Edit: Do we know at the moment if we're getting any new dual-type Pokemon combinations?
Mega Lopunny is Normal/Fighting if that's what you consider as a new dual-type pokemon.
Edit: Do we know at the moment if we're getting any new dual-type Pokemon combinations?
Okay, can I trade for an Impish Salac vanilla Jirachi and DR Ho-oh if you still have it?Always, if you're interested the ones I have on hand are the ones on the list.
I've been busy so no new fresh batch but there's already a ton so it's kinda overkill.
Okay, can I trade for an Impish Salac vanilla Jirachi and DR Ho-oh if you still have it?
Here's what I can offer
Chespin (5iv egg moves)
Pancham (5iv egg moves)
Machop (5iv egg moves)
Relicanth (shiny)
Qwilfish (shiny)
Staryu (shiny)
Clauncher (shiny)
Yeah sure, that's fine. They're all nonhacked and Kalos native. The Pancham is yoursIf you just want a DR Hooh already available on hand, I can do that, I'll list what is available. Worst case scenario is generating another batch is not an issue though.
I'll take shiny Staryu and Clauncher. I take it they are Kalos native/caught and not powersaved/cloned? Can I also take a Pancham?
You got a deal.
Yeah sure, that's fine. They're all nonhacked and Kalos native. The Pancham is yours
FC is in my profile. Thanks!
Legendary Hustlin' said:Gen 3 Events and Dream Radar Legendaries Swapmeet repost for the new page:
Wishmaker Jirachi
+TM Water Pulse
-vanilla +berry
Impish x2 Salac
Quirky x7 Ganlon
Gentle x2 Ganlon
Relaxed Salac
Docile Ganlon
Serious Salac
Lax Salac
Reserve: BlazeBreak - Quirky TM, 7echnicolor - Rash Ganlon, Blue Ninja - Gentle TM, Jeff Vader - Naive TM, MasterSheen - Impish Salac
Ageto Celebi
+TMs Water Pulse & Giga Drain
Naughty x2
Reserve: BlazeBreak - Bashful TM, 7echnicolor - Careful, Blue Ninja - Mild TM
Colosseum Pikachu (comes with Light Ball) *Remains "Pikachu" even when evolved, Note: Do Not Evolve to Raichu
Dream Radar Legendaries (ask for any what I have available or I can do a complete set for you with your OT name (cannot exceed 7 characters) and gender)
CorvoSol - Landorus, Tornadus
MasterSheen - Hooh
Mega Lopunny is Normal/Fighting if that's what you consider as a new dual-type pokemon.
So on this Japanese AR I got for GBA so I can see my SID in Emerald, it has codes already for JP Emerald, and apparently you can "fight" Deoxys without a Pokemon. It's one of the funniest things I've seen.
Guess we trade some other dayalso added some new shinies to my list so let me know if would like one of them instead
Yeah sorry man, I passed out yesterday, I'll have your stuff reserved but you'll get it soon.
Sure hope you had funand it is possible you can farm me a couple more with a JPN name for the same rate please let me know.
That may not be likely I'm afraid given my schedule this long holiday weekend (i.e. Not Holiday since I'm working, yay Japan!), and that the event ends soon. So no guarantees on that.
That's cool thanks again, btw would do you do sounds that make you jump around like that sounds interesting
JPN Event GengarWhat was it that you were seeking that lupinko was going to get for you?
I got him one already, he wants me to get another. Lol
What was it that you were seeking that lupinko was going to get for you?
I got him one already, he wants me to get another. Lol
Ahhhh, I see.
Edit: nevermind, sent a pm instead (to Rimon).
Thank you.
JPN Event Gengar
EDIT:Fuck can't even structure a sentence properly I think I should take a break for a while
You did!, thank you let me know when you're ready to trade (and asking politely don't make me sound ungrateful)
Nah, you're not ungrateful, it's cool. I'll get your mon now from Santalune.
Cool already have you on my list so let me know.
I'm just SR for Modest / Timid now, your Gengar is Male too.
Edit: Got Modest, I'll do your WC proof too.
Thank no need for the WC since i'm going to keep it, going on.
Lol, I did one anyway. Haha, ok no need to upload, let me get it ready for you since I'm going to move it now.
Edit: MasterSheen, I got Relaxed, Rash or Mild for DR Hooh.
I can trade now.
Edit: What's the best nature for Pumpakaboo / Gourgeist Insomnia?
Edit: What's the best nature for Pumpakaboo / Gourgeist Insomnia?
Thank you.
Not sure, but I didn't worry about it on my Event one. I figure I'll breed to get the nature + IVs I want. Though does remind me gotta do some looking into Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist for a nature.
I kept the calm one I got from SR because it had a 0 speed. So I bred it to be brave (-speed +Atk).
Phantom Force (STAB)
Seed Bomb (STAB)
Rock Slide / Gyro Ball (coverage / fairies)
Trick Room
Thank you!
Ah ok, for this one Pumpkaboo I'll just do an Insomnia and then wipe and refarm again. Lol
I think you're still holding my event mon? Well whenever is fine.
I'll take the mild one.Lol, I did one anyway. Haha, ok no need to upload, let me get it ready for you since I'm going to move it now.
Edit: MasterSheen, I got Relaxed, Rash or Mild for DR Hooh.
I can trade now.
I'll take the mild one.
Would it be possible if I can get a shiny gengar?
Oh I didn't know that. Lol nevermindPretty sure the GameStop promotion for that starts in the US soon. Any reason for one now over that one? Just curious.
Did anyone in Canada received the Pinsir or Heracross megastone? They didn't send any email...
Oh I didn't know that. Lol nevermind
I tell you, between this and the limited Ruby/Sapphire demo I'm really getting fed up with Nintendo
Any news as to when the demos will be available here in Na?
How can Eruption (or any other fire move) not melt ice? it's beyond stupid to have a Typhlosion frozen, it's a freaking volcano!
I've always wondered about that. You can also burn Water Pokemon, right? Doesn't make much sense either.![]()