Jeff Vader
@.@ Jirachi! What you want for it? And thanks for the help!Sorry I passed out there a little. Lol
@.@ Jirachi! What you want for it? And thanks for the help!Sorry I passed out there a little. Lol
@.@ Jirachi! What you want for it? And thanks for the help!
You had a shiny one earlier, where did it come from?A regular one? You can pick from the list I posted on the previous page.
I'll take any breedable 5iv with egg moves or I dunno a shiny.
You had a shiny one earlier, where did it come from?
And lemme get a list of pokemon I can offer, it would be easier that just me throwing up ransoms in my box yes?
Oh that shiny one is not up for grabs. And it looks like I'm almost out of battery. I was trying to look my charger that's why it stalled,
I only offer regular ones, the Shiny Tanabata 2014s are too much.I farmed a lot of those too during the event in my Japanese city. I posted about it many pages back!
Hey guys, I'm looking for some of these Pokemon with hidden abilities:
I can offer the following 5IV pokemon in exchange:
HA Shroomish with Bullet Seed
HA Hippopotas with Slack off and Stockpile
HA 6IV Abra
Larvitar with Stealth Rock
Charmander with Dragon Dance
OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. I forgot you were doing that earlier.Uh Pokemon Bank is giving me a weird error saying it can't connect because I haven't accepted the network services agreement even though I just used it the other day.
Ok I got it working now and i got these I can offer that are 5 iv + egg moves:
HP Ice Treecko (if I remember right the speed iv is 30)
Or I can offer a shiny Shroomish, Kangaskhan or Sableye for a Jirachi.
Naive sounds good. I'm at work though so I'll have to trade you later.I'll take the bagon, choose a jirachi from the list provided on the last page, or I can repost it if you want.
I have the trio you're looking for, but do you happen to have a defog drifloon?
I have the trio you're looking for, but do you happen to have a defog drifloon?
Naive sounds good. I'm at work though so I'll have to trade you later.
Ah it's cool, looks like Lupinko can hook it up. As for your stuff any pokemon will be fine, I just have to trade after work.Nope. Most of the Pokemon that can only learn moves in previous gens (especially 4) avoid me.
I only got males. >.>Does Pumpkaboo only come as a female? Not sure if that's locked, but have been SRing for Insomnia, but only thing I keep getting are females.
No, I got a male one. Joe's pic has a male as well:Does Pumpkaboo only come as a female? Not sure if that's locked, but have been SRing for Insomnia, but only thing I keep getting are females.
I never got to deep into Pokemon abilities and stuff like that, so can someone tell me what's so special about getting Insomnia? Thanks.
Nevermind just found out. So I can just not save and quit the game until I get one with Insomnia?
Ah dude, I'll check my cart laterMew, Victini, Maloetta, Shaymin and Manaphy. Its a lot to ask for but their the only ones I'm missing to have all the legendaries
No worries I'm in no rushAh dude, I'll check my cart later
Sorry for the delay
I've got Mew, Manaphy, Victini, and Meloetta; just missing the ShayminNo worries I'm in no rush
Sounds good thanks Muku
Damn I missed out again. Well, I get on at 10 pm est every night so just shoot me a pm or a trade request if you see me online.I've got Mew, Manaphy, Victini, and Meloetta; just missing the Shaymin
My FC is on my profile, PM me yours
Oh hey you don't have to worry about the Drifloon anymore, I managed to get one last night. But I am online to trade for your Jirachi.lupinko said:
I think that's literally the only one I bothered to get in the past three years. Should be on my BW game card but you'd need to clone it as I have no means to do it myself. Would actually appreciate two back so I can give one away at the next tournament.I've never gotten a Flying Pikachu. Haven't really heard of one in forever. Lookd it up and most recent one was a giveaway at Worlds 2012 it looks like? Doubtful, but does anyone have one of those for trade? (Clones fine.)
I'll take the Scyther pls. I have some shiny stones that I have no need for. My FC is in my profile.New page
I'm looking for one more Shiny Stone. Yeah, Togekiss is one of my favorite Pokemon
Scyther - Adamant, 5 IV, Defog, Dusk Ball (male or female)
Togepi - Bold, 5 IV, Nasty Plot, Luxury Ball (male)
Ferroseed - Relaxed, 4 IV + 0 Speed IV, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Dusk Ball (male or female)
I've never gotten a Flying Pikachu. Haven't really heard of one in forever. Lookd it up and most recent one was a giveaway at Worlds 2012 it looks like? Doubtful, but does anyone have one of those for trade? (Clones fine.)
I could make a box of clones in about 10 mins if you're up for that.I think that's literally the only one I bothered to get in the past three years. Should be on my BW game card but you'd need to clone it as I have no means to do it myself. Would actually appreciate two back so I can give one away at the next tournament.
I think that's literally the only one I bothered to get in the past three years. Should be on my BW game card but you'd need to clone it as I have no means to do it myself. Would actually appreciate two back so I can give one away at the next tournament.
I could make a box of clones in about 10 mins if you're up for that.
Edit:Damn I missed out again. Well, I get on at 10 pm est every night so just shoot me a pm or a trade request if you see me online.
My FC is on my profile as well. Already added you
I'll take the Scyther pls. I have some shiny stones that I have no need for. My FC is in my profile.
What time do you usually get on?
No, I got a male one. Joe's pic has a male as well:
I believe I'm home early tonight so I'll probably get on at around 9ishMale or female? My Friend Code: 0018-0514-5258
Uuhm, 6 - 10 pm CEST today I guess (6 hours and 25 minutes from now).
Got tired of SRing for a male pumpkaboo. So I just went with the first Insomnia pumpkaboo I found.
At least it has 31 in Special Attack lol.
Im at work. I can get on tonight after 9 EstPanzon, I'm online now![]()
Im at work. I can get on tonight after 9 Est
You have to soft-reset for insomnia.I got one with frisk.... wtf
You have to soft-reset for insomnia.
Hey I'm heading home now (stupid clients) let me know if you can do the trade tonight.2 am here, ouch. But it's Friday, so I'll see you then![]()
Hey I'm heading home now (stupid clients) let me know if you can do the trade tonight.
If not, we can try again tomorrow