I do if you're online now.
FC:1848 2662 4262
The forums weren't loading for me for a while so I kinda forgot about my post. I'll be on from 9AM to 1PM central time tomorrow (Friday).
I do if you're online now.
FC:1848 2662 4262
I continue to take a perverse amount of pleasure over walling kids that only use Ubers and terribly overused Pokemon with Shuckle. It's immensely satisfying.
The game is a bad tutor here (at the same time it doesn't want to overcomplicate things for younger players). As a kid I personally used parafuse a lot but never bothered to raise or lower stats (if I had known how much of a difference they could make I might have, then again gen 1 was critsville)Most kids have no idea how to deal with defensive pokemon and status effects.
Look what I did just now, well a few minutes ago, had to be uploaded first.
Faster than Kyogre, going for Registeel now.
Does anyone have either:
A) A Muk with HA?
B) A Poison FS with Muk?
I'd like one of those, if possible.
Considering I sr'd for over a month in my black 2 copy for a shiny regirock and never got it I must say I'm quite jelly. Congrats to ya!
Shiny Mega Gengar GET!
Guess if you spen so much here you get a holo TCG card of it too? Also see a TCG pack with Mega Gengar on front. Too bad I suck at reading kanji. D:
I got so caught up in Emerald that I forgot that Smash came out today. I bought Smash just now. Lol
Oh Joe, do you know if the pre order toys in Japan say you get both with one game or you get only one with each game?
If it's the latter then I'll just buy the double pack. But I originally wanted one digital and one physical but the figures do not come with the digital.
One with each game I think.
Edit: They made this image, mostly for Pokémon Center pre-order bonuses but it should clarify
Ah ok, I can eventually buy a digital Alpha sapphire later, can the 3ds cart saves be transferred to an eshop version like other 3ds games? Not necessarily asking you but that in general.
Yeah there's a special Mega Gengar promo card. Really limited though.
A new set came out today called Phantom Gate, which also focuses on Mega Gengar
So I was randomly breeding a Rapidash I got from wonder trade to get a Ponyta to train myself (for nostalgia reasons). I got 5 eggs for the hell of it and on the 4th egg got a shiny Ponyta
(For some reason image not showing).
You make me cry on the inside so much. Took FO-EV-ER to get mine. :/ Only just recently, within last couple of weeks, FINALLY got rid of the 6IV Ponyta I had from that breeding session. Pretty sure I wore folks out of 6IV Ponyta here, LOL.
Edit: Refreshing page finally got your Shiny Ponyta to show. Such an awesome shiny.![]()
Its probably just beginners luck after having not played for so long. But I gotta admit, I cant wait to get to end game to start breeding and giving!
By time you get serious about it.. it's going to be a drag. LOL. My first one this generation was a Fennekin I got. Was just breeding to learn how to do the IV thing (before I got my 6IV Ditto) with Ditto's that had 2IV's a pop and breeding up. Out popped a gray bundle of "OMG".
By the way, congrats on the shiny Ponyta! IVs or not it's special.
Speaking of ORAS, shinies and nostalgia, Muku you should get on your quest for shiny Regis, Groudon and Rayquaza. :O
Would anyone happen to have a female Ralts with Telepathy or a Kirlia friend safari?
I can catch you one.Would anyone happen to have a female Ralts with Telepathy or a Kirlia friend safari?
I'm giving away some starter pokemon in honor of our fallen friends Squirtle and Ivysaur. Even thought they're gone from Smash, you can still destroy other trainers with them here in Pokemon, and that's all that matters in the end.
HA Modest Bulbasaur with Giga Drain (31/x/31/31/31/31)
2x Adamant Charmander with Dragon Drance (31/31/x/31/31)
HA Modest Squirtle with Aura Sphere (31/x/31/31/31/31)
1 per person, thought you can have them all tomorrow at this time if they're unclaimed. Anyways, all of this made me realize that breeding starters with egg moves is a painful process. Damn that gender ratio!
I'd love the Squirtle if possible please! Is there anything you'd like in return?
Nope. It's all yours for free.
Here's my FC: 1032-1686-2546
Name: Anto
HA Modest Bulbasaur with Giga Drain (31/x/31/31/31/31)
2x Adamant Charmander with Dragon Drance (31/31/x/31/31)
HA Modest Squirtle with Aura Sphere (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Awesome, thank you so much! Very kind of you.
My FC: 4296 - 2967 - 9528
Let me know when you're available to trade. I'll be heading off to sleep in the next hour but I'll keep checking periodically.Thanks again!
Id love the Bulbasaur if its still available.
