Just got Angry Pikachu.
Now never to touch that Safari again.
Now never to touch that Safari again.
What? He'll be on the top screen?
I'm hoping it is just a glitch. I need to try with a couple others to see if it's just Spheal.
this was 2 days ago
maybe fake.
this was 2 days ago
maybe fake.
Oh, wow, I want that exclusive leg pokemon.
I doubt Nintendo would do ban anyone who use it,but mostly they gonna patch it.Oh damn, I'll have to give that a try.
Finally made it to stage 350, need to get 5 more S-ranks & pokemon to catch, then I'm finally caught up. So glad weekend Meowth will allow more attempts via jewels.
Edit: So how long until Nintendo patches this & possibly does something to the people who use it? Then again, it doesn't affect online, so hopefully nothing...
this was 2 days ago
maybe fake.
this was 2 days ago
maybe fake.
Good, 350 S-ranked. Though freakin' hell, do I gotta use a C-1 for the rest of the stages I need to S-rank (345, 347, 348, & 349)? Even worse is when I use the normal 3 items & I STILL can't beat the stage.
Also damn, Mega Mewtwo X's ability isn't that great.....
& you can only use 1 jewel on Weekend Meowth per week. Oh well, least I can use the jewel from beating 350 next week.
PSA: changing the time on your 3DS will replenidh your hearts immediately , i think it's only work if you buy the 6 or 7 hearts.
hope they don't patch this.
Not sure how I feel about Fast Match. It's basically just anti-Shuffle Move mode.
The game doesn't seem to make any attempt to explain what this is. Far as I could tell you get a 1.5x bonus for matching quickly?
Put up a 41,399 under Fast Match rules, which has me in the 3,000s in NA/3DS. Going to throw my usual method at it shortly and see how much I beat that by.
But man, Fast Match is nuts. This is the top score in my region.
Edit: 70,261 with Shuffle Move. Fission mailed.
dat 5 match super bolt