Velcro Fly
fucking route 13. this shit is unreal how frustrating it is for no reason. i just want to proceed with the game and i can't because of stupid fucking sandstorm and unavoidable random encounters
Blaziken with mega stone (Sky Uppercut, Brave Bird, Bulk Up, Flare Blitz)
Eelektross(Crunch, Acid Spray, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam)
Flygon (Fly, Dig, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw)
Crobat (Toxic, Acrobatics, Bite, *idk what to make his fourth move)
Metagross (Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Agility)
Poliwrath (Rain Dance, Hypnosis, Surf, Power-Up Punch)
I guess I'm really just asking what moves to replace![]()
I wouldn't recommend Hypnosis at all with its terrible accuracy.
Replace either meteor Mash or Bullet Punch with Hammer Arm.
Crobat learns Cross Poison to help against fairies.
Replace Charge beam with flamethrower.
Absolutely remove Fly, it'll only make you vulnerable and with little payoff.
And as already said, find a general strategy to work with.
And I finally got an Adamant Self-Destruct Munchlax. Complaining on GAF really does work.
Is there any benefit to evolving Munchlax besides the pre-evolution specific moves?
These contests have... awful prizes. I find PokeMiles to be a complete waste. And 5 rare candies? Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I stopped using that back in R/B/Y days. I imagine folks don't join for the prizes, but there's not really much motivation other than for your own fun I guess. I just don't know why the offer prizes at all though.
2525 PokeMiles is like 5 PP Ups I think which would be pretty sweet.
It's funny they exclude rotom even though it's base form is electric/ghost.
Well that makes some sense then. Speaking of sense, if every ghost team brings Sableye who are you suppose to use to kill the damn thing?Think it's because they wouldn't be able to restrict it so it's just Rotom's base form and not the other ones.
Well that makes some sense then. Speaking of sense, if every ghost team brings Sableye who are you suppose to use to kill the damn thing?
Did a lot of breeding lately anyone interested in some 4IV HA DB's:
You still got the Petilil? What do you want for it?
I picked up a cart Pokemon X while I'm here at home visiting.
So I have like 5 copies of XY now, I'll get a used Japanese cart Y when I get back.
So 4 carts, NA XY, JP XY, 2 Eshop, NA X, JP Y.
I'll do this for ORAS too.
Because of people like you Nintendo will never stop making Pokémon games!
And thanks! Because I like Pokémon and even though RS were my first serious Pokémon game I'm going to download OR or AS (don't know wich one yet) on midnight! It doesn't matter that I already played a lot the original!
Actually you get multiple games to farm events easier, and for the metagame, competitive or for breeding, you will need at least 2 copies of the game and 2 consoles.
I actually have access to events in Japan, and I like collecting the games too. Having multiple games is not unheard of for this series.
Yes and I would love a PM with your friend code once your online for it
Also everyone updated the list and everything but the Aerodactyl and Riolu are 5IV plus the GTS obtained legendaries are also up for grabs
Does anyone have Chansey with a Lucky Egg?
I'm seriously having trouble leveling up my Zweilous so I can breed an Outrage Garchomp.
At Victory Road in FR. And now I just remember how awful Victory Road was back then. I tend not to bring items with me in a cave, I just power through as long as I can, head out and heal, then go back in. But PC is a while away, and have to run by all the gates just to get back to cave. But the worst part is having to bring along an HM slave just to move boulders on the inside. Poor Primeape is going to be so severely underleveled when I get done with this place. Actually he already is a bit. Because instead of Gym trainers having Pokemon relating to the type, most seem to have the same stuff Team Rocket has, stupid poison Pokemon so like two of my Pokemon get super high while rest languish in obscurity for most of the game.
I recently started making competitive Pokemon and holy crap I never realized how good Skarmory was. I haven't even had a chance to try out my Breloom because he's just tanking the Pokemon I go against.
I recently started making competitive Pokemon and holy crap I never realized how good Skarmory was. I haven't even had a chance to try out my Breloom because he's just tanking the Pokemon I go against.
I recently started making competitive Pokemon and holy crap I never realized how good Skarmory was. I haven't even had a chance to try out my Breloom because he's just tanking the Pokemon I go against.
What else did you expect considering Skarmory is the poke cousin of Sky Lynx.
Since you're almost done, did you want to use the TID/SID combo I got you before, or did you want to use the 3 31iv Adamant spread or the one 4 31iv 1 30iv adamant spread, the 3 has a 31 spe whereas the 4 has a 3 spe. Iirc the latter spread is more limited for Regice and the times are a lot later, I'd need to check the spreadsheet I made.
Yesssssss. So good. Funny enough been going back recently and watching the old series.
Getting there, though isn't there a bit more after E4 in this? Or am I remembering incorrectly? I plan on getting the legendaries in this go through .. just cause. I'm probably going to go with the one you gave me. Trying to get through this game so I can breed a team to transfer to Ruby so I can stop having such a sucky team over there. Not breeding for IVs but will breed for Nature I want on the Pokemon before tossing over to Ruby.
I guess the original ones you gave me work fine for fact I'm not overly picky. Getting to replace I'm sure the hacked ones in my Pokebank with ones I've gotten will be fantastic in and of itself. Still pondering on Emerald and Sapphire, but probably won't bother thinking about it much 'til I can finish Ruby.
Oh, is the Eon Ticket Lati@s not affected? Awesome! Will definitely be glad to get back to that then, assuming I can find my ticket when I get back to it.
I didn't know Jolteon got bumped down so badly this gen. It's always been limited in its moveset, but it's weird seeing it dropping down so much.
I have no where else to put it so I'll put it here, the music in Pokemon Colosseum is beyond epic wow.
I read that you can get a free celebi for using the poke transporter, but only just found out it is a paid subscription. Does anyone know will a subscription be required to transfer from Pokemon x/y to ORAS?
Is Celebi a rare enough pokemon that it would be worth subscribing now?
I thought you could get the Celebi by just using the trial for Pokemon Bank? (Or has the period where they're offering a trial ended and the Celebi event still going?)
You don't need Pokemon Bank to transfer from XY to ORAS*. Bank/Transporter is only needed to transfer Pokemon from Gen 5 (B/W and B/W2) games to XY or ORAS (and will then be used to send XY and ORAS Pokemon to new games afterward).
(*Bank, however, is a way you'll be able to transfer Pokemon from XY to ORAS by yourself with only one 3DS. Though the restriction is you can't transfer items with it).
the celebi offer is over now
so, if you are not interested in the bank , don't waste your money