FC: 5086-3218-9049
Thanks Anto! Amazingly this is my first Bulbasaur.
I'll be online for the next 40 minutes so just hop in and we'll quickly trade.
I should. My problem is.. I want Sapphire too. LOL. Thinking about picking up Sapphire and Emerald. Went and priced used copies today. Tempted to go into town and pick them up. Never owned either, and would be nice to compliment Ruby. Trying to find another way to kill time besides breeding. Haven't had too much time for that though. SRing this Gengar though. Got so close to something decent today.Edit: Well, maybe Emerald first. Want Sapphire but feel like Emerald is better first, since I haven't played it.
Edit: By the way, you nab Gengar today or waiting on that?
Oh I'll grab Gengar probably today and may watch a movie. Yesterday was just smash, shiny RNGing and thunderstorms. Lol
It's trickier for starters or gift mon because I can't find which frame I'm on due to their incredibly low levels.
Edit: I was also multi tasking, playing smash while trying to RNG both Treecko and Beldum. Haha
Ahh. I skipped Smash. Don't want 3DS version of it even though I had an awesome friend reserve me one. And I hear that thunderstorms thing. Had a surprise one last night. We weren't supposed to have it or rain. Surprise!
Today, between work, going to try SRing this Gengar again and hoping to restart Ruby today to prepare for the shinies. If I can get that to work well will pick up Emerald and Sapphire soon. Would love to replace the shinies in my dex with my own.
Was playing WoW this morning and SRing this Gengar. xD Shoulda really gone with one I had yesterday. I kick myself now and move forward.
Shiny Beldum, in terms of being given it without breeding, is Emerald only ya?
Nah, Beldum is in RS too. http://www.serebii.net/rubysapphire/gift.shtml
But I was trying to RNG Shiny Adamant Beldum in Emerald, I'm debating if I should just give up on Shiny timid Treecko in Sapphire and go wih Shiny Calm Mudkip because it's the earliest Shiny frame (1m50s vs 4m57s timid) the calm mudkip would likely be only for in game although it does have perfect SpD so that's perfect for that Sapphire's eventual Shiny Regice.![]()
Well hell. To be honest, only recently found out about it. But my dislike for this generation was (and still is) high, so I suppose it's not too much of a surprise. Guess I need to go read that page now before I restart...
Edit: God damnit, means I missed it in my original file that I deleted earlier this year. Ah well. Though guess means the one I do have is probably legit though. Got a level 5 back in Black 1 days. Not sure why they gave it away, but wondered why it was level 5. Just plugged in my phat to get ready to get that before I restart it again.
Ah ok, I just did another RNG for my Japanese Ruby's TID/SID abuse, I got it in 5 tries, so I'm getting better! Lol
If I can get Japanese Sapphire and Emerald super cheap like Japanese Ruby it'll be good. I think I'll leave two US carts of RS to be Jirachi farming carts going forward. I'll use the other Ruby cart that I have a game on now to restart after I confirm its secret id, and if it is what I think it is I'll restart.
It's also cool because I can load up the games with Jirachi and Celebi to start, and RS has no trade restriction so I'm hoping it applies to eggs too, I'd trade over eggs of Kanto and Johto starters.
So 1 Hoenn, 1 Kanto, 1 Johto, Jirachi, Celebi, and Colosseum Pikachu? Lol
Too bad there is no way to farm Mew as easily as Jirachi or Celebi in gen 3 other than catching it in Japanese Emerald. :/
Is Mew in Japanese Emerald? Without anything crazy? It's just in it? 'Cuz I know about the event item, Old Sea Map, but even then if you were to restart you wouldn't have the item.
Should check local used stores. Was actually shocked mine had several each and not as horribly priced as I've seen online and thought it would be.
I do have a question about saving in RSE. I know what the GB games R/B/Y relied on a battery save. How does it work for the GBA games?
Edit: Sad thing I just realized is I have Eon tickets... with my stuff back in States. Urgh. Wish I had one of them and my e-reader with me. ><
Oh for Mew you will need the old sea map so outside of a game shark or pro action replay that's not going to happen any time soon.
The watch battery in RSE is only for keeping track of the game's clock for growing berries and day night cycles. So unless you really want berries or umbreon and espeon on the same playthrough then it's not important.
Gba games moved to flash memory for saves so this isn't like the gb days.
I got my Shiny Mega Gengars, I took note of the PC bonuses. They'll also have LE exclusive Red Black Groudon and Blue White Kyogre N3DS for ¥19000 each but i didn't see anywhere if it said it included the games. I'd want them if they were LL, which it doesn't look like they'll be. :/
Oh well, white Peach n3ds next month is good enough for me.