapter which I bought anyway separately for cheap.
It's funny because bookoff had that Emerald whereas the other used places Geo Amusements and Seagull didn't have it for that price or condition! But Geo is where I bought near pristine Black (with slip cover) for ~¥900 and both RS for a little over ¥800 each.
It's funny and sad that when I was trying to buy the US versions in Vancouver on Craigslist, the prices were stupid, like the cheapest was $25, and then you have to worry about bootleg carts. Those damn pawn shops back home. Lol
How do you farm shinies? I've been reading the last two pages and I find it very interesting. I haven't played since diamond / pearl and forget quite a bit. Hoping to get back in with ORAS and maybe pick up Y today.
New Rotom event in Japan, and it's brutal. Good luck with it
his Rotom comes at Level 10 in a Cherish Ball, with the moves Shock Wave, Astonish, Trick & Thunder Wave. To get this Rotom, from October 15th you need to take your Nintendo 3DS with X & Y, Pokémon Battle Trozei or Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon, with you and have it on standby while you play the Pokémon Tretta arcade game. Doing this will have the 3DS communicate with the machine and charge up a special meter. Once the meter is filled, it will begin transmitting the Rotom for your Pokémon X & Y game, to be obtained with Mystery Gift - Local.
It is expected to run for the next three Pokémon Tretta series.
New Rotom event in Japan, and it's brutal. Good luck with it![]()
How do you farm shinies? I've been reading the last two pages and I find it very interesting. I haven't played since diamond / pearl and forget quite a bit. Hoping to get back in with ORAS and maybe pick up Y today.
New Rotom event in Japan, and it's brutal. Good luck with it
his Rotom comes at Level 10 in a Cherish Ball, with the moves Shock Wave, Astonish, Trick & Thunder Wave. To get this Rotom, from October 15th you need to take your Nintendo 3DS with X & Y, Pokémon Battle Trozei or Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon, with you and have it on standby while you play the Pokémon Tretta arcade game. Doing this will have the 3DS communicate with the machine and charge up a special meter. Once the meter is filled, it will begin transmitting the Rotom for your Pokémon X & Y game, to be obtained with Mystery Gift - Local.
It is expected to run for the next three Pokémon Tretta series.
That sounds.... complicated.
Can multiple players share the event? I can imagine people leeching off each other : P
That sounds.... complicated.
Can multiple players share the event? I can imagine people leeching off each other : P
Are those just face plates on the n3ds?
You can go grab another one quite easily if you have something with Compound Eyes. Geodude, Graveler, Roggenrola and Boldore can be found holding one.Anyone have an Everstone? I think I released the Exeggcute that was holding mine. I have 6 IV Charmander (Adamant), Tyrogue (Jolly), Bulbasaur (Naive), Exeggcute (Modest) or Vulpix (Modest) I can offer for it.
You can go grab another one quite easily if you have something with Compound Eyes. Geodude, Graveler, Roggenrola and Boldore can be found holding one.
If you can't be bothered though, I can pop on now and give you one of mine!
No worries! If you teach it Thief as well, you won't even have to worry about catching it!Sure enough, the first Graveler I caught with Vivillon leading my party was holding an Everstone. Thanks for the tip!![]()
How do you farm shinies? I've been reading the last two pages and I find it very interesting. I haven't played since diamond / pearl and forget quite a bit. Hoping to get back in with ORAS and maybe pick up Y today.
I dropped by Pokemon Center Tokyo yesterday. The first thing I noticed is that the place was quite small compared to what I imagined it'd be, and I guess I ended up getting most of yesterday's streetpasses in there.
The halloween pumpkaboo looked okay, but the one that came with a strap wasn't as soft as the other stuffed toys that were like it, so I ended up getting just an Inkay strap doll (it can also be hung upside down!).
On my way out, I noticed the capsule machines with pins in them and I ended up getting four of them hoping to get either of those sweet Joltik pins, but I only got a Ninetales, a Charizard, a Duoblade and a Blastoise (sadly not Magneton, either). So I ended up spending more on the pins than on the inkay plushie...
I was pretty let down by how they didn't have a Spiritomb plush toy like the one they had for halloween several years ago (and no Shuckle, either). I think visiting Super Potato was more exciting for me since they had more variety, and less things related to clothing, pens, paper and the like, but it was still okay IMO.
By the way, did I have a chance to get the event Gengar despite having a US version of Pokemon Y? If I can get it, I might end up visiting again sometime.
I've been to both Tohoku and Yokohama, Yokohama is bigger than Tohoku's but up here in Sendai we get more exclusive stuff, not just event mon like Shiny Jirachi but also all the Date Masamune themed pokemon that is exclusive to Sendai.
I'm looking for one more PP Max. You get a Heracronite or Houndoominite in return![]()
Heracronite sounds fun. Are you free to trade?
I am now!
Give me 5 minutes. Gotta catch a Pokemon first![]()
Ahhhh maybe I'm spoiled then, haha. Only been to Yokohama one but I liked it. Being in mall area is nice too.
Edit: Julian, curious, did you spend ¥1,500 or more at the PC? Just wondering if they give the Shiny Mega Gengar card away there as well. I imagine they do.
Trying out Kyurem for the first time online against randoms. I feel bad sometimes using a legendary but then the teem preview has the other person using legends too so then I get over it.
No, those two are monstersLegendary is only a buzzword. The pokemon people should be referring to are things like Mewtwo and Rayquaza. Phione or Articuno or the regis are hardly going to be sweeping anyone XD. Funnily enough, that's my personal thing that I use to gauge how good someone is at pokemon. If they don't care then they have a brain and know pokemon is all about numbers, not arbitrary words used to hype kids. If not then I definitely won't be bringing my actual team against them, just my fun one.
just PM me on gaf FC:1848-2662-4262
Anyone interested in a Houndoominite? I'm looking for an Ability Capsule![]()
Me! That is if you don't mind waiting a couple of hours (or a day if the AI is being cheap) for me to grind 60 BP.
Ahhhh maybe I'm spoiled then, haha. Only been to Yokohama one but I liked it. Being in mall area is nice too.
Nah, the Inkay plushie was about 600-something yen, so I guess I didn't qualify for that (and the capsule pins I bought afterwards probably didn't count).
I'm around the Ueno area where there's a smallish Yodobashi Camera store, but I'm not sure if that one would qualify for the Gengar distribution. If you happen to know where I could pick it up, please let me know and I'll drop by when I have the chance.
I think I'll be quite busy this week with all my preparations for TGS, and then with the TGS proper. Earlier this morning I forgot to save and Unity froze, making me lose about three hours I had spent building a level for the game demo I'll be showcasing. I guess I'll go visit the beaches the week after that, though!
Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Ueno second shop
Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 4-9-8
I use four legendaries when fighting randoms or ubersTrying out Kyurem for the first time online against randoms. I feel bad sometimes using a legendary but then the teem preview has the other person using legends too so then I get over it.