Looking for a friend safari that has Ditto. Trying to get started on some IV breeding and any help would be much appreciated!
Looking for a friend safari that has Ditto. Trying to get started on some IV breeding and any help would be much appreciated!
I'm still holding your stuff, and how are the stones?
Looking for a friend safari that has Ditto. Trying to get started on some IV breeding and any help would be much appreciated!
I have a extra North Amrican Gengar code. I prefer to give it to someone who has the require 3DS but doesn't have access to the code.
I just got back from gamestop, they told me Shiny Grengar is a preorder bonus for the new Pokemon games. They were lying right?
I think it's a case by case basis. On the card it says, "**Deposit may be required." Yet others have said the facebook page states no purchase is necessary.
I just walked in there and asked about the event and the clerk gave it to me with no question, so try another store if you can :/
There is absolutely no purchase necessary. It is a free gift and Gamestop staff KEEP trying to pull this. It is unacceptable.
This is another reason events are few and far between outside of Japan.
I fucking hate gamestop. I cant even put it into proper words. Whenever I avoid them I can. This was my first time trying to get involved with a Gamestop store distribution and it will probably be my last. The employee I spoke to wasnt even helpful or nice.
I just got back from gamestop, they told me Shiny Grengar is a preorder bonus for the new Pokemon games. They were lying right?
Report the store and see if anything happens
Anyone have a PAL Gengar code and need a NA one or alternatively doesn't have access to either code and need a NA one?
I need a NA one. Gamestop screwed me over![]()
Lucked out with a manager friend who had some extra Gengar codes, despite most of the Toronto stores being cleared out of them. HURRAY!
Wait, I can't just walk in and get it through mystery gift like I did the legendary dogs? Why would they do that?
There is absolutely no purchase necessary. It is a free gift and Gamestop staff KEEP trying to pull this. It is unacceptable.
This is another reason events are few and far between outside of Japan.
Awesome, I have a few things for you, too. How many pokemon do you have for me? IIRC your Pinsirite and Houndoominite are ready, I don't have Aggronite yet. Getting close.
Wait, I can't just walk in and get it through mystery gift like I did the legendary dogs? Why would they do that?
Probably a long shot, but does anyone have a HA Unnerve Aerodactyl they can trade me? Not sure what I might have of value that someone might trade one for, but if you can give me a list of what you'd want and I'll see what I can do. No specific nature/gender/IV requirement as I'm going to be breeding it myself anyway.
Sure I'll put on GTS what should I put it for?Probably a long shot, but does anyone have a HA Unnerve Aerodactyl they can trade me? Not sure what I might have of value that someone might trade one for, but if you can give me a list of what you'd want and I'll see what I can do. No specific nature/gender/IV requirement as I'm going to be breeding it myself anyway.
Sure I'll put on GTS what should I put it for?
Picking something that won't get sniped, I'll throw up a Lvl 2 Female Caterpie in a quick ball if that's alright with you. I could throw up something better but afraid that'd just get taken. My trainer has short brown hair, blue shirt, and a black and white hat with green/blue buttons. In game name is Chris.
I finally completed my Kalos-born living dex last night, sans a couple event legendaries.Slow going after I sort of burnt myself out on the game and then got busy at work, but I'm glad to have finally completed it.
I still need a Deoxys and a couple others, but I'm honestly not sure how much I care.
On another note, to get that Gengar at Gamestop, do you have to take your 3DS in? Or do you just ask for the code?
:xAlso everyone please go vote for Kelly Clarkson here because I hate Madonna.
cool i'll trade it now, I don't care what you put on but assuming you already put the caterpie
EDIT:Guess you didn't so just let me know when you do.
I put it up. You didn't see it? I even wrote "HI Gaf!" in the description
Haha. It got sniped. Will throw up another.
First I found was a male scatterbug, so I threw that up. Same details otherwise including description.
Ok cool, thanks. I may actually preorder one of them anyway. We'll see. I'll try and stop by tomorrow on my dinner break if I can.You just ask for the code. It should come on a little pamphlet thing. You also DO NOT have to preorder the game, regardless of what they try to convince you.
lol this is not working my FC :1848-2662-4262
lol this is not working my FC :1848-2662-4262 the hell am I to get these mega stones off my Y game and into X? I assumed that, using the same 3DS, I could just ask someone here to help me trade them over, but nobody appears in the friends list :/
Bank doesn't store pokemon with items.
I tried using a GTS transfer but that doesn't let you trade mega stones either.
Are any of you going to farm the new Keldeo, Victini and Shaymin Event ? I have a Rare Facebook Charizard I can trade plus some other stuff from my list.
That's an expensive way of farming since actual merchandise has to be bought.
This isn't a local wireless thing like shiny Jirachi or Outbreakchus.
I'll do this but only get like one of each of the three or something.
Oh bummer what kind of merchandise can I order it